

  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    @housegirl2 -- My sympathies on your pizza experience. I was craving pizza last week, and since we had a leaky kitchen sink (water gushing out from under the cupboard doors!), I ordered a pizza. I ate 3 pieces and was so disappointed it did not live up to what I had been imagining. Took me all week to flush my system. Lesson learned, I hope.

    @ Amanda -- I understand that our posts are so long. I couldn't keep up either, once school got rolling. I'll check in when I can since I still need inspiration and encouragement. But you sound like you are on solid ground, so I hope you'll keep in touch with us through your 50+ BFFs. I was happy to hear your dad didn't have "C", and hope his health will improve with good care. Enjoy your friend's visit!

    @Junebooner -- Three cheers for your 60# loss. You are more than one-third of the way toward your goal. Are you doing the happy dance? Do it again! :bigsmile:

    @Nancy -- I teach 7th and 8th grade math to ESL students. I'm an ESL teacher, and I"m teaming with a Math teacher for all my classes this year. It's my first year in middle school after 6 years in elementary. My partner is an excellent teacher but she needs to be in control of everything, and so that makes for a difficult partnership. I'm really struggling with her and with the school climate. The schedule is a little better than elementary school, but the other teachers aren't very friendly so it's not as much fun. I'm going to the holiday party next weekend and I'm dreading it, but I'll go and smile and avoid the dessert table. If it's awful I can leave, right? lol

    @Lila -- Jingle Down Main sounds like it was a success. Loved hearing that the mayor was putting up decorations!

    @Meg -- Sorry to hear about DD. Keeping you and DH in my thoughts and prayers. It's not easy being a parent, is it? Especially when dealing with kids who can't understand the basic concept of responsibility. My DS napped in the chair all afternoon. He was scheduled to participate in a Living Nativity at his school this evening. We live less than a mile from his school so I woke him up and told him he needed to walk there since I was busy and couldn't take him. He left in a huff, grumbling and whining because it was drizzling outside. Was I mean? I'm thinking a healthy 16-year-old boy should be able to walk less than a mile, even if it's drizzling out. He has a jacket!:grumble: (Wonder where he learned that grumbling....:wink: )

    @ Pat -- I don't envy you your snow. Shoveling IS good exercise though. When I was a kid we lived in Michigan, Indiana and Illinois where we had a lot of snow and I remember shoveling after school to clear the driveway before my dad got home. I'm grateful I don't have to shovel that often here in Virginia, although I do look forward to the first snowfall every winter. So far this year, no snow.

    Put up our tree yesterday, and I started shopping this weekend. I need to wrap packages to mail this week. Didn't get the grocery shopping done or my weekly menus. Uh-oh. Most of the laundry is done, so at least I won't be naked this week! :laugh:

    Time to fix some supper before my Living Nativity angel gets home. Keep logging your food, girls, and drink your waters. Keep you eye on your goals, and keep smiling. You're doing it, one pound at a time.

  • beckyschanging
    beckyschanging Posts: 22 Member
    Hello Ladies, I hope everyone sleeps well tonight! I hope I sleep well tonight.

    Re: dog talk...Thanks Linda! I am really thinking it might be time to get a new pup. I just have to wait for summer so I will have time off to train it! ( I'm a school teacher). Maybe. Your reasons are the same reasons we were thinking about getting a new one. This dog has just been sooooooo wonderful. I am afraid to get another dog and not have it turn out. I am very conflicted! Thanks for your input. :ohwell:

    I have GOT to weigh in tomorrow. I haven't weighed in a month so I have NO idea if I am up or down. I am glad to be on a thread that has so much activity. I know it's a lot, but this is very inspriational.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Good Sunday Evenin:flowerforyou:

    Just skimmed the posts, have to work on the Christmas Card so no time to send messages. Congrats to those that are maintaining this holiday season and welcome to al the newbies:flowerforyou:

    Made a pot of Chicken Veggie Soup as hubby has a sore throat, hoping it does the trick.

    Sounds like everyone is busy, its cold here today only about 20 so I've stayed inside and kept busy in the kitchen. I did finish all the candy yesterday but I pretty much puttered about today.

    Have a great evening and I will check in tomorrow.


