

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi all...I have a food question. My calories are low (according to MFP) but I have maxed my fat/protein. How can I get more calories without going into the negative on the fat/protein. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

    That was reported yesterday after I finished eating all my tracked food too. HELP???

    If you are so inclined, you can open up your diary for others to see what is happening, and provide you with some suggestions. I have mine open to my friends. We are all supportive here, so no worry that people are going to beat you over the head. My MFP friends are helping me a lot.

    All the best!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    katla - congrats on being down a dress size.

    carol - just went to the funeral of the guy on my bowling team. Boy, down here they don't go to the cemetery and there wasn't a repast. I wonder if that's how it is at all the funerals, DeeDee, do you know? But they seemed to really be into making a collage of pics and even a video. I remember when my father passed away, there was no way I would have had the time to make up a collage and a video. Then again, I lived 1-1/2 hrs away. I had a program with some pics in it of things in his life, like a pic from my wedding, one of my mother. One thing they had which I thought was real neat was a blanket with his pic on it and his name and years. A blanket like you get at WalMart, you take the pic there and they make it up. Guess they get enough business from the funeral home that they can "rush" the order

    Today is Vince's birthday. I completely forgot to make him a cake, so when Bryan called this morning Vince made a comment "gee, I hope there's a cake for me". So I hurried up and got a recipe, took the butter out to soften and then went to the funeral. After the funeral had to stop at one grocery store since I needed sour cream and didn't have any. Fortunately, Vince went to the post office because if he saw that there was sour cream in it, he wouldn't eat it!

    Lila - Vince was told that he needed to eliminate meat for 3 days, alcohol won't be a problem since the last time he had anything to drink was Thanksgiving. He doesn't have a lot of butter, just some on a baked potato. He doesn't eat eggs unless they're in a cake or something else. But chocolate -- that'd probably be almost like a death sentance to him! He did read on the Internet that there's something in the chocolate but his feeling is "well, the MD didn't tell me to avoid it".

    I was doing a minute of running on the treadmill then a minute of fast walking. I didn't really understand it, but after every 15 minutes it seemed that I had to go to the bathroom. I usually do after the first 15, but then I usually don't have a problem for the rest of the 45 minutes. Well....today was different. Every 15 minutes I had to go to the bathroom, then I had such a terrible bout of diarrhea that it wasn't even funny. I only got in 45 minutes of exercise. I didn't finish, didn't even stretch (not good), I just had to get into the shower. My stomach still feels a little "wrong". I came home and had a chocolate bran muffin -- wanted to get fiber in me to hopefully harden those stools. Don't know what came over me. When I got home I also did a load of laundry.

    If I really wanted to, I probably could have gone to the mahjongg lunch. But I don't mind missing it. For one thing, the place is a bit on the expensive side. Also, I needed to make Vince's cake (bad me for forgetting it!)

    I'm going to ask this once again -- is there anyone on here with IBS? Are there any foods you need to avoid?

    DeeDee - you're not the only one whose ball fell off their hand backwards! There was a bowling alley near my high school in NJ that was open 24 hrs so lots of kids would go there after the prom. Imagain bowling in a prom dress! Let me know how the turducken is. I wonder if there's a lot of fat in it since duck is high in fat....???? I have these things that you put in a microwave and they heat up. I think they came with some socks and you were supposed to put them in the socks. I used to use them when we lived in PA during the winter. Sometimes I'd heat them up, put them in my gloves. If I remember, I'll give them to you when you're down here. I remember they don't get scalding hot in the microwave but they do retain heat for a while. Hey, how about those heating pad things that you buy that are disposable? I remember using that in PA when it got really cold and I had to go outside. I'm sure your arm will get better fast

    Gail - good girl getting your mammogram!

    texasgal - I, too, will be glad when these holidays and the treats are over. I seem to just have the two parties. One the bowling one to which I'm going to bring shrimp and carrots, I can fill up on them and have just nibbles of other things. Then there is that dinner/dance. Not sure how the food is allocated. Not to mention cooking and baking for the holidays

    M - congrats on the weight loss. Yes, the part of the pool that we're paying for is finished. Now for the landscaping...... Interesting about the rich diet...I don't give Vince lots of high fat foods. He may have them when he goes out, but that's not real often, maybe once every two weeks. But at home I do give him foods that I'll eat, and high fat foods make my stomach go "I don't think so..."

