Why are womens' bodies always up for scrutiny?



  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    ...and here I was thinking this was just another hate thread about the Victoria's Secret pageant thingie!
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I posed this before and was blocked from my own topic. So I won't be responding to this one.

    But why is it OK for random female clerks and salespeople, or professionals like your doctor or your vet to literally stare at your boobs and waist, to comment on your thighs, to ask your jean size, etc.? Men do it too, but women are much, much worse and far more obvious and likely to ask overtly about your body.

    I have actually taken to wearing my fat clothes (2-3 sizes too big) more often than not, as at least then I am left in peace. The (FEMALE) vet isn't staring at my boobs and asking what my current jean size is; I am not getting death stares from other women; and fewer random men just decide to chat me up or give me free stuff at the checkout.

    If I wear what fits me, I get so much attention that I would rather stay home and do everything over the internet. Fat was better.
    Go back to being fat then?
  • betoarango
    betoarango Posts: 222 Member
    6000 calories a day and no exercise will rid you of your problems.

    Next thread....
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    this thread needs more bodies to scrutinize.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Some people just need something to complain about...

    If fat was better, go back to that. Then you can complain about the hateful comments people make about your body for being overweight.
  • misslindseylou
    misslindseylou Posts: 141 Member
    People are always gonna scrutinize others' bodies. Now, we can either stop judging each other, or start ignoring each other when we get all judgy.

    However, you seem like a troll, so.......go find something better to do, seriously.
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    And why would you repost this same topic? You got plenty of feedback on it already?
    Dead horse
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member

    Nothing is going to top yesterday's threads, so stop trying.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    So we have ONE actual answer and then just crap.

    And people wonder why folks advise against ever using the forums for help. Won't make that mistake again.

    So, wait... You're looking for help on this topic?

    Seems to me you answered your own question. Fat was better? Than get fat again.

    Thread ended. :drinker:
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I'd stop worrying. They're jealous and you're self conscious.
    I have big boobs and am constantly asked for help regarding correct bra sizing. I don't know why, maybe they figure I should know something about boobs. Stop getting offended. You'll give yourself some horrible digestive issue.
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    And why would you repost this same topic? You got plenty of feedback on it already?
    Dead horse

    I was going to post this.
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