    PS Amanda I do understand not being able to comment to everyone...it does take quite a bit of time:drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Sunday night, already?? The weekend went too fast. Last night dh and I turned off the Tv and computers and listened to music...what a delightful evening and gave us time to regroup. Today we went to the SPCA and adopted a kitten...oh my...he may be more than we bargained for...but very cute and energetic and playful...although he is currently sleeping..sshh!!

    My exercise this week stayed on schedule butdid not get any kettlebells done...problem with the early alarm a couple of mornings and insomnia issues with another morning...oh well there is always next week..fresh start. The no carbs with dinner seems to be going ok..I don't seem to crave the sweets after dinner either ..interesting...will see if this is a sustainable change for me. I am noticing my energy level a little sluggish but not sure if that is from the carb change or the time of year or the changes happening/stress at work...will keep it going through December and see.

    The meet and greet with the new company went well. The staff in the new office was very welcoming and the big bosses were also very friendly. The new company has been one of our competitors for years so I have never had a good opinion of this group...I am being pleasantly surprised that perhaps my opinion was unfounded ...of course time will tell and in the big picture it IS where I will be working and it will be better to put aside my preconceptions and open my mind...perhaps I should read The Happiness Project before 1/2/13!!?

    Have a great evening everyone! Hugs and high fives..one day at a time!

    Ps I am not good at individual responses, but have found such great support and community with this group :heart:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Took a cue from someone here and while talking to my sister on the phone this afternoon I paced around the house. We hadn't talked in quite a while and before I knew it 75 minutes were gone and as we had a nice visit I also got in a bit of exercise.

    Also can't recall who said they did push ups using the grab bars in the handicapped bathroom stall at work, but I have been following your lead. On Friday I was able to 10-15 per trip. Thanks! They add up over the course of the day.

    Last night was DH's staff Christmas party, combined with a 'bon voyage' theme for a young man in their group that is going to Marine Corps boot camp. DH started with this company in August so I hadn't really met anyone prior. It was a lovely evening and I felt immediately at home. There was lots of laughter and kindness. We plan to have something at our house for the group in the spring.

    My mammogram went fine and I don't have to go back for a year. I've felt a bit tender, but can't determine if it is from the procedure or the push ups. :wink:

    Well, have to get things set for the coming week. Hope you have a great night!

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi lovely ladies ,
    I am not feeling well so I was able to read all the posts ! I am now caught up! It took me about 4 hour to read all the posts .
    I am doing this From my iPhone so I have no idea how this will turn out.
    Meg- you and DH have nerves of steel,along with kindness and compassion. MaybeDD#1,could find a group home to live in. Like a board and care. She could still work , she just wouldn't have to cook! She would just have her own room to care for. I don't know if one has to have a diagnosed disability to live in one, but sounds like a perfect fit for her ability?

    Jb did you send your bug down here? I hope you are feeling better now or soon!

    I can't look back at the posts, I want to wish everyone health, and good nutrition during the next couple of weeks.
    Keep striving to do and be the best you can be!

    Hugs and blessings to all!
    Linda- Sundance
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    cinflo - welcome and congrats on the great loss.

    Nancy - do you have access to a gym? Water exercises are great and very little to no impact.

    suebdew - that's wonderful that you didn't have the sunday but gave it away after just one little bite. Isn't it amazing how our tastes change? We're supposed to go to the Newcomers holiday party. I just know that the people who are supposed to bring the desserts are going to bring things like cakes, brownies, and cookies. I'm going to take an orange and a pear with me, just in case there isn't anything else. I've really gotten to where those things don't entice me at all, they actually turn me off.

    DeeDee - the Wii said that I'm up 2# today, too. But I know why, I made those snickerdoodles yesterday and HAD to have some of the dough. I made butterscotch spice cookies to take to my hairdresser. I'm going Monday and I usually take them something. AhhHaa...someone else that I can give some of those Dove candies to! And that I did. I only have two more bags left. Vince usually gets me a bag for my stocking and I asked him this a.m. not to get them for me. I do have these miniwhisks on my wish list at Amazon, but he is trying not to get the inexpensive items so that the kids can get those for me. Hey, I can use a new egg clicer, I'll mention that to him. They aren't real expensive, but I don't have it on my wish list. So sorry you had such a bad start to your day. ell, the positive is that it can only get better.....

