Lifting weights while obese



  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Yes, and I gained inches. I stick to my advice. I was obese from age 30-38... i worked out, did weight watchers and also atkins, it would not fall off. Take all this advice from everyone with grain of salt. Everyone is different. My genes are different and that's what I did and I went from size 18 to size 8 jeans. I would never tell anyone to lift weights, that would not be my advice. Other opinions are opinions just like mine.

    Your opnion isnt an opinion, its utter nonsense. You dont even say what you did to lose weight, just not to lift heavy,which is a load of tosh. If you seriously gained heavy lifting you are going to be the envy of every hard gaining female lifter. And weight loss isnt down to genes. Absolute poppycock.
  • julysbaby
    julysbaby Posts: 97 Member
    I still have a very long way to go but heavy lifting is changing my body in great ways. It may be slow going but I love the results thus far.

    Awesome!! this is totally mindblowing to me. thanks for sharing!!!
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
  • kendobc
    kendobc Posts: 11 Member
    Definitely lift!

    If you want some information on how to lift safely and what to lift look at programs like Stronglifts and Starting Strength. Starting Strength has great information on the technical side of it. How to lift safely and the like. I personally used the technical information from Starting Strength and use it with the exercises from Stronglifts. The only difference between the two (exercise wise) is that Stronglifts has the bent over row and Starting Strength has the clean. There is also some difference in sets/reps. I am self-taught so I find the bent over row was easier to learn by myself.

    Also, look other places for information and also "gasp" on youtube. Be careful on who you look at, always check multiple sources for your information. There is a a lot of "broscience"out there that is just weight lifting people parroting the same bad information. There is also a lot of "fatscience", bad information pertaining to weight loss. I love when people talk about targeting areas for fat loss, idiots.

    I personally have changed from calorie counting to counting my macronutrients (macros). Sure a caloric deficit will help you lose weight but controlling your macros will help you fine tune it a bit more. Most people eat way too much "bad" carb. Just eat good amounts of each macro and eat good foods, don't eat empty foods too much. A little ice cream here and there isnt bad, just make sure it fits your daily goals and just a little bit. I enjoy a cadbury bar as much as the next person, but if I want some I will eat a small snack sized bar and it goes into my food diary and counts against my macros.

    There are many sites and videos about good ratios for your macros. I currently do about 16% fat, 36% carb, 48% protein every day. That is what I came up with for my personal needs. Look around and see what you can see.

    I will drop a couple names for you to start with, remember always double check information you here. After much looking around I used info from these people to actually start making some smart choices and let me do some smart searching for more information. Try youtube for videos with Ian McCarthy and Eric Helms, very science based but easy to follow. Some good nutritional information in there.

    For myfitnesspal, you can set macro goals instead of a flat calorie goal. Go to Goals and Custom, then you can set percentages for your macros.

    This is just stuff I have been researching recently. But the one thing I will agree with everyone is that lifting is GOOD! Keep it simple to start, compound exercises using free weights, stay away from machines and be careful of trainers in the gym and their "broscience".

    Sorry for the length, stopping here.
