200+ (Week 17) "Fling Into Spring" Begins!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Deb and Blombie - We are here for you. Please don't feel bad posting anything good or bad. Hugs to you both.

    My foot is killing me - ouch. I am going to try running to see if the endorphins will help. The doctor used frozen nitrogen on the wart. I was limping all last night. It will take 2 weeks to see if it worked. In my haste to post and get out of the house early yesterday, I forgot to put the crock pot on. So we went out for dinner. I was not in a mood to cook last night. The grilled chicken, strawberry, walnut salad was good. Today I will get to taste the crock creation. Such is my life.

    This morning was a great morning. I wont consider it real unless it holds to next Thurs but after using the facilities, I was 199.75 (cartwheel, back flip, somersault)... I had a few shots of bourbon last night and was probably dehydrated but I will take it. It felt good to weigh in mid-day at the doctor's office at 204 with clothes. Well I am off to burn a few calories. I hope everyone has fun planned for the weekend. We are staying home and watching the Olympics and basketball:grumble:
  • marci_r2010
    marci_r2010 Posts: 61 Member
    Hello everyone... newbie here, would love to jump in to the next challenge!

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    All new people are welcome to join us. We have been going for 17 weeks as a group and are pretty supportive of each other. To join our challenge, just post your info as requested in an early post. Feel free to let us know what your doing, ask questions, etc.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    This week a lady at work asked me if I was losing weight, I told her yes and she said she could tell. My mom has been telling me for a few weeks that she can tell I'm getting smaller. And a couple times my sister has asked me if I've had to buy smaller clothes yet. I may not be losing big numbers, but I'm getting smaller. :smile: And no, I haven't had to buy new clothes yet. I could get all the way down to 220 and still fit in my clothes. I wasn't at 260 very long...that was when I decided to get smaller instead of buy bigger clothes. When I was at 260, I couldn't fit my belt around me. By the time I needed it, I had to put it in the 2nd hole and now I have to have it in the 3rd hole in order to keep my pants up.

    Slowly but surely, I'm going to get there. :smile:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Blombie - that's great that people are noticing. Keep up the great work.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend. My foot feels much better since running. I finally managed to jog for an entire 5K - YEAH... It took 41 min 20 sec at 4.5 mph. I am pretty proud of myself. My goal now is to work on speed.

    My mom really rocks. While working out yesterday, she asked about doing more weight training. She wants to get rid of her bat wings (under arm flab). So tonight, I set up a 20 min DVD for weight training by Donna Richardson. We always try to do at least 30 min of ex so mom says lets try that kick and jab stuff. Have you ever seen a 60+ lady try it? Oh, we had a great laugh and a good workout. She really motivates me to do more. Tomorrow we are going to snow trail walk or snow shoe - it will depend on the snow fall/base when we get to the park. Last weekend I used the mapmyrun app on the iphone and it logged 1.5 miles of snow trail walking. I wish I had my mom's height she is 5' 10" while I am stuck at 5' 5 1/2"... And yes, I weigh more than her. She is right around 193 (sigh). She keeps losing too. She doesn't have internet but she feels she knows all of you. We have to have something to talk about and you guys are my new life (and my fav group)...
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hey guys this is my first official post for the new challenge. dang it, i have gained back that 4 lbs i lost last week

    pinbot-- my stats are original weight 240, current weight 233, goal weight 223.

    looking forward to this new challenge and chatting with all of you. feel free to add me as a friend.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kristina - I am so excited. I was looking for a 10K race to give myself motivation and I noticed a 5K in Ypsi on May 8th. I'll come down and run it with you - if your interested. I am always looking for excuses to get downstate. Here's a link to the race.

  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello Super Heros...this being a Mom is really taking a toll on my logging and chatting fix here....I just about can't take it. :bigsmile:

    The chart Looks great Pinbot and everyone did fantastic...great job!:flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    I feel so much better today and my spirits are high and I'm ready to jump into this next challenge. I have been trying some interval workouts, where you work out intensely for a minute or two then bring it back down in your zone for a brief recovery and repeat...just trying different things to shake things up.
    Pinbot...give your Mom a high 5 for me, that's great at her wanting to challenge herself more. I love kick boxing, that is one of my favorite workouts....the kids say I just like to yell....because I do give out some sound with my punches and kicks:laugh: :laugh:

    Blombie, that's fantastic that people are taking notice of all your hard work....You go Girl!!:flowerforyou:

    Well, Hello to everyone, hope your having a fantastic day....it's my turn in the shower and we are off on the road again.... I'll try to check in later...but it will be after 9 PM before we're back home....Hugs to you all super heros!!!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Hey Ladies; How is everyones weekend going? I haven't been doing good, eating wise; but tomorrow is a new day, and even though were going to Old Country Buffet today I don't plan on PIGGING out.. Like I would have before :blushing: . But I won't be calorie counting. Even though I have been off track, I am back in action tomorrow. I feel like crappy crap from eating all this crap..
    Pinbot; the chart looks good! I can't believe I lost the most percent wise :blushing: ! I couldn't have done it without all of you Super heroes! I hope to continue doing well in the next challenge Good job everyone!!:drinker: :drinker:
    I love the spring, it gives me motivation.. I have recently started thinkihng that I ahve the type of depression that is worse in the winter.. all the dreary-ness.. and I'm not too fond of holidays.
    happy Valentines day Ladies! Enjoy your day & spend it with the ones you love.. I called out today because I wanted to be with my kids...:heart:
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    Hi I hope I can join. I am well safely under the 300s now. My actual starting weight and I just remembered this a few weeks ago is 320

    Current weight 287 :D

    My mini goal is get out of the 280s and into the 270s by spring I hope. We'll see.

    I broke my ankle back in October which slowed things up for me and I was bouncing between 290 and 292 for a while there and this weekends I broke through and dropped a nice four pounds. :drinker:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy V-Day everyone. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Welcome to our group Falcon and all the others:flowerforyou: If you've given me info, I logged it into the chart. Don't forget to post weight on Fridays. Also make sure to look for new thread (week 18) this Thurs night or Friday. Feel free to let us know what you're doing and ask questions.

    I am being rather lazy today and shuffling paperwork. I am the financial keeper for my disabled aunt. I have to do her taxes in addition to my own:grumble: I talked to my office manager today (MIL can be great) and reported in all the last min cash transactions for 2009. I can get the stuff to the tax lady after the thumb drive with downloaded info arrives in the mail.

    Deb - glad to hear you're feeling better. Enjoy your kids. Before you know it they will be grown up and gone.

    Nikki - so how is the bike? Give your kids some extra Valentine's love. You work hard to be our biggest loser :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I love sunny weather, even if its cold outside. I think I'm gonna go pick up my dog and take her hiking or walking on a trail or something. Its a little chilly but a tshirt and hoodie should be warm enough if I'm walking.

    Church was really rough this morning. The sermon was about when marriages fall off track. Thankfully they always have the lights pretty low so no one really saw me crying. He was talking about the difference in feeling and doing because after a while, all the feelings of love die down and you have to really commit yourself to relighting the flame and do things. I think its God's sign that I need to give Joey one more final chance. The preacher even gave an example if a married man is "friends" with a woman at work and they go out and have lunch and are kind of attracted to each other its wrong and the man needs to quit his job to work on his marriage. For Joey that would mean deleting his facebook/myspace/email accounts and giving up his cell phone. His excuse might be he needs his phone for work....then he can find another job. Which I don't think he'll be willing to do. My church posts audio of their sermons. I'm going to wait till its posted and tell Joey to listen to it. Ask him if he's really willing to save our marriage by doing that.

    Anyways, I really need to go walk cause I'm pre-TOM and I need all the endorphins I can get.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Blombie - I hope you and the dog enjoyed the walk. My thoughts and prayers are with you in your troubles with Joey. We are here for you if you need to vent.

    My excitement for the day (okay I was bored) was rummaging through my closet. What treasures were within. If you remember in early Dec, I bought a leather jacket that was too small as a goal to motivate me. It actually zipped up and I could breath. I still need to loose 10 or 15 pounds before it will look good on me. I tried on some old pants that were 18s and they were too big - I was shocked. I don't think we see all the changes in our body as we look at them everyday. I found an old pair of scrub pants that were a large and they felt comfortable. My wardrobe has just doubled. I used to wear really cute clothes but the last 5 years everything has been stretchy and shapeless to hide my fat. I am going to make it point to wear my old cute clothes this week. I found some old jeans that fit and I was admiring my tush :blushing: No wonder people wear jeans. I cant wait for summer to try on those clothes. I should dig in my old lingerie drawer to see what fits - it is Valentine's Day :blushing:

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I'm back! And whoa for the tons of comments to go through! you all have been busy this weekend! it's great to see everyone so motivated!! I'm excited for this new challenge.