    Vince's birthday cake is still warm, I'm thinking that I'll just put a dusting of confectioners sugar on top. I got these black & white candles so I'm going to use them. He's feeling that next year, especially, is going to be tough (he'll be 60). We keep reminding him that at 60 you are able to take advantage of many of the senior discounts....lol

    That dinner/dance is BYOB. Trying to think of how I can BYOB my water. I really don't care to bring any alcohol, but I'd really miss my water. Any ideas?

    Annie - Vince just took all our Christmas cards to the post office. In a sense, I'm sort-of hoping that lots of people don't send me a card, then I won't send one to them. With the cost of postage......

    tobeslim - the protein that MFP sets as the limit is low, so if you go over I wouldn't be concerned. And if you go over a bit with the fat, that's ok too. Just as long as it's the good fats

  • carolmsb
    carolmsb Posts: 44 Member
    Exermom and Dee Dee-( and any other bowlers out there)

    Just thinking of the exercise I got as a kid and thought nothing of it. I delivered newspapers on my bicycle, up and down hills, no problem- then used the proceeds to bowl ten pins on Saturday in a youth league.

    Now I bowl duckpins in a Senior league-love love love it! I remember my first day with duck pin, my first frame, I bowled three gutters in a row, and then hit the reset button for the lane next to ours. OOPS ! They let me stay- and I got 'most improved' that year-wasn't really that hard though- to improve from that kind of start.

    DeeDee- we get free flu shots at work- I always get one -did this year, too-and was surprised the next day when my arm(left) was so sore-felt more like a tetanus shot. Doesn't hurt now though. Hope you can take it easy over the weekend.
  • beckyschanging
    beckyschanging Posts: 22 Member
    Room for one more? I was super active on MFP from May until September and lost 14 lbs. I then had to put down my dog who was my walking buddy nad then, 50 hit! I sort of freaked out, dropped all friends on MFP who were being so successful while I was not. I am getting used to being 50 and just found you. You are such an amazingly supportive group with one another. I have started to gain back. I would like to lose 4 pounds this month. Thanks for listening.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Love reading the posts. It's like friends sitting and chatting. Had Dr appointment yesterday and was excited he took me off of throid meds. However, due to a little incident before Thanksgiving have to have some heart tests next week. Maybe it was a fluke but they want to check it out.
    Congrats to all who lost this week. Any loss is better than a gain so keep on keeping on.
    Didn't take notes but I did read all the posts from yesterday. Hope to finish my gift shopping for my Colorado family tomorrow.

    really had a miserable day eating today. wonder if it's stress?
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    I heard a story today on our local NPR station that today would have been Harry Chapin's 70th birthday. They played parts of some of his - I'm on WOLD ... Brings back good memories.
    I am at 30 miles of my goal of 100 bike miles for December. Feel good about that.
    Keep coming back,
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Gail:smile: Good for you getting your mammogram! That sodium sneaks up and makes the scale unhappy! Drink lots and lots of water:drinker: !

    Katla49:smile: Hope your headache eased off! Sounds like the wedding activities are lots of fun!

    Bj:smile: I know about goose poop:angry: , there are about 5 or 6 geese that love my yard and driveway, the mess is unbelievable:explode: . I have to get it off my shoes and the dog, and the dog like to have a bite every once in awhile:sick: , I despise them:devil: !

    Kathy:smile: Congrats on the 2 pounds gone!!!!

    Cheryl:smile: Congrats on the .4 gone, every little bit counts!!!

    Teri:smile: Ouch, I hope everything went well at the dentist!

    M:smile: Sounds like you're going to have a busy but fun weekend...Enjoy!!! Congrats on getting rid of 1 1/2 pounds!!!

    Robin:smile: Hope you get to slow down this weekend!!!

    Tigress:smile: Wishing you much success on your open house!!!

    Annie:smile: Hope your shoulder is feeling better:flowerforyou: !

    Rebel:smile: Yes, sodium is mean!!!

