Losing Weight and Sexual Harassment:



  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Drink for every slut shaming, victim blaming piece of trash in this thread.

    Seriously, if you're gonna go and blame a woman for a man's disgusting behavior, you need to go sit in a corner and rethink your life. And if you're a man who advocates the sad opinion that women need to dress themselves in turtlenecks and hide their ankles because men are mindless sex animals who just can't help themselves when confronted with a scantily clad woman, you're an embarrassment to your species.

    *golf clap*
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    I went to my gym last night, which is an unusual time for me. And there was a really creepy guy in there who kept staring at me. Very few people in the weight room, so it was uncomfortable. I wound up cutting my workout short and leaving early. Sucks.
  • ksuetorres
    ksuetorres Posts: 139 Member
    Don't mistake this occurrence for "interest" in you. They are NOT interested in YOU, they are thugs amusing themselves. They should be reported to the police, who may be able to force them to relocate (gently or otherwise).
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Not to turn this into a gun debate, but this statement is ridiculous. In most states (or all, I'm not familiar with every single state's policies), including my own, you HAVE to be trained to get a CCW. In fact, you have to prove that you can hit a target at a specific range to get approval. Educate yourself before spewing this nonsense.

    Training = 7 hour class where they show you a gun, then you shoot at targets.. here is your certificate and license.. Go out and protect yourself..
    You think that's training.. must be one of those people that think they need to carry an AR-15 cause you will end up missing your target, hitting pedestrians but hey.. at least you grazed your target.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    Training = 7 hour class where they show you a gun, then you shoot at targets.. here is your certificate and license.. Go out and protect yourself..
    You think that's training.. must be one of those people that think they need to carry an AR-15 cause you will end up missing your target, hitting pedestrians but hey.. at least you grazed your target.

    I hate to burst your bubble, but 7 hours of training with a gun won't get you good enough to pass the test.
    That 7 hours of "training" you have to go through in your mind is ALL in classroom safety instruction. You're on your own to get the skill to take the test OUTSIDE the classroom.
    You also have to go through fingerprinting and background checks.

    And to correct some more misinformation... an AR15 is not a rapid fire machine gun. Those weapons have been illegal to civilians since 1934. If you can't hit a target with a pistol, you also probably won't be able to hit it with a SINGLE FIRE AR15 rifle.

    edited for spelling.
  • dizzimamma
    You do not have to be skinny, beautiful, dress sexy, be young or blond, "be asking for, it", in a bad area, followed by thugs, look weak or any other thing that has been written on this thread! Harassment and assult are control issues. A persom ( male or female) who is willing to engage in this behavior dose not discriminate. They are creatures of opprotunity. To believe you are safe because you are fat or in frumpy cloths or in the uk or us is just silly
    As a human, male or female, you shoulld always be aware of your situation amd be prepaired to defend yourself in whatever manner you see fit. All this petty bickering about firearms and clothes is stupid.anything within reach cam be a deadly weapon if properly trained.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    So it's the responsibility of women to protect themselves from sexual harrassment and assualt by wearing unflattering clothing? Seriously?

    if you live in the real world yes.... frankly it would be lovely if the police would do more to clean up streets but if they aren't then you have to take your own steps to be safe, as i'm in england we don't carry guns and would give this advice to any female friends i have. i'm sure a young woman in college whether in the US or UK wouldn't want to either, so you make sure you're not an obvious target.

    in this case prevention is always better than anything else.

    to say this is limited to women isn't what i was aiming for though so i'm not sure why you've taken it like that? (bee in your bonnet?) if it was a young male who noticed thugs eying up his expensive trainers or an old man with a nice watch i'd suggest they don't wear them.... so put the pickets back in the closet ;)

    Interestingly enough this is the same rationale some cultures use when forcing women to never leave the house without a man or require that they cover themselves completely. If an ankle is showing or if she was out alone, then it was just her fault that she was attacked.

    I live in a major city in the US. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid walking through super sketchy places. Women of all shapes and sizes are attacked, regardless of what they are wearing. Recently and 80 year old woman was attacked and raped. I am pretty sure she wasn't dressed provacitively. Studies prove again and again that it doesn't matter what women are wearing and it is not their fault for being attacked, even if (as it is legal to do so in my city) they were walking around completely topless and in underpants.

    i wouldn't blame a victim for them being attacked, that's not the point, when a woman (or for that matter anyone) is attacked it is the fault of the low life scum that would do such a thing and only them to blame

    however vulnerability is always best lowered as much as possible, me personally if i'm walking about at night to the shops or whatever i'll make sure i have an extra coat on to increase the appearance of my upper body, and i can honestly say it works, i get less trouble, that's not say i can't handle myself either, infact have had to in a couple of cases and thankfully come off better, however, i'd rather prevent trouble than deal with trouble

    if that isn't your motto or any of you other "tough girl types" on this thread then fine lol but imo it's common sense to take precautions to make yourself safe, and i wish you the best of luck
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    i think it's ridiculous some of you have got so defensive and liken it to muslim culture etc etc like you're being told to NEVER WEAR NICE CLOTHES OR GO TO JAIL!!!!!!!!! jesus... i can't even be bothered to go into the irony of basicly being treated like one of the very scum were talking about when i'd be the first one to help if i ever saw anything like that happening

    get a grip....
  • marsviolet
    marsviolet Posts: 79 Member
    So it's the responsibility of women to protect themselves from sexual harrassment and assualt by wearing unflattering clothing? Seriously?

