What are some foods that are hard for you to stay away from?

I know I cant even have i cream in sight without eating an entire tub. Ive gotten to the point were my wife has to sneak it for herself.lol what do you have to stay away from?


  • Homemade cookies...........I'm their slave ;)
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Pepperoni pizza. It was never a favorite before I changed how I eat (in April 2011), but now it's my go to food for treats and if it's here, I have a hard time resisting it. I make a good low cal veggie pizza, but the rest of the family likes cheap Little Caesar's and expensive NY Style from a local place too. Hard to resist when they get it.
  • Kimaw65
    Kimaw65 Posts: 74 Member
    ice cream and cookies for me! My husband and I were shopping in Sam's Club yesterday and I happened to walk past the ice cream cooler and I said "okay, get me away from the ice cream, now!"

    We haven't had ice cream in the house since the 50 days I started this and homemade chocolate chip cookies once and I ate three but logged them into my food diary and was still under calories for that day.
  • Ben & Jerrys
    Bacon Sandwiches
    Chocolate bars
    Fizzy pop
    Salted pistachio nuts
    Chicken chow mein
    Daim bars
    Bagels with melted cheese.

    I haven't had any of them in the last 2 weeks apart from my advent calendar chocolate - maybe I am not as addicted as I thought!
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    Potato chips and dip
    I know they have no nutritional value at all but I love 'em!
  • katz22
    katz22 Posts: 116 Member
    biscuits, if I buy a packet, they're all gone in 2 minutes. The solution is not to go shopping when hungry
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    sweets....I have a horrible sweet tooth
    Potatoes.....They high in gluten, supposed to be eating low Gluten.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Chocolate covered pretzels. Or, as I like to call them, little bites of evil. :mad:
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sugar. Absolute devil
  • micl86
    micl86 Posts: 48
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I can control myself with everything but that port wine cheese spread. And possibly cheezits. I apparently have a lust for salty cheese products.
    If I have a pot of that cheese spread in my fridge, it calls to me relentlessly until I just eat it all. So I never buy it.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    sweets....I have a horrible sweet tooth
    Potatoes.....They high in gluten, supposed to be eating low Gluten.
    I thought potatoes were gluten-free?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    When I started MFP, my weak links were nutella, buttered toast and Leibniz chocolate biscuits. I can honestly say that logging/counting calories has just about cured me. I can still go a bit wayward if I'm not logging, but otherwise, moderation ftw.
  • marie_25m
    marie_25m Posts: 64 Member
  • SuzieZimm
    SuzieZimm Posts: 238 Member
    I could eat buttered spaghetti (or any pasta, really) or white rice with sauce (chinese food, anyone?) til I'm sick. There's no stopping my fork when those things are on the table. Om nom nom.
  • NatyRawr
    NatyRawr Posts: 11 Member
    omg it's the chips whenever i go to a Mexican restaurant, can't stay away from those crunchy deliciousness.
  • micl86
    micl86 Posts: 48
    suziezimm are taste buds are alike.
  • ekkand
    ekkand Posts: 592 Member
    Dairy. Even though I'm lactose intolerant. :(
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    Cookies, cheesecake, chocolate. If I couldn't eat another chip for the rest of my life, I truly wouldn't care. Sugar/fat combo is my weakness.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Anything fried/greasy/salty- I'm a total slut for chips. I can't eat just like.... you know... one serving size. Open mouth, pour in bag.

    Cheese and crackers. YES.