    After making those cookies, I also made brownies for Christmas Eve and just now put them in the freezer. How I wish I had a larger freezer!!!

    Did 15 minutes of jump rope, then 30 min of hula hoop on the Wii, then another 15 min of jump rope. Figure I need to burn extra calories since we're going to have that party tonight. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    Welcome to everyone new, too many to mention

    Meg - glad you liked the pumpkin spice recipe. It is easy and tasty (and low cal, too), isn't it?

    I need to get boxes for Christmas items that I've bought. Why don't I have the ambition to do it? Mayabe that should be tomorrow's task. Oh, that's right, I've taken the butter out to soften so I can make chocolate chip cookies for Christmas tomorrow. After the cookies are made, I really need to push myself to do it. Then, hopefully, Vince will help start with the wrapping. It worked quite well last year, both of us wrapped and got it all done in one day. I really don't like putting things off until the last minute, he works well under pressure, I cave under pressure. But I really need to get the boxes out. Wish me luck for tomorrow that I don't find something else that needs to be done.

    I had a hot chocolate with one of the coffee mate things in it (only something like 20 calories) and a scoop of protein powder before we left for the holiday party. That really helps to keep me filled up. I didn't have the orange or the pear that I brought with me but just had a York peppermint patty for dessert. I'm just not much of a dessert person any more. That is, unless it's fruit!!!

    katla - I don't think anyone is offended if you don't respond to them individually. I know that I don't respond to every person, sometimes I get interrupted and then start reading a completely different post. You're just fine in my book

    This friday is the open house for a friend and then Sat. we're supposed to go to a dinner/dance at another friend's Moose lodge. Is anyone a member of a Moose lodget? Is there smoking in them?

    Oh no, I' thinking right now that I'll give the soup kitchen the remainder of the seafood salad. I need to get the remainder of the donations together and print out the list of every item that I've donated during the year. That takes a while. See...I'm already thinking of something else to do instead of finding those boxes.

    housefgirl - hope your daughter joined MFP. Hey, my daughter is on it, she asked me a while ago if I'd heard of it! Someone at her work mentioned it to her.

    barbie - I write "Page xxx" in a document in the notepad. when I post, I post everything but that. This way I know that I left off at page xxx right after my post (did I make any sense to you?) I'm sort-of getting to where empty calories don't appeal to me. Desserts (except for fruit) don't appeal to me, neither does pizza or pasta. I'm trying, I really am.

    Jen - tell us more about that kitten!

    Linda Sundance - hope you feel better fast!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Sorry for the typos, I accidentally hit "post reply" before I proofread.

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just marking my spot so I can find the thread tomorrow. Been away for a week of vacation. Back to cold and snow and freezing rain forecast for overnight.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Katla:smile: I don`t think anyone is offended, it takes a lot of time to respond to everyone, sometimes I have the time, sometimes I don`t! I do enjoy reading about what`s going on with everyone though!

    Barbie:smile: I just laughed at your food dream:laugh: , I`ve never had a food dream, thank goodness, I would probably gain weight from the dream:noway: :laugh: ! Hope you get all those annoying things repaired soon!!! Also, only 5 dances, that sounds like a lot to me and 12 coming up:noway: , I applaude you!!!!

    Michele:smile: So your Wii wasn`t very nice to you, must be something in the air:angry: ! Is a Moose Lodge a private club? If so, they probably have their own smoking rules. You`re putting off finding boxes, I`m putting off wrapping presents:grumble: !

    Becky:smile: Glad you got your run in with your fur boy!!! Barbie has such good advice!!!!

    Linda:smile: Hope you`re feeling better:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Well I have no more time this morning! Hope you all have a fabulous fun Monday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Morning to all!

    It's a dreary, foggy (Froggy) Monday here and I must say it is fitting weather for my mood. I allowed myself to have a pity party towards the end of the week and had a few black smiley days...First holiday party I attended and I admit to not caring about the food intake. While I did not gorge myself I sure did eat way too many carbs and calories. To top it off no exercise for three days... Sooooo yesterday I spent the day in the kitchen cooking and preparing food for the week so I will be ready. I am pretty sure I got bored with the meals last week and had no back ups which contributed to my lah-dee-dah attitude. Today I have black bean soup for lunch and a turkey italian sausage pepper dinner. I made my pumpkin custards with Truvia and they were ok. Not sure if I used enough and/or the right type. I did my kettlebell routine-there is a you tube beginner workout for 33 mins-yesterday and my Zumba ab routine.... Thanks for letting me vent. I know we all have these spells so I plan to move forward!