    Tobeslim618:smile: I usually go over on fat and protein, I feel like as long as I'm in my calorie goal and the fats are good fats it's all okay!

    Laura:smile: At least DIL brought the boys to you, my DD calls and I go to their house, sometimes I'm getting home at 10:30:angry: , however I always love seeing my girls:love: , I'm sure you had fun with them! I bet Peanut will be in your lap tonight!!!

    JaneMartin:smile: I'm sure the special needs group will love your thoughtful gifts!!!

    Rebel:smile: MFP friends are the best:heart: !

    Michele:smile: Every funeral I've been to, we've always gone to the cemetery, I've to a couple where the service was in the cemetery. I guess it's whatever the family decides on. Happy birthday to Vince:flowerforyou: !!! My stomach has felt icky all day too, on Noels walk this morning I wasn't sure I was going to make it back to the house in time:blushing: , I did, thank goodness!!! Probably just a little bug going around, I feel fine other than just a bit queasy, it hasn't stopped me from wanting to eat though:laugh: . Bow,ing in prom dresses....I love it:laugh: !!!! I say take a bottle of sparkling water with you to the dinner/dance!

    Carolmsb:smile: You know when we were small, we always went outside to play and ride bikes, none of us were overweight! I need to play more outside now:blushing: ! Okay, I don't feel quite as bad about my bowling now:laugh: !!!

    Becky:smile: Hi! Welcome to the group, there's always room for more! Sorry to hear about your dog:sad: , several of us on this thread have pets, we understand!!! It gets harder to lose the older we get, but it can be done:bigsmile: , it might take a bit longer, but if you stick with it through the loses and the gains, you will succeed!!! Come in here often and chat with us!

    Suebdew:smile: No thyroid meds:huh: ? I have to take them forever! Hope everything turns out fine with your heart (too much thyroid med. maybe?) wishing you the best:flowerforyou: ! Just get back on your plan now, one day of miserable eating isn't going to ruin your efforts!!!

    MaryC:smile: Yes, those were good memories! You are burning up those miles...keep it up!!!

    I think my dinner is almost done, I didn't have time to go to the store today, so I had to rummage around in the freezer, and I'm having fish sticks for dinner tonigh:frown: . I will go to the grocery store tomorrow!!!

    Hope you all have a fabulous night!!!

  • beckyschanging
    beckyschanging Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks DeeDee! I appreciate your comment!

    I wish this thing had spell check! Sorry for typos....

    I do have another dog but he's an old man (12 people yrs) and stops to pee about 46 times in a 1 mile walk. Messes with my pace. I was just saying to my hubby that I need a new puppy and he said "get one!" but it may terriorize my old man dog again. (The other dog almost killed him :cry: )

    But really, I could just walk! I will try this weekend to "just do it!" An active dog is actually NOT required, just preferred. I miss my puppy. But he was super mean and I have the scars to prove it. Anyway, obviously I am still dealing with all of that. Crap!

    Not an excuse! Onward!
  • beckyschanging
    beckyschanging Posts: 22 Member
    What does "bump" mean?
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Made it through another week!:tongue: I have a challenging group of students this year. That on top of all of the changes in curriculum, etc...Well, lets just say I look forward to weekends! By Monday I am recharged and ready for the challenges of the next week. I am seeing progress with my students. It is rewarding to see them grow.

    I managed to get in quite a few lunges, high knee lifts, kick backs, etc. during the school day. ( I really spend a lot of time at the copier!!:ohwell: Don't know why I didn't think of this earlier!.) This weekend, I WILL get in some real workouts. My muscles are screaming to move.

