Irritation: Clueless people who need to add their 2 cents



  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    lol at # 3

    your buddy apparently has never picked up a weight in his life.

    kind of on a similair topic, i suggested to my sister in law who is very over weight that weight lifting would probably be the easiest and most effective form of exercise for her. She said that it wouldn't work and that she wanted to lose her stomach... and that meant that she had to do crunches. I just told her that wasn't true and blah blah, but i didn't go much into it because of something like # 1 i guess lol. you never know when you cross the line from helpful info into pain in the *kitten*... even when your already in a conversation like that.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    oh, and they have that bowflex machine that folds up and can fit under your bed. that might be good for you.

    its not the same as lifting free weights but its better then nothing and you should be able to lift as heavy as you want to
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Totally agree with all

    # 1: People don't know your goals and motivations. Sure its easy to figure out what they are when you are fat and overweight, but when you are slim people are confused. This goes back to the basic concept though that everybody knows how to do nothing, some know how to lose weight, very few know how to maintain (different than doing nothing and hoping you maintain). The vast majority of people that have the whole losing thing figured out have no idea of how to maintain and will backslide because of it. Kudos for taking that step and maintaining, it is fundamentally different than losing, learning to maintain is the skill one needs to keep it off.

    # 2: The 2 mintues a day spent logging is totally a sign of overobsessive behaviour. I mean, you are missing 3-4 tries at getting 3 stars in angry birds, or an extra 25 facebook/twitter posts read. How dare you obsess. Most people fail to grasp how easy it is to long and keep track of things unless they do it. Once you've been at it a while you should be very fast with MFP. The whole song and dance with almost all diet plans about how you don't have to kill yourself tracking calories, I guess preying on the average publics 1st grade level math skills and total fear of math, is much too prevalent. People think that tracking is hard, or time consuming, for some reason. MFP takes virtually no time, and assuming you are using the smartphone app, can be done at your convenience.

    #3: Most men don't know how to build muscles either. The average man doesn't know any more than the average woman. What most men do have that women seem to lack at the outset is the willingness to go 100% balls to the wall and work to failure, and a generally unwillingness to admit they are know-nothings on the subject. Most women have to learn to work to failure (or close), and will readily admit to being know-nothings.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    Everyone is an expert. I read recently that the internet provides us with a lot of information but not very much real knowledge.

    I hear the "obsessive" comment in other contexts as well. In particular, because I have a number of alcoholics close to me, I often hear "they just replaced drinking with going to meetings." This may or may not be true, but going to meetings is a lot less destructive than spending the same number of hours staring at the bottom of a glass. I think the same applies to logging our food. At first when I got here it felt a little obsessive to log everything but I quickly learned that when I logged I was learning about portion control (and pre-logging a whole day helps me most off all). Better I obsess about logging food than spending an hour in a yoga class obsessing about donuts.

    You know what's best for you. Stick with it.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    I am TRYING my DARNDEST to get bulky. But unless I flex in the perfect light, I look like I am just VERY skinny lol.
    Max reps are 10 @ a low weight so I warm up before I kick my butt with my 2-3 rep maxes. Lastly my 1 rep max @ 130. Tell your man friend he's a doof.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    I also had to learn to not tell my friends what I am doing anymore....especially maintaining a healthy diet....everyone thinks I am crazy....and somehow starving myself.....which is odd due to the fact that I eat A LOT more than they do....I just choose not to eat pizza and hamburgers. Apparently During "lunch break", me having 2 lbs of food (ground turkey, rice, veggies) vs their burger and fries makes me anorexic. Makes TOTAL sense.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Thanks, everyone, for your great responses.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Im one of these people who should keep her mouth shut
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Stop talking to people about what you're doing. Problem solved.
    Well, with the exception of #3, the other two are not due to me saying anything. They are unsolicited comments.

    how do people know you're tracking if you don't say anything?


    When they see me on my phone after I eat or before I eat to check calorie consumption... Or are we suppose to be anti social and when someone asks yell at them and tell them NOT TO ASK STUPID QUESTIONS or just ignore them

    It comes up all the time...
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I nominate this post for the most sensible, reasonable rant, evar.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Everyone is an expert. I read recently that the internet provides us with a lot of information but not very much real knowledge.

    I hear the "obsessive" comment in other contexts as well. In particular, because I have a number of alcoholics close to me, I often hear "they just replaced drinking with going to meetings." This may or may not be true, but going to meetings is a lot less destructive than spending the same number of hours staring at the bottom of a glass. I think the same applies to logging our food. At first when I got here it felt a little obsessive to log everything but I quickly learned that when I logged I was learning about portion control (and pre-logging a whole day helps me most off all). Better I obsess about logging food than spending an hour in a yoga class obsessing about donuts.

    You know what's best for you. Stick with it.

    I'd rather obsessively log everything I eat for the rest of my life than to keep being fat.
  • In that case, what I do is I don't feed their fire. Meaning, that if they have a comment about what you should or should not do, let them come up with their own conclusions and if they ask you a question, vaguely answer it. This usually works and they usually get the hint.
  • paintedlady77
    paintedlady77 Posts: 154 Member
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    can i get a coles notes version?

    all i all its a weightloss site and everyone on here knows more than the next person and loosing 5lbs basically qualifies you as a nutricionist/doctor on this site.

    I myself delete those hooligans and keep my list to people who want and try to help without advising me how to live my life
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    can i get a coles notes version?

    all i all its a weightloss site and everyone on here knows more than the next person and loosing 5lbs basically qualifies you as a nutricionist/doctor on this site.

    I myself delete those hooligans and keep my list to people who want and try to help without advising me how to live my life
    If you don't want to read the original post, it's probably best to not comment. I was talking about people in real life, not people online. FYI
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    i like this rant a lot!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    People tell you to stop tracking once you meet your goal? Why? So you can gain it all back again? Ignore the idiots and just do your thing. It's what I do. I've been on maintenance for a year and a half and I still keep track. It's just a habit now, it's pretty easy, and it helps me make sure I'm getting proper nutrition and staying right where I need to be. :drinker:
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    For 1 & 2 - just ignore them (as in pretend they didn't speak...I'm real good at this).

    Number 3...IDK - he's beyond stupid; do what ya want...and just nod your head like you hear him speaking...then ignore what he said and do what you want. :bigsmile:
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    can i get a coles notes version?

    all i all its a weightloss site and everyone on here knows more than the next person and loosing 5lbs basically qualifies you as a nutricionist/doctor on this site.

    I myself delete those hooligans and keep my list to people who want and try to help without advising me how to live my life
    If you don't want to read the original post, it's probably best to not comment. I was talking about people in real life, not people online. FYI

    I it was a joke. 2 It happens everywhere everyone knows better than the next person thanks to dr Oz or whom ever is the big thing at that time

    3 maybe being a little less snarky? just an idea?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Thanks, everyone, for your great responses.



    And great rant!