    Welcome to all the new ladies! Yes this thread is large, but it is also very inspiring and motivating! Just knowing so many of us are living the same daily struggles validates my feelings. I love to read and share in each others victories!!!!

    My Monday message- Love and accept yourself; give to others but remember to take care of YOU!!!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Oh Barbie, a food dream! :noway:

    DH's Christmas Concert with the community choir was beautiful. :love: They ended with Handel's Messiah, everyone stood up and many of the audience sang along. Just lovely. It was the 26th year in a row for the concert (DH has been singing with them for about 10 years). It's a kick-off for the season for me. Now I just have to get the parcels to the out of town sisters mailed and I will be able to relax and enjoy the twinkle lights.

    I'm taking the left-overs from the staff party to work today. :tongue: Better them than me when it comes to gingerbread cookies.

    What's on the schedule for my students today? Hmmm? Circle graphs. Identifying ways that author's can change our thinking. French "winter words". Pronouns. Christmas concert practice. :grumble: Not very inspiring. I need to think of a fun activity to keep us sparked up for the next two weeks.

    Hi ho, time to get J'boy out of bed and begin the week.

    To quote our friend Barbie, "Plan what you eat, eat what you plan." I'll be at the gym to do a New Rules of Lifting (adapted) workout this afternoon. What's on your exercise menu? Have a great day.

    See you tomorrow,

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone! It sounds like the weekend was a mixed bag with some illnesses and grumpy people, but I hope the holiday spirit is presiding over all!

    Euchre was a hit – the food was terrific although I rarely eat much of it, and DH and I even managed to get everything prepared and the house cleaned and still sneak in a walk before the party so we felt we had some wiggle room with the calories lol :laugh:. We made candy-cane martinis for the cocktail of the evening – equal parts vanilla vodka, crème de cocoa and half-part peppermint schnapps. They were absolutely delicious – I haven’t drank hard alcohol in forever but had one to try it out. It’s a nice way to loosen up the guests lol. My pumpkin cheesecake was delicious, and while the chocolate/caramel/macadamia nut tart looked pretty and was good, the caramel was too hard. The recipe called for cooking the caramel again after mixing in the cream and butter – I won’t do that next time. Anyway, cards were fun, everyone seemed in a festive mood, and BIL was only mildly annoying. At midnight we stopped to sing happy birthday to my sister (and made her cry a little), and the party broke up shortly after.

    I had a lot of dishes to do in the morning (I quit using disposable stuff some time back, trying to be a little green), but I just took it a sink-ful at a time and got them done early. Then DH and I went to pick up my sister and BIL to take them wine tasting, and that was kind of the beginning and end of the day – DH and BIL together = disaster. They seemed bent on partying like it’s 1999. We went to the winery – that was so-so but a little festive. Then we went to a sports bar to watch some football and get a bite to eat. I had part of an order of fried mushrooms – not too good, but I was also the DD so just had water. We wound up staying there all afternoon, then met their daughters at a Mexican restaurant for dinner – more bad food choices, and the other “adults” were in fine form ahem. DH was especially charming. I just took everyone home after dinner and put him to bed with a football game. And to pay me back for my hard work and kindness over the weekend, the scale was up THREE POUNDS this morning. Grrr. Oh, well, water and healthy eating again.

    We have fog here today too. Actually it’s been foggy and dreary all weekend. However, my house is cozy and decorated and clean (yay for having a party!) so I’m going to stay in and enjoy it. I have yoga on tap for today – didn’t do it first thing because my extension cord was “borrowed” over the weekend, but I’ll put that back together and get after it for lunch, and I’ll do my squats for the squat-a-thon, then I’ll make a yummy soup for tonight. We were supposed to go to Longwood but I think we’re going to scrap that (see generally, dreary weather).

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day – I’m taking today at its word and using it as a new week beginning.


