How did you get proposed to?



  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Was in prison. It hurt, I really didn't have the option to say no, or Tony would have shanked me at dinner. I don't recommend this for anyone.

    When I proposed, I went to a restaurant that also had boats. We took a canoe out, and I made her turn around, then I proposed in the middle of the lake, and got down on my knee in the wobbly canoe... because you know if she said no, it was a long swim.
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    He was leaving for the Army, we just got our 1st apartment and i just found out i was pregnant with our 2nd child- i asked him and we were married a month later. I bought both ring sets
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    We met at work, had been working together for 3 years before. We'd hang out in a big group of work friends, going to the bars, to other peoples apartments, etc. One night the group was at my place. It got later and late and the group started thinning out, and after I had a few too many beers, and she a few too many shots of Bacardi 151, the making out and "business" commenced. Turned out we both had the hots for eachother, just took a little liquid courage to let eachother know.

    6 months later we spend a wonderful day in the city (Chicago) and came back to my place. We know....and she told me it was time to put the "raincoat" on. I reached in the nightstand and grabbed the ring instead and handed it to her. Now that's romance.

    Just over nine years now and there's only been 1 day I haven't seen her.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member


    :laugh: YES!

    Actually I have been proposed to though - I try to forget about it. My daughter's father proposed Christmas Day 2006 (I was pregnant - it was the right thing to do). Sucks he picked out a ring I loved!!! It was the engagement ring with interlocking band. Yea, I then got to pay off my own set after I left him.

    Then, the last guy I dated tossed a Kay Jewelers card at me "they happen to have the ring you'd like" Got me all excited - I left him 4 mos later after questions of infidelity and the fact my daughter didn't like him.
  • on a boat while we were cruising around Washington Harbor, as we were passing the Monuments in DC in the evening. Everything was lit up, and the captain had closed the bow.
    It was stunning.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    We had been dating for about 6 weeks. Went to Mt. Hood (Oregon) to see my cousin and his brand new bride. It was February and covered in snow. Told her we should give them some alone time. I went for a walk with Jan and cruised by my VW Westfalia. Got in. The back. Turned on the heater. Pulled out a bottle of champagne I had hidden back there. Got down on one knee and proposed.

    She said yes. That was almost 22 years ago. We've been married for 20 years and it was the best thing I ever did.
  • We were having a quiet movie night at home and very spontaneously he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. We had been talking about it for a years before he actually done it lol
  • I was out shopping and he kept texting me asking me to come over and help him fill out paperwork for his new job. He was actually starting to irritate me because I just wanted to finish at the mall, but I finally gave in and went to his house. I got there and immediately starting to ask about the paperwork he needed to do and he was like wait I have a surprise for you first. He took me into his room and told me to sit down and close my eyes, I thought he bought me another new bathing suit like he had been all summer, and when I opened them he was down on one knee and asked me to marry him :) I didn't believe it at first. It was perfect for us though. He even asked my parents before hand. That night we celebrated by going to Outback like our first date 6.5 years before and watching the movie we saw on our first date.
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    Living in NY I always dreamed of a going to the top of the Empire State Building on a breezy fall night for some sight seeing. Be the last group up before closing, ask the elevator guy to give me a few more mins before the 2 of use go down. I'd take her to side that over looks downtown NYC and asking her. The only problem with that is that I'm STILL single!
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Living in NY I always dreamed of a going to the top of the Empire State Building on a breezy fall night for some sight seeing. Be the last group up before closing, ask the elevator guy to give me a few more mins before the 2 of use go down. I'd take her to side that over looks downtown NYC and asking her. The only problem with that is that I'm STILL single!

    So very "An Affair to Remember" and "Sleepless in Seattle"
    LOVE IT!!
  • Yolanda4160
    Yolanda4160 Posts: 170 Member
    we met right after high school (we worked at the local Kmart together LOL). We dated for 2 years and he proposed. He brought me to dinner and then to Celebration in the Oaks (a beautiful Christmas light display here in New Orleans). We walked around the botantical gardens, he asked me to sit at a huge fountain, got on his knee, and pulled out the box. :heart: Strangers began clapping when I said yes- some even took pictures ! One lady asked for my address and she mailed me the picture she took of the event. It truly was magical.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    I didn't. I did the proposing.

