200+ (Week 17) "Fling Into Spring" Begins!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Great job Nikki!! Way to step away from the bad food!

    My running today was a bit of a disaster... I really didn't want to work out at all today, as I haven't been home this weekend and really just wanted to frump. I compromised with myself by saying i'll go to the condo fitness room instead of the rec center, as it's closer. I should have just gone to the rec center. As soon as I got there, I thought it was pretty warm in there, but I stepped on the treadmill anyways. 15 minutes into the exercise, I was DYING. I stepped off to the sides for a second to get a drink, and I literally thought I was going to throw up I was so overheated and tired. I made an executive decision to throw the towel in on it. So, I only did the warm up 5 minute walk and 10 minutes of the 25 minute run (just over 1 mile). i definitely won't count that as my day 1 for this week, so I'll need to fit in three runs in the next 4 days to keep on schedule, which is doable, just not ideal. When I got home and cooled off for a couple of minutes, I turned on demand on, and wasn't in the mood to hop around at this point, so I did 3 different 10 minute pilates routines. No the best cardio, but I'm feeling all long and limber. I know I need to up the cardio in order to really lose the weight, but I feel wonderful after I do pilates, in terms of how lean my body feels (as opposed to how it actually looks). Well, it's better than nothing for the day. I'll need to step it up this week.

    Stepped on the scale this morning and I was back down to where I was pre-TOM last week, so I'm pleased with that, especially considering my eating over the weekend, so it appears I'm back on track. OH, i forgot to mention earlier, my friend totes noticed I had lost weight. YES! Sometimes there are perks to not having seen someone in a while because they can notice differences than other have. That's my second "have you lost weight?" comment and they are glorious!
  • MelsaEstel
    MelsaEstel Posts: 56 Member
    I am totally in on this challenge. I am an old MFP user, recently back after a not so good absence.

    My stats:
    highest weigh 216.6
    current weight: 207.4
    Goal weight: 199.9 (7.5 lbs in 6 weeks)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Melsa :flowerforyou:

    I have a stress headache and I know that I should go workout but I this my first time back home all day and I only have 30 min to workout, get my MFP addiction fix, and eat dinner. There goes the workout. I don't know how long my 7 o'clock meeting will take. Maybe I can workout tonight when I get home. Monday's really bite.

    aka - at least you ran a mile. I do that sometimes now that the training is over. Stretching and strengthening are just as important as cardio. Congrats on your friend noticing your hard work :drinker:

    Nikki - one day at time will win the race in the long run. Nice Job on the chicken salad. :bigsmile:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey All!

    Can i join? Can I join!?! I think I am residing right around 210. I will weigh myself when I get to the gym after work today to see. I've been up to 221 before at the high end in January. I have been working out consistently and eating around 1600 cals for going on 7 weeks now. Not seen much difference in weight. I think I dropped down to 210ish with water weight, etc. However, I've seen that my clothes are starting to fit better and my body is slimming down.
    I thinK I have a really slooooow metabolism and it will take a while to get going with all of this. Right about now is usually when I stop exercising so I am determined to push through.

    If anyone wants to peruse my diary and sees something I could change, please let me know. I am all up for suggestions. I often wonder if when I eat around 1600 cals a day and then go burn 600 at the gym (I have an HRM) if I am not eating enough? But I always figure the fact that I eat more on the weekends probably balances that out.

    As for the end of March goal? Mine would be to be under 200 lbs. I can do it if I am diligent. And stop eating so much on the weekends. That has been my battle to bear right now.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Lacey (*flowers 4U*- sorry can't do smiles from the iPhone)

    So, I guess I was meant to exercise after all. While at my 6 o'clock client, my initiation into the Eagles was cancelled (septic problems at the hall).... So I went home and did 50 min of low impact aerobics. I'm off to bed.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    hope everyone had a good monday. i ate really well, and ended up under by about 200 calories. still, i had a ton of water today, so i am proud of that.
    did my treadmill thing this morning. mondays always stink for me.....ran 2 miles and was pooped. then i walked at an incline. like i've said before, my knee has been bothering me, and i am starting to think it is the incline times. who knows. I am a firm believer in pushing on, and completely terrified to stop exercising. Isn't that crazy?!!!???
    i may try to add in some aerobics some days. i know with moving, our treadmill is going to get folded up soon (it takes up room where boxes could be). still, i think the fear of not working out might just drive me to run outside.
    see ya all tomorrow!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    welcome lacey and melsa!!

    pinbot- way to go for still getting exercise in tonight!

    cds- drinking all that water is great! i understand your paranoia though. i'm so completely scared that if I go more than a couple of days without diligently exercising or eating super well, i'm going to completely fall off the wagon. hey, I suppose this is a time where neuroses are a positive?

    ate like crap at pub trivia, but that's not a surprise.. about 450 over on my calories for the day. :grumble: PLUS, the questions blew tonight, so it totes wasn't worth it. should have stayed home and just watched the olympics.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello SuperHeros////I got up early this morning just so I could catch up on posts a little...but me eyes are a wee bit blurry right now:yawn: :laugh: :laugh:
    Glad everyone took time for themselves and got that exercise in...I think Mondays are horrible for that....getting back into routine after the weekend...and I don't know about your homes...but my house is always a total wreck on Monday mornings...spins me a little towards being depressed every Monday:sick: , I usually feel better once things are more organized...I think I should try to get things cleaned up on Sunday evenings....well, that is something I could try...not sure if it would work or not.

