So, This is What They Call a Mid-Life Crisis.



  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I read this quote the other day and it made me reconsider age:

    "How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?" Satchel Paige

    I also like being 40-ish. It's much better than 20s or 30s because I can qualify everything I do with, "For a 43-year-old, I can run pretty far (... or fast, or lift a lot of weight, or do a million other things). LOL

    I'm in the best shape of my life, the happiest I've ever been and have accomplished more than I've ever dreamed. I still have plenty of time left to do the things my heart desires, and the energy and determination to perservere through difficulties, and the wisdom to make good choices. For the first time in my life, I care more about what I think than what other people think.

    I'm going to be the most fabulous 50-year-old (or 60-, 70-, 80-year old) in existence if I keep going at this rate!
  • emaren
    emaren Posts: 934 Member
    I had the absolutely mother, father and grandparents of a middle age crises when I turned 40.......

    I absolutely did everything that you can imagine that a guy who suddenly realizes that his life is mundane could do, I dumped my partner, bought a sports car, added a Ducati to my fleet of motorcycles, partied hard in Vegas, ran a marathon with zero training, had relationships with all the 'wrong' women, dated girls in their 20's and early 30's voraciously etc.....

    My mid-life crisis was pretty awesome.

    I am jealous of the running a marathon without trainining! What are you the bionic man?

    Trust me, I paid for that - I was a runner when I was younger and I would run from time to time casually.

    As I had run the San Deigo Rock 'n' Roll in 2002, I decided that I could do it in 2005 with no problems - at the 19 mile marker I realized I was in over my head and that my shins were getting seriously painful.

    By the time I reached the end I was walking backwards, because that was the only way I could walk.

    Subsequently I can barely run - shin splints are so bag it is super painful to even run on a treadmill......
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I'm fine at 46, out lift most guys in the gym. No aches or pains other than regular workouts. Lift weights 3 times a week and do cross fit 3 times a week. My son took me to his school for orientation and he shows me off to his teachers. I guess he thinks I can scare an A out of them,lol. Life isn't over yet, its that we let ourselves go for a while and need to get back in shape. Most people our age don't. There is a 62 year guy in the gym that has a body 20 year olds wish they had. Its over with if you let it be.
  • AnahitaCanDoIt
    First let me say that I love when younger guys try to chat me up, I tell them my age (almost 44) and that I'm married and they say, "Age is just a number."

    I'll be 44 in a few weeks and let me say that I can no longer say I'm in my 'early' forties but heavily esconced in my mid forties and to be honest, feeling grand about it all...

    If I could just get the wisdom, sense of humour, life experience (including in bed!) that I have now but with a 25 year old body (not mine, mine wasn't great at 25!), I'd take your eye out with a rusty spoon for it!

    But, all in all, I'm fairly happy. I'd like to learn to do a handstand (even against a wall) or even a headstand (against a wall)...I've never even tried one.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I am angling to buy a motorcycle, but I'm not getting the approval needed!

    It's a lifestyle. There is nothing like riding home in a blizzard. I'll never forget that day, so much fun!


    If it's anything like a down pour, no thank you. Felt like I rode through a damn hornet nest.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    One of the things that really helps me when I start to feel a bit old is that I go surfing.
    Yes, I am using a long borad now instead of the old Fox board but, it's all still good.
    More often then not, I run into guys that I used to surf with back in the 80's. We are all "old guys" now but, we are still pretty cool.
  • MelodyinGa
    MelodyinGa Posts: 202 Member
    I'll be 39 in Jan and I have an extensive bucket list that, within the last 4 years, have begin to tackle. I told myself earlier this year that by the time I'm 40, I want to be in the best shape of my life and I am so working towards that goal! Another thing that I am looking forward to when I turn 40 is that I will officially be a COUGAR! <snarl and growl>:devil:
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    ... and I like to think perhaps the kid bagging my groceries is flirting!

    He is.
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    I think me taking up running is the manifestation of my mid-life crisis.

    ^^Yep, mine too. I've run 3 5K's in the past 2 months with 8 more on the books and 3 more that I am waiting till I have the money. Oh, and I am only 31; in my defense I have beenmarried for 11 years and have 4 kids. If anyone deserves a mini-life crisis I think I qualify.