    I just got back from Cinci. It was a lovely trip (the drive was horridly boring though). I knew I wouldn't eat well, and it wasn't pretty, but not quite as horrid as I thought it would be. I wouldn't be surprisde if I'm up a bit at the beginning of the week. I'm glad to get back into the routine. I had thought I might still get to the rec center this evening to keep my normal schedule with c25k training, but I'm exhausted from the drive, and I never sleep well when I'm away from home. I'll have to run tomorrow instead. Hopefully the gym is open (not sure cause of the holiday, though I'm off! yay for federal employment!!), otherwise I'll run at the condo's small fitness center. Eating will get back on schedule again as well tomorrow. That pad thai I had last night was all sorts of fabulous though. *drools*

    Glad everyone is doing well!! Have a great week!
    Kristina - I am so excited. I was looking for a 10K race to give myself motivation and I noticed a 5K in Ypsi on May 8th. I'll come down and run it with you - if your interested. I am always looking for excuses to get downstate. Here's a link to the race.

    That's SUPER tempting! I think i'll have a better idea in a few weeks once I've actually run 3 miles (*crosses fingers*), and have actually run off a treadmill, but it would be super fun, and I'd love for us to kick that race's tushie together!! While I was in Cinci, my friend actually did a run that morning... I didn't go as it's a big running group in the city and they're training for a half-marathon. They did a 6 mile run. I was NOT ready for that obviously, but it sounds like it would be fab!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    well ladies, i had a great day today. i was 500 calories under my goal for the day and i got in a work out after work tonight. i just started doing Sweatin' to the Oldies with Richard Simmons. it is a really fun low impact work out, which i like because of my knee. i hope you all had a great valentines day. i think i am going to drink a cup of hot blueberry herbal tea and go to sleep. its been a long day. good night all!!

  • shellster80
    Hi Ladies,

    Can I join your group/challenge please???

    I started on MFP 2 weeks ago and have lost 4ibs so far.

    My start weight was 238, currently 234.

    My goal for the challenge is a loss of 9ibs, 1.5ibs per week.

    My ultimate goal is to achieve a weight of 140ish ibs to gain a healthy BMI.

    Looking forward to getting to know some of you ladies a little better. :happy:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Pinbot: The bike is awesome! I haven't rode her for more than 40 minutes (all together), but today I am dedicating at least 30 minutes; The bike kicks my *kitten*!! I thought I could do 45m no problem, but thats not the caseee! & it hurts my bum...:noway:
    But I will get used to it..
    Blombie; My thoughts are with you also..:flowerforyou: Follow your heart!
    I know we went over this before; but who has a facebook? I just started facebooking!
    Hope everyone has a good week!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Just wanted to wish everyone a great day. I am headed out the door in 10 min and will be gone all day for clients and then my induction into the Eagles. I am sure DH will be wanting attention when I get home so I doubt if I see the computer tonight. I also am only 1/2 way through my bookclub book and the meeting is Wed (*sigh*) it's not very good but I have to finish reading it:grumble:

    Amber - great job staying under calories and working out.

    Welcome shellster80 :flowerforyou: I put you in the chart. Don't forget to check-in every Friday to let us know your progress.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome to all the new group members! jump right on in!

    Sleeping in today felt all sorts of wonderful. I checked and even though the county offices are closed today, the rec center is open, so once I get myself together today I'll head out and run over there. Will maybe do some additional cardio as well. I got my new swimming goggles in the mail, so now I'm all ready to add swimming to my repertoire, but their adult lap swim times are at odd times of the day for me, so I'm not sure yet as to when I'll dive (pun intended) in. Then it's off to the grocery store. I think I'll make some black bean soup this week, but will need to think of another recipe as well. I might just do lots of veggies and couscous. Simple enough and yummy.

    Pub trivia tonight, which should be a blast, though will entail some extra calories. I might put in the extra time at the gym today because of the impending intake this evening. I hope the categories tonight aren't too out there! Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    :drinker: yay me!
    I was freakin STAHHVIN when I went to lunch, and the first thing I saw was the greasy food off the grill; I walked right by it, and bought a chix ceaser salad.. That salad was the freaking best~!!!! So much better than some fried wings & fries!!! Strides ladies, strides... One day at a time...:glasses: