Things I hate...



  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member


    C'mon folks, Pennywise just want's to play with you!


    Thanks...this movie scared the **** out of me when I was a kid...I won't be able to sleep now!:sad:
  • 05saleengirl
  • DatNative21
    DatNative21 Posts: 42 Member
    pretending that calling rolls of fat curves makes it ok to be fat
  • RixxyRikaa
    RixxyRikaa Posts: 71 Member
    I hate it when overweight people claim that they are struggling to eat enough.

    I have been overweight my entire life; all during high school I was struggling to hit 1.2k calories a day. I was just never hungry. I attribute it to never eating regularly and always skipping breakfast, however.
  • Sassy922
    Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member
    I hate it when overweight people claim that they are struggling to eat enough.

    I have been overweight my entire life; all during high school I was struggling to hit 1.2k calories a day. I was just never hungry. I attribute it to never eating regularly and always skipping breakfast, however.

    I "skip" breakfast every day and I could eat 4000 calories a day. Easily.
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    A family of 3 or 4 or even 6 that need 2 96 gallon trash cans EACH week. Seriously? Recycle people. And maybe don't buy so much crap.

    People that don't use turn signals
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    When pretty girls fish for compliments.
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    Skinny people who claim that they are "fat" :noway:

  • Jennaissance
    I hate it when people try to convince me they are in great shape when they skip walking up two flights of stairs for the elevator.
  • Jennaissance
    I hate it when people try to convince me they are in great shape when they skip walking up two flights of stairs for the elevator.

    Best part is that these folk never have to diet, either!
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    I hate that they cancelled Firefly.

    No, I won't get over it.

    *flips fox the bird*

    And that's what I think about you call "news" too.

    Jerks. They would cancel a show that depicts the government as corrupt, and focuses on the antihero.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    When people don't get up for elderly/strollers/handicaps on the bus.
    I want to throw a rock at those annoying little piss-ant teenagers that stare blankly when an old woman who can barely get on the bus to begin with, has to stand.
  • Owsla135
    Owsla135 Posts: 350 Member
    People who /thread themselves
  • GluttonousGirl
    GluttonousGirl Posts: 384 Member
    Not being able to sleep
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    People who talk on their phones in line at the store/cash register at a restaurant/etc.

    Clerks are people, too...NOT magic Take Care Of Your **** And Pantomime The Steps Needed To Finish Out Your Order For Your Convenience elves.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Trains and their horns at night, it freaks me out.

    I spent the first 18 years of my life about 100 yards from railroad tracks and two intersecting yeah, I get that.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    People who leave their dogs in the front yards to bark at every passing car, person, dog, child, snail...

    I hate it when I'm walking my snail and the neighbor's dog barks at him. He's a sensitive snail, and it scares him.

    Oh, and I hate it when people say that eating bananas made them fat. Yes, I said it on my profile, but that was pure sarcasm. Bananas did not make me fat, unhealthy food did.
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    Trains and their horns at night, it freaks me out.

    I spent the first 18 years of my life about 100 yards from railroad tracks and two intersecting yeah, I get that.

    I've spent nearly my entire life near a set of railroad tracks at any given moment. The train horns don't even bother me anymore. :P
  • Kym1610
    Kym1610 Posts: 333 Member
    Pensioners that use the freeways when I am trying to get work
    People that don't work (stay at home mothers, the unempolyed, Pensioners) Shopping during late night trading or Saturday YOU HAVE ALL DAY TO DO IT, STAY AT HOME WHEN I AM SHOPPING.
    Two parent families inflicting there badly behaved children on me when I am shopping. THERE ARE TWO of YOU, why couldn't one of you stay home with your annoying children.
    People that insist on having their family re-union in the middle of the aile while I am shopping
    Large crowds of really stupid people
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    - That awful Wham Christmas song.

    Haha. Good one. As if there's ever been even one awful Wham song.

    No, seriously. You take that back and you take that back right now!