    Welcome Lacey and Melsa:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: , hope your sparked into action for week 1...

    AKA....sorry your evening was a bust.....but congrats again for doing so well over the weekend!:bigsmile:

    Pinbot, great job on getting that exercise in....that is hard to do at the end of a work day!:flowerforyou:

    Cds, I don't envy you having to pack up and move...but so excited for you, have you signed up for your race yet or are you waiting until you get there? I have never ran on a treadmill, I am looking for one...my daughter says she'll use it if I bring one home...we'll see...I myself always feel fantastic after I get outdoors and run. I was able to get outside this past Saturday for a run, it was cold here 13*, but I got in 4.2 miles and I felt great...I wish I would of got outdoors yesterday.

    Well I better get moving, my husband is home today and we have to get new tires on the truck, and my car needs a new battery....and if we can squeeze it in...we might stop at our favorite Mexican place for lunch....so I had better get my exercise in!:wink:
    The scale shot back up a couple pounds on me yesterday, but I am still bleeding...this is day 10 with that....and I am not even suppose to start until tomorrow!! My list to the Doctor is getting longer, but I go next Tuesday...so hopefully something will click soon.
    Well I better get going, need to get my kids moving....have a great day SuperHeros!!!! Hugs!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Debra, I really hope you start feeling better soon. You can't go to the doctor earlier? Hope your day is lovely and you enjoy your possible Mexican lunch! Get that calorie burning in and lots of water!

    I really didn't want to get up this morning, but I dragged myself to work. It's snowing this morning. Not much on the ground- maybe an inch, but it made for a slow drive this morning and I had to scrape off my car this morning, putting me behind a bit in the normal routine. As its Fat Tuesday, someone at work brought in paczkis. Is she trying to sabotage my healthy eating?? There were strawberry, plum, or custard filled ones and I was feeling pressure like whoa to eat one. I compromised and ate half of a custard filled one. It was DELICIOUS. I'll just substitute that for the normal dried cereal I'll eat in the morning as part of my breakfast, so the calories aren't insane this morning- just the fat intake!

    The plan is to get to the rec center today and at least pound out day 1 of week 7... perhaps another 30 minutes of some other cardio afterwards, to help compensate for the pub trivia eating last night and my old winterguard instructor is coming to MI for a couple of days and we'll do dinner tomorrow, which I know won't be terribly light eating. I've got a couple of obstacles this week!

    Hope everyone has a great day!! :flowerforyou:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Thanks Ladies! How is everyone feeling? I feel ok(just remembered to take my meds).. and its snowing, but not sticking.
    I didgood last night; even though it was only 15 minutes, it was hard! My kids wouldn't let mefinish, so I quit for the night.
    I had a dream last night that I was 218/216 and I was elated!!! I got on the scale this and I am 221, which is good considering I ate like a fat pig for days! I am working the ER today, and haven't sat for morethan 10minutes since the start of my shift.. does that count forsomething? (sorry for the non spaces, this keyboard sucks!!) I'll be moving around like a nurse today/... Have a good day ladies!!:flowerforyou:
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    morning all!! can't believe i am looking forward to getting on the treadmill today. feels weird to say that. but, neroses are good!!
    deb....sorry to hear your still having some bleedy issues. i really hope that gets cleared up soon. i am sure it is no fun. I'm so jealous of you getting out and running 4 miles!! Do you realize how good that is? my goal for today is to make the entire 3.1.

    I haven't signed up for the 5K yet. still debating....guess I'm just scared. If I don't do that one, I am definately doing the one in October.....but that will be (hopefully) a 13 mile. the race is only a week after we get there, and i just don't want to be too pooped from unpacking and such and then do badly, and get discouraged.

    Soon, I'll be part of the snow conversation. it's going to be a change for this california girl, living in snow....but i am excited!! i do love the snow. i'll definitely need driving tips and such!!
    have a wonderful day!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Cds - where are you moving? Sorry for making you repeat yourself...I'm at work and don't have time to look back thru at the moment.

