Anyone else HATE how calories are red when barely over?!



  • lbk1969
    What makes me crazy is when I get the "your body is going into starvation mode!" red message when I've eaten 1197 calories for the day. Really? 3 calories under and you're warning me that I'm going to starve?
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    it's worse when protein is red and shown as negative, same with fiber. that's a GOOD thing. it should show as a positive green damnit!
  • kms1320
    kms1320 Posts: 599 Member
    Maybe when you miss your goal it can say:

    "Soandso has completed his/her food and exercise diary for 12/xx/2012 and was over his/her calorie goal but they tried, so here's a participation trophy to make him/her feel better!"
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I wonder what the success/failure rate is for people who are influenced by a computer generated color.

    Maybe you obsessive/compulsives are doing better than the folks who don't give a rats *kitten* about a silly color

    or maybe you are not.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Yes I hate it. Part of the reason why I upped my net calories from 1200 to 1400 was I would consistently go under 1200 because I was so afraid of going over and seeing red -believe it or not.

    ETA: ^ to the above poster. I can't speak for the OP but I also have issues with the red and I do happen to be very goal oriented and disciplined. Because of this I usually succeed at whatever I set out to do. Of course there are downsides to that personality trait, such as being overly obsessive about these little things etc. But the way I see it is success happens when we are able to string together a number of little victories so these small things generally do end up being important in the end.
  • falconeer37
    falconeer37 Posts: 12 Member
    it bothers me because the MFP settings encourage you to meet your calorie goal and not to eat too few calories, but when you go even slightly over it feels like your being admonished! I don't know. I feel like there should be an acceptabe range where you should be eating and not a hard number.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Maybe when you miss your goal it can say:

    "Soandso has completed his/her food and exercise diary for 12/xx/2012 and was over his/her calorie goal but they tried, so here's a participation trophy to make him/her feel better!"

    Yeah I'm not asking for a trophy. I admitted that I know it's not rational, it bothers me that it bothers me because I KNOW how silly it is. It is the same as the work example. My husband laughs at me for it , I laugh but that damn red ! makes me twitchy. It's a quirk, I have a few of them. Just how my brain works.
    It doesn't ruin my day or throw off my tracking. I don't fudge the numbers or do anything to get back in the green. I *know* that it will even out, some days I'm over some days I'm not. I just don't like the red.
    Like someone else said - things that bother you but shouldn't. This is one of them. I'm sure we all have them.
  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    I would like to see it change to green near/on target, yellow just off and then red. It should be the same in both directions away from the target as its just as bad being way under as way over.

    The ranges of the color changes should be based off percentages away from your goal. Eg 5%, 10%, 20%
    Eg if you had a goal of 2000 it would be green +/-100 and for yellow +/-200 and for red +/-400
    Eg if you had a goal of 1200 it would be green +/-60 and for yellow +/-120 and for red +/-240

    It should give people the choice in their profile to changes which colouring method is used so it doesn't affect everyone and also allow the %s to be customised if people want to be less/more strict
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I also hate it when my bank account goes in the red despite me being only a few dollars over...


    Nah. I don't mind. I have a goal. I want to meet it, not exceed it.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    It also turns red when you are at 0 calories left for the day. That really annoys me. It doesn't happen very often that I hit my calorie goal right on the number, but when I do it should not be red! lol
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Doesn't bother me...I've always been a big picture guy, minutia drives me nuts. Besides, you go over 100 calories on a day during a week..big deal! If you met your budget exactly the rest of the time, it would be like .03 pounds that you didn't lose on a pound a week plan. In my case, it usually nets out positively over the course of a week and I've usually eaten slightly less calories than budgeted.
  • When you are over, you are over. Every extra calorie adds up.
  • plus, its meant to piss you off so you wont go over
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    When you are over, you are over. Every extra calorie adds up.

    Exactly. Those extra 10 calories yesterday - a whole pound in 350 days. And that chicken recipe I logged for 200 calories when this time I used chicken cutlets instead of the whole breast I used last time which is probably less calories - that still puts me over.

    Not to mention eating at a deficit - unless you are exceeding your deficit, you are still eating less.

    And when your under, your under. Because all the entries are exact and there is no element of estimation on this site. People never choose a lower value, intentionally of unintentionally.