Fit & Fun Sized Group!



  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hi all,

    I am 5 ft 1 and 1/2 inch. I currently weigh 132#. I am 45 with 5 kids ages 23-10.

    My current goal is 125. It was originally 115.

    The last time I weighed 115 was in my 20's. In my 30's I was in my 120's. I was 122 when I was married almost 25 years ago. After the first two babies I went down to 102 but that was too thin for me...I couldn't even get pregnant again until I gained some weight back.

    Now, I am not really sure what my goal weight should even be. My family members say I shouldn't really plan to lose much more but maybe 120 is a better goal.

    My BMI is in the just barely healthy. I haven't lost any weight, despite doing all of the right things, since September. (1230 cal to begin then eat my excercise calories, or at least most of them. I seldomly go over.)

    I am really trying to focus on bumping up my excercise to not only include cardio to burn calories but increase my weight training and core excercises. Maybe if I am less flabby and stronger I won't feel "fat". I have more muscle than I ever have before and I really like it.

    So, I am happy to be here and hope that my short new friends will add a new perspective! I am looking forward to contributing and cheering for your goals, too!

  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    I am back and ready to get back on track. Count me in.

    Welcome back! I hope you are enjoying married life!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning! Today is week 4 day 3 of the P90X and I've just been doing whatever I feel for this recovery week. I got up at 5 am this morning and rocked out Core Synthergenetics (sp?). This was my first time completing this dvd and all I can say is "It wore my *kitten* out". I mean btwn the lunge, kickback, curl, shoulder press exercise, the dreya roll, walking push ups, steam engines, superman/banana, bow/boat, squat runs and all the other exercises that I can't remember I was excited when those 57 minutes were complete. I know I wasn't doing all the exercises exactly the way the should have been done but I tried my hardest. I know in time I'll get better.
  • jzbaby626
    Hey ladies! This morning got away from me and i havent got a chance to workout yet :frown: I am gonna try to fit one in when my son takes his nap or later tonight. Choco-Congrats on rockin out the whole dvd. And on whats supposed to be your recovery week at that!! Go head girl!! Have a good day, ill check in later...
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks. Married life is great so far. However, my husband leaves in a week and a half for Boot Camp and Training for the National Guard. I am hoping to be in fabulous shape by the time he returns.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    congrats to all of you that are keeping up the fabulous work!! I'm working my way through a plateau..ugggggh! with some kick a** plyo's and some supersets on the weights...I have two teens right now at home with mono! uggggh again lol, they are very demanding and it's sooo stressful!!!
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    5'1 here :) 125, trying to lose a few and tone up.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :laugh: eating and exercise going well........the rest of life is unmanageable........DH went to the hospital in an ambulance on Monday---his implanted defibrillator went off so they wanted to check him out......tomorrow he goes to Seattle to the cardiologist and they'll probably keep him to do a surgery to add another lead to the defibrillator.....I'll stay home