    Last night I ran for two minutes on the treadmill in an effort to push myself and such. I decided when I got to work this morning I would print up the c25k program and start it. I always see people who start running lose weight and look good too and I've always been afraid of running. Time to change that thinking I guess!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    lacey, no problem......we definitely have a lot of posts. we are moving to spokane, wa the first week of april. gotta get lots done.
    reading your profile is like reading mine. i have a three year old son, and I don't want to miss out on stuff because im fat.
    hang in there!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I wasn't too happy with Zumba last night. First of all, wasn't happy that it was on a Monday cause I like having it as my last chance workout on Thursdays. But I could deal with that. The biggest problem was that there was a different teacher who normally teaches belly dancing and yoga and she did not have the energy level to make zumba fun. Plus she forgot/changed a lot of the dances and made them too easy.

    TOM has officially arrived. The sermon at church was all about saving a failed marriage. And with Valentine's Day being the same day as the 2 month mark of when I left Joey, I have been emotionally eating all kinds of crap. My biggest problem was I went and bought two bags of discounted Valentine's chocolate on Sunday night. Figured I needed to eat them both as quickly as possible so they won't be lingering for days. (They were resealable bags of reese's pieces and york peppermint patty pieces.) But now I'm just pigging out on all the food at my desk. Thankfully I'm only at my desk for about an hour every day this week.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    lacey - good luck with the running. C25K will get you there and we will be here to support you. It is the best thing I have done this year. I am still in shock that I now like to run and that 3 months ago I was short of breath on those 1 min runs in the first week of c25k. Check out www.c25K.com for great links to podcasts or mp3 casts that will cue you when to walk and run.

    Blombie - have a chocolate for me :wink:

    cd and aka - good luck with your runs.

    deb - hugs to you. Good luck with the trucks and hope you don't have to spend too much. I want Mexican for lunch :sad: Maybe I'll make quesidillas later.

    nikki - you sound busy today. Way to burn extra calories. Hope the ER isn't too busy.

    I did manage to run 5K on the treadmill again today. I upped my speed to 4.6 and was getting out of breath near the end but did it in 40 min 35 sec. I'm glad I have the afternoon off. But I need to go and do some paperwork and eat some food. Running makes you hungry (or is it all this talk of chocolate, chicken salad, and Mexican food?)
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, need to buckle down. I have not been doing too well and have been teetering between 202 and 205 for way too long. I must say I have some health issues set me back, but I want in on this challenge.

    Ahhhhhh!!! HELP!

    ok, I am done now. :)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome mish! Sounds like you've been in a bit of a rut. What are you have difficulties with at the moment?

    pinbot- i'm so impressed with your running!! I can't wait till I get to that point (*thinks positively*)

    lacey- i'm on week 7 of c25k, and I can tell you it totally works if you stick with it. i'm sort of starting to look forward to running and it's getting progressively easier and more rewarding. I think the program progresses at just the right pace... hard and a challenge, but definitely doable. I am SO not a runner, but I'm slowly getting there and feel great!

    blombie- I bet zumba just isn't the same with a crappy instructor. booo! :angry: But I have to say, I totally do the same thing you said you did with the chocolate. I didn't buy any v-day chocolate, but when I do buy/order something bad, I think I should eat it all as quick as possible so it's not hanging around to tempt me. Glad to see i'm not the only one. Definitely something I need to work on. I'm getting better at it. I'll throw things out if I need to... or give them to the roomies, or bring them into work. I've been craving baking a bit. I think I'll only have a little bit and bring the rest into the office so it isn't laying around where I wil feel the need to get rid of it (by eating like whoa) as quickly as possible. Hang in there hun! Any ideas for substitutes for eating, when it's just for the emotional part of things? That's always very difficult.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    ick....i'm having one of those days when everything you eat...goes right through you. probably tmi, sorry....
    but do you ever wonder on those days....gee, i hope i am losing some weight this way....lol:huh:
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Well, just some personal health stuff which kind gave me a little bit of depression for a bit. I seem to be ok now. I must say see my hubby nearing the 100lb loss point has made me really want to get back into the swing of things. So far this week, other then a few extra chocolate items I have been good. My biggest downfall is chocolate. Today I have a 100 calorie Reese's on my desk and I am determined to not eat it. I need to break myself of this addiction and last time I did this it worked.

    I just need to get over the 200lbs hump. It is almost like my worst enemy and I must defeat it. And I will!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome mish :flowerforyou: You have found the right group. We are superheroes and doing great with losing weight. Several of us are teetering right where you are. Did you want to join our 6 week challenge? if so, I just need highest weight, current weight (as of last Friday) and goal weight (most of us picked 10 pounds). So what are you doing for exercise? If you do lots, you can eat that chocolate:wink:

    Well I opted for making a salad with strawberries, cucumber, avocado, tofu and full fat dressing. I also had a sandwich from Sunday's left over Salisbury steak. I have been craving turkey pot pie (I don't know why) and I can't decide if I should go with the Mexican or pot pie for dinner. Maybe both. I still have a 1000 cal left to eat. Running really racks up those ex cal. I also already have all my water in for the day - running makes me thirsty. I have an hour before I need to start cooking.