Looking for dedicated members to join short challenges



  • hmbrandon
    Welcome, everyone! I will add the no soda to the challenge list for our voters! Even tho i have cut out reg soda, i still drink a diet more often than i want to jsut for the caffeine. I think a group is an excellent idea. I will create it after class today, my very last one!! I will send the link!
  • lem_orc29
    lem_orc29 Posts: 179 Member
    Congrats on being done with classes! I really like the no soda challenge idea!
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member

    I'm 5"7
    start weight: 187
    current weight: 185 (I just started a couple days ago haha)
    goal weight: 145

    I don't actually have any measurements because I don't have the right type of tape measure, but I do plan on getting one!
  • tegantheaverage
    tegantheaverage Posts: 142 Member
    I vote #6 or #3. I also work really early and will never be able to get in early workouts so that challenge is impossible for me!
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    Also, I know I'm the new girl...but might I suggest actually creating a group for this motley crew we have assembled? It might make it easier to navigate as the challenges stretch out over several weeks

    Agree! great idea
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    1. Get at least 6 hours of sleep every night.
    2. Eat at least 3 servings of fruit and 4 servings of vegetables (as the USDA recommends)
    3. Drink at least 72 oz. of water. (Let's add in that extra glass!)
    4. Working out in the morning for at least 20 minutes 3 times a week (avoid the late nighters that we tend to excuse ourselves from!)
    5. No eating past 8 p.m.
    6. 50 Jumping Jacks in the morning and 50 at night
    7. no soda (diet or regular)

    Okay I already voting but I'm amending my vote. These are my choices in order I prefer.

    #1, #5, #4, #6, #3, #2, #7

    also if we start a group maybe we could run 2 challenges a week, one for exercise and one for food.
  • hmbrandon
    also if we start a group maybe we could run 2 challenges a week, one for exercise and one for food.

    Good idea!
  • hmbrandon
    Okay, ya'll, the group has been added! I think it will be more efficient. Every single one of you was sent an invite. If you didn't get one, let me know... I could've misspelled your name or something. I would be happy to add any newcomers!

    Looks like it double-added my group. Pls join that one called Mini-Challenges Get Us One Step Closer!
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    Okay, ya'll, the group has been added! I think it will be more efficient. Every single one of you was sent an invite. If you didn't get one, let me know... I could've misspelled your name or something. I would be happy to add any newcomers!

    Looks like it double-added my group. Pls join that one called Mini-Challenges Get Us One Step Closer!

    joined. looking forward to the challenges!
  • MissPatty584
    MissPatty584 Posts: 155 Member
    I failed this challenge today :( Didn't have time to cook, had to leave as soon as I got home from work. We went to wendy's. I got a salad.
  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
    Maybe you should start a group and call it The days before Christmas challenge we follow meal ideas exercise and only feast on Christmas day something fun to look forward to whatcha think?
  • kenyabenya
    im in¡¡¡

    sw: 220
  • hmorrow78
    hi. im in. im new here, but i need motivation, like a buddy type system. here are my stats:

    sw: 151
    cw: 146