    There is something seriously wrong with the publics' attitude when the margin makes the normal women feel like they cannot be safe without a gun.
    As a result of this attitude, in my mind, when a woman gets attacked or even harrassed, the first question from the public seems to be was she too provocative in behaviour, looks such as makeup or clothing, too drunk, in the wrong neighbourhood or in the wrong company... since the men just cannot resist the temptation if so. :mad:
    And as the muslim world can show us, it doesn't matter if a lady dresses in a black sack over her head, someone can still attack her just because she wears the markings of a female. And then the debate turns to should a woman leave her house without her dad/brother/husband/sister/friend/anyone - or if she should leave her house at all... :explode:

    The attacker/harrasser is ALWAYS the one to blame for he/she is the one who decided to do the act!!! It is NEVER the woman's fault!!!

    YES. ALL OF THIS. It makes me sick to think that some survivors of sexual assault are probably reading this. The victim is NOT RESPONSIBLE.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    So it's the responsibility of women to protect themselves from sexual harrassment and assualt by wearing unflattering clothing? Seriously?

    if you live in the real world yes.... frankly it would be lovely if the police would do more to clean up streets but if they aren't then you have to take your own steps to be safe, as i'm in england we don't carry guns and would give this advice to any female friends i have. i'm sure a young woman in college whether in the US or UK wouldn't want to either, so you make sure you're not an obvious target.

    in this case prevention is always better than anything else.

    to say this is limited to women isn't what i was aiming for though so i'm not sure why you've taken it like that? (bee in your bonnet?) if it was a young male who noticed thugs eying up his expensive trainers or an old man with a nice watch i'd suggest they don't wear them.... so put the pickets back in the closet ;)

    Totally agree with this. Yes, you should be able to dress as you like, but is it not better to be safe.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Drink for every slut shaming, victim blaming piece of trash in this thread.

    Seriously, if you're gonna go and blame a woman for a man's disgusting behavior, you need to go sit in a corner and rethink your life. And if you're a man who advocates the sad opinion that women need to dress themselves in turtlenecks and hide their ankles because men are mindless sex animals who just can't help themselves when confronted with a scantily clad woman, you're an embarrassment to your species.

  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    I always carry a knife or pepper spray! You should, too!

    Pepper spray, rape alarm- yes. A knife or gun -No.
    Always remember men are usually bigger and stronger than you! if they can take a weapon off you they can use it against you.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Yes I get sexually harassed a lot now I've lost some weight a put on a bit of muscle but people think it's okay because I'm a guy but to be honest it's not, it is annoying beyond belief and I'm sure if the roles where reversed and if the behaviour I'm subjected to was done to a woman; it would be taken seriously.
  • RedVelvetCurls
    RedVelvetCurls Posts: 304 Member
    I can't say too much here because there are people on my friendslist who I know in real life (I don't like giving too much information of my personal life), but yes, I've been sexually harassed since losing weight, even by someone who I thought was a friend. It got so bad that it was taking its toll on my mental health and I was treated for anxiety, so then I had to get official help involved. But on the bright side, I've learned how to defend myself.

    It's sad because I fell out with someone I know on the grounds that I was "asking for it". Because losing weight CLEARLY means I want to be pawed at by a stranger or have my friend turn into a testosterone-fueled a**hole, and it has NOTHING to do with my asthmatic needs at all. Guh. Also, I was wearing baggy pants and an oversized poloshirt on both occasions. Sometimes clothes have nothing to do with it - if someone wants to hurt you, they've already made their decision. :/
  • Pipil503
    Pipil503 Posts: 56 Member
    Either way sexual harrasment is disgusting!
  • Pipil503
    Pipil503 Posts: 56 Member

    Training = 7 hour class where they show you a gun, then you shoot at targets.. here is your certificate and license.. Go out and protect yourself..
    You think that's training.. must be one of those people that think they need to carry an AR-15 cause you will end up missing your target, hitting pedestrians but hey.. at least you grazed your target.

    I hate to burst your bubble, but 7 hours of training with a gun won't get you good enough to pass the test.
    That 7 hours of "training" you have to go through in your mind is ALL in classroom safety instruction. You're on your own to get the skill to take the test OUTSIDE the classroom.
    You also have to go through fingerprinting and background checks.

    And to correct some more misinformation... an AR15 is not a rapid fire machine gun. Those weapons have been illegal to civilians since 1934. If you can't hit a target with a pistol, you also probably won't be able to hit it with a SINGLE FIRE AR15 rifle.

    edited for spelling.
    AR15 sold to civilians are still semi-automatic... But you are right, the M16 which is basically the same weapon with different firing mechanism is the actual automatic one.