250lbs and can use some friend in the same boat

This is my 3rd time on MFP and I have realized that every time I get on here I end up with friends who have only a few pounds to lose. Their support is always great, but I really feel I need friends in the same place I am. I always start doing really good then slip and fall way off the horse. I really want to make it work this time and have a healthy lifestyle and weight. I am tired of being tired and am hoping everyday I can make it through.


  • krystal_black
    I am 220, not prud of it but I am on the same journey, feel free to add me.
  • DefyGravity1977
    DefyGravity1977 Posts: 300 Member
    I started at 272 and am now down to 193 after 5 years. One day at a time is what I had to tell myself.
  • rytifgates
    rytifgates Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 232, 3rd or 4th time on MFP, no success. Looking for people that are similar. It's really hard to see that most of my MFP friends have like 10 pounds to lose and I see myself with 8X that!!! It's so hard! Add me if you like :D
  • Annaduurai
    Annaduurai Posts: 56 Member
    I am 264 pounds feel free to add me. I have roughly 100 lbs to lose and am just getting started with MFP.
  • cloza12
    cloza12 Posts: 68 Member
    259 here. 2nd time on MFP, just started this week. Add me if you'd like, I know I can use the support.
  • Dearnik
    Dearnik Posts: 3 Member
    Hey friend I hear ya. I too find that people just don't understand a large amount to lose. I started at 340lbs and am still at 283lbs. You can add me, I would love to make some new friends who understand the magnitude of where we are !! :):smile:
  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    3rd times a charm. 241 This am. Love some motivated friends.
  • Mia_Zappa
    I'm 292lbs. Just started MFP this past week. Add me if you would like. this is going to be a hard road to lose that much weight. It's totally going to be worth it!!!! I need a good support system too. I'm getting it here. :) Best of luck on your journey!!
  • maggsclooney
    I started my journey exactly where you are. 250 lb's 5'5 and something just triggered it. I don't want to feel tired or sluggish or sad when i wake up. I have so much more to offer myself and owe it to myself to be the best i can be.

    How i hung in there...... I realized that if you do something for 21 days IN A ROW....it actually becomes a habit....

    so i decided to hang in there 21 days.....walking 4-5 miles a day eating 1500 calories per day.

    one year later....170lbs. Not at my goal weight yet but happy to feel energetic and peppy. I am a better person for myself, my family and my staff.

    YOU CAN DO THIS. Remember 21 days!!!! HABIT....it's infectious!
  • 2pupsmama
    236 here after losing 50 and gaining back 10. Feel free to add me. I'm here for the long haul. Getting fit and healthy is what its all about.
  • iSurvive
    I am right here with you please feel free to add me! (Anyone else in the same boat feel free to add me as well!)
  • SWilcox818
    SWilcox818 Posts: 36 Member
    I started at 247.8 and as of this morning am down to 230.6. I totally understand what you mean about needing the support of those who have a lot to lose. Anyone in this chain who is looking for more support, please feel free to send me a friend request with a message. Best of luck to everyone in this weight loss journey we've begun.
  • CmeATtheGym
    CmeATtheGym Posts: 26 Member
    Been there, so I really do understand. At least we learn a little more at each attempt. I still have 50+ to go.

    Friend me ! We can never have enough .
  • Sorova
    Sorova Posts: 101 Member
    I started on MFP at 265 just over a year ago. Right now I weigh 177 and am getting closer to my final goals. (For reference, I'm 5'6").

    Hopefully you don't mind a friendly suggestion from someone who has been in your shoes (I tried losing weight two or three times before I found out a way to make my motivation stick). Having supportive friends who are in the same boat as you can be helpful, but it's not the whole story. I encourage you to put some serious thought into what went wrong your previous attempts, because you need to figure out what it was that made those other attempts fail if you're going to make sure that this attempt will be different. Were your goals unrealistic? Did you make too many changes too quickly? Did you get discouraged after a few weeks without a loss? Were you trying to follow a rigid or extreme fad diet? Do you just get tired of tracking food?

    So many people get stuck in the cycle: they get depressed about their weight, they get really motivated and start making changes, they see success and feel great, something goes wrong or their motivation fades and they slowly go back to their old ways, then they regain some or all of the weight and then it starts again. Don't be stuck in that cycle anymore! Figure out what's thwarting your attempts and plan how to deal with it - don't plan on being perfect, don't plan on never getting discouraged; plan realistically, for the real you. Success is possible as many people on this site show, but you need to go into it armed with self-awareness!

    Good luck!
  • jessiex21
    jessiex21 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi - Feel free to add me. I started this journey in November at 275 and am currently at 260. I have tried many times in the past to lose the weight and always failed and ended up gaining a bit more on top. I realise this is going to take quite some time and hope the motivation from my mfp friends will make all the difference
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    I'm 262 and would love more friends with similar goals! I'm shooting for around 130 or a size 7, whichever comes first. :)
  • lkweber21
    lkweber21 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello! I started at 261 and am down to 226. I have been trying since January but fell off the wagon for a couple of months. Anyone feel free to add me. :)
  • right there with you ..... im starting all over
  • BiggMikeSurf
    BiggMikeSurf Posts: 68 Member
    I'm 6'5 300lbs, and need to lose 85lbs. I'm married, to a wonderful woman, but she is 5'1 and 110lbs. Needless to say she some times feels self conscience when we're out. Plus, I'm going to be a father soon, so I really want to be a healthy dad. So feel free to add me. could always use some more friends.
  • skynadia
    218 here.
    Feel free to add me!