  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good Monday Morning,

    The weather has turned cold and wet....but we missed the ice storm yesterday, thank goodness....so it is still green here in SWO.
    I have been out of town, and upon returning, can barely catch up with all the activity here....

    I think that resetting my food and body health goals allows me to reset other goals for work and life.....let me know if you think these two activities are strongly related....when you feel successful in one area, it is easier to get the confidence to tackle life...:bigsmile:

    There are a great deal of women in this "room" who stay on track and are focused on enjoying every moment of every day, and I love the inspiration....and although I don't knit, I understand the desire to remain productive and engaged, even during the relaxing hours. When I finish the marking and the writing, I hope to sit and hand sew new drapes and new table clothes...yes, hand sew.:laugh:

    I need to check in on my December goals, and rework them to fit my other new commitments...so staying flexible and accomplishing what I can is better than giving up...and this is the group that creates commitment. :flowerforyou:
    so :drinker: , love reading about your lives and your day by day ideas and strategies!

    My plan is to eat clean all the way up to Christmas morning....I will have a rich breakfast ( I am preparing it for others), and yet try to avoid too many rich carbs; since I am not a great admirer of turkey dinners, will eat that very moderately. So with that settled, I will enjoy the social outings without worrying about the food; I always use a protein drink before hand...so a salad is enough to heep me on track at a restaurant.

    Life is going to be mentally challenging from here to the 20th..:grumble: finish marking journals, exams and a major paper..so good luck to everyone, hope we all make it through to the holidays!
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Darn. I had a long one where I actually responded to individuals, then closed without posting :sad:

    Anyway, I on self destruct mode. A Christmas party, 3 holiday lunches, a bad day, a poker party and eating badly again yesterday. Geez. Ok, I am back. Really I am. At least I've faithfully logged the good the bad and the ugly!!

    We picked up my daughter's new horse yesterday, and talk about someone who needs weight loss - he has it cornered. In fact, in my few hours of owning him I have had many many folks tell me that it is highly likely that he is insulin resistant. So we will be beginning a weight loss regime for him. Perhaps I should log his calories!!:laugh:

    Sundance - riding lessons here are between $30 and $45 per half hour. I personally give a 1 minute tutorial when folks ride my horses - kick or click to get moving, kick or click to go fast, pull on the reins to stop. If you need more than that then you need a more sophisticated horse than any of mine are :tongue:

    Well, back to work. I hope I eat well today - my belly is objecting to the bad stuff I've been putting into it.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    It's a cold but sunny :glasses: Monday,

    Only a few minutes and then i need to get moving on to the piles.

    Weekend was busy with plenty of cooking and now we are ready for another week. Exercise didn't happen like I'd have wanted or planned but being on my feet in the kitchen has to count for something:blushing:

    To those of you that have had holiday parties, lunches, dinners I'm impressed with the will power and discipline:drinker: Hoping I can be as good. I did some tasting of my candy and so far it doesn't call to me ... that and it's in the frig in the garage ...so out of sight out of mind:wink:

    This will be the week that we change over our accounting program here at work so I may not be on here very much but will try to keep up with the reading.

    Have a good day. Let's keep up our drinking (of water :drinker: ), logging that food and let's keep moving.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: :laugh: Continuing with my happiness commandment “It is what it is”…….Jake bought the new parts for the ailing computer and called the computer guy who said that he could be here at 10 AM……the plumber called and said that he could come at 10 AM…..I gave up my plan to fix potato latkes before going to dance at 12:45…I joked that the only thing that would make the day crazier would be the arrival of the replacement recumbent bike……when Jake walked the plumber out to his truck he found that UPS had delivered the recumbent bike so now while I go off to dance, Jake can put the new bike together and figure out what to do with the broken one.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


  • urbestlife32
    urbestlife32 Posts: 9 Member
    I am also new to the site.... 52 years young. I truly enjoyed the remarks about not expecting recognition. I have finally realized I am the only one who will pat myself on the back for all the hard work... It seems like when you are excited about your goals and accomplishments.... there are people who get more moody and unsupportive. Dont understand it...but really careless at this point.

    My goals for December are to continue with exercising five times a week for 40 minutes and ride my bike outdoors two days a week. And definitely keep on track with the food. Thanks for letting me comment.