    DeeDee- I just found a pattern for hand-warmers that I am going to make for my sister. She hates having cold hands, but walks outside or cross-country skiis a lot. These have ceramic pie weights in them and can be heated in the microwave. They are supposed to hold the heat longer than the ones made with rice or corn in them. I'll let you know how they work out. I love to be outside in the winter and have been known to go cc skiing or for long walks when it is below zero. I love the smell of the cold fresh air. I'll have to make an extra set for myself!

    beckyschanging- People type bump to mark their spot and make it easier to get back to where they stopped reading the post.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

    Deb A
  • DannaBoston
    I just joined a week ago, learning about the site from a friend. I am not in a position to exercise at this time but need to work on keeping my bp and bs in check, if you wish to add me you can
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    Hi all I was up to 1130 last night and up again at 4:30 this morning. Now it's 9 pm and I need to go to bed. See you all tomorrow. Meg
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    carolmsb - do you know that I don't even know what duck pin is? A guy on our Newcomer league said he only bowled duckpin and I had no idea what that was. Still don't.

    beckyschangin - Welcome! So so sorry you had to put your doggie down. . We're glad you came back and are here now. Four pounds this month is pretty doable, a pound a week is a good goal. Well, don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen, this has got to be the absolute worst month for weight loss. I'll be happy just to maintain. So should you. You know, not all puppies are mean, as a matter of fact, most of them aren't. You sound like you really want another one, I say go for it! Oh, "bump" is just a person's way of posting to the group so that it will appear under their "my topics".

    suebdew - congrats on getting off those meds. Hope everything goes well with the tests. Oh, stress does me in every time. I guess some people either don't eat at all or (like me) overeat. Try to get that stress under control, you can do it!

    Mary - so close to your goal, that's wonderful!

    DeeDee - when we lived in the Poconos, we were on a dead end and my kids were always outside. When we moved to Kennett Square, Bryan commented how none of the kids were outside. Did he gain weight! Fortunately, when he went to college he really got it off. Looked pretty buff, if I do say so myself You know, I always used to bowl by putting the ball between my legs and rolling it down the lane. It wsn't until I joined this league that I have been able to stop doing that.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    What does "bump" mean?
    Actually, any word or character will do to hold your place in the "My Topics" of the message boards part of Community. Just a way to find the thread.

    Hope that helps
  • carolmsb
    carolmsb Posts: 44 Member
    carolmsb - do you know that I don't even know what duck pin is? A guy on our Newcomer league said he only bowled duckpin and I had no idea what that was. Still don't.


    Duckpin bowling is a variation of 10-pin bowling. The balls used in duckpin bowling are 4-3/4 in (12 cm) to 5 in (12.7 cm) in diameter (which is slightly larger than a softball), weigh 3 lb 6 oz (1.5 kg) to 3 lb 12 oz (1.7 kg) each, and lack finger holes. They are thus significantly smaller than those used in ten-pin bowling but are slightly larger and heavier than those used in candlepin bowling. The pins, while arranged in a triangular fashion identical to that used in ten-pin bowling, are shorter, smaller, and lighter than their ten-pin equivalents which makes it more difficult to achieve a strike. For this reason (and similar to candlepin bowling), the bowler is allowed three rolls per frame (as opposed to the standard two rolls per frame in ten-pin bowling).

    from Wikipedia

    The ball is smaller and lighter- as are the pins-which calls for more finesse . NO ONE has ever bowled a perfect 300 game in duck pin. Interesting history- and perfect for seniors. Popular in Maryland.
  • JenNuma
    JenNuma Posts: 52 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: the line dance performance tonight went great....the program lasted over two hours with cloggers, hula, zumba, and belly dancers.....now it is past my bedtime :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :heart: Barbie
  • mystikfairy61
    mystikfairy61 Posts: 80 Member
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    Bump... to learn fom others
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    300 plus posts by the 8th of the month. Too difficult to keep up with these days. Sad, but I will still stop by and post, it is just no longer possible to respond to everyone the way I used to when there was just a handful of us.

    I think in the future I will pretty much try to keep in touch via my profile page and that of my friends. But will still come here to have a rant and rave.

    My dad has his procedures on Wednesday and we are relieved to find out that it is not the big C. Phew. Hopefully he will calm down a bit now.

    I collected my Aussie pal from the airport yesterday. He is with us until the end of January - should be fun, although I can foresee some late nights! I'm very pleased that I no longer drink alcohol. **Stands up and waves - I'm three years sober!**

    My knee and back are extremely painful at present. I'm trying to keep moving but don't think I will be running up the stairs at the gallery so much - maybe just walking them once an hour.

    I must get some work done - hopefully the gallery is going to be extra busy today.

    Love to all, especially my long time friends.

    Amanda x