  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    I met my husband at work. We both worked for Disneyland. I was in a particulary bad mood and told him to get the F@#K out of the breakroom. He thought I was funny and made it his mission in life to get to know me. I hated him for 3 solid months before I realized he wasn't a bad guy.

    He proposed to me when we went to the spa at my apartment complex. He's so tall that when he was kneeling on the bottom of the spa it just looked like he was sitting on the bench so when he asked me to marry him I laughed. He got pissed put his clothes back on and left. Next day he comes over and asks me to go for a ride. He takes me to the Jewlery Exchange and tells me to pick one. LOL, I knew he was serious then! Its been almost 11 years now.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    My husband got down on one knee and sang the chorus to George Strait's "I Cross My Heart" and then asked me to marry him.
  • it woke up one night to go to the loo, and when i came back to bed he asked "will you marry me?", i was half asleep so i said "yeah yeah, lets sleep" :) it was a bit awkward in the morning as i didn't know if the question was real and he didn't know if the answer was real :) we got married four months later:)
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    Living in NY I always dreamed of a going to the top of the Empire State Building on a breezy fall night for some sight seeing. Be the last group up before closing, ask the elevator guy to give me a few more mins before the 2 of use go down. I'd take her to side that over looks downtown NYC and asking her. The only problem with that is that I'm STILL single!

    So very "An Affair to Remember" and "Sleepless in Seattle"
    LOVE IT!!

    I can honestly say I've never seem those movies! Lol I thought I was being original! Ugh back to the drawing board I guess.
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 313 Member
    It was my 19th birthday, and we got a hotel in San Antonio. He made reservations for us at the Tower of Americas and proposed while we were looking out at the Riverwalk. He had the server bring the ring in a strawberry shaped as a rose. We had been together three months.

    It'll be five years since that day on Saturday! We have three kids together and he's helped me through school. In no way traditional, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

    Oh, and we met when he was security at a Young Jeezy concert in Austin, Texas. Romantic, eh? :flowerforyou:
  • I knew my hubsand as kids, but we never connected. I left school and married someone totally wrong for me! 5 years later the marriage ended and I decided to enjoy my singlehood!! Ran into my current husband, sat in his lap, told him he sure as heck grew up and we were together from then on! What made me fall head over heels in love with him was he fell in love with my daughter!! They have the best relationship and noone would guess he's not her bilogical father! Anyways less then two months together, he proposed by waking me up after he got off at midnight with a simple "Will you marry me?" I replied "Are you sure?" Yes, I know, wrong answer! However i was still half asleep and really nervous about marrying again. We married a month and half later and will celebrate 10 years 1/25!
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    We met online. He lived in the UK and I lived in the US. One night we were chatting and talking about how we could be together on the same continent. So it was something like this:

    Me: We have some options. Student visas, this company called BUNAC, spousal visas... We'll just have to research.
    Him: I ACCEPT!
    Me: wut
    Me: k
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    For some reason, mine asked me twice. I don't even know. We were so young and stupid. Once on his bed without a ring [maybe that one doesn't count, huh?] and then outside of his parent's house standing next to my old car, this time with a ring. A promise ring, but ring nonetheless. Again, emphasis on young and stupid, we never really did anything else wedding related until we went to the mall one day and started casually looking at rings. 1 hour later, we walked out with a ring for each of us. We were 17 year olds in highschool.. I still facepalm at this.

    Fast forward a few years, we FINALLY had our engagement party at Buca di beppo with our families and went to the Trail of Lights afterwards. <3 Another year later, we got hitched at the courthouse. No white dress or suits there and thankfully still no babies to this day.
    Weird story, but we've been together for 8 years [2 married] and I still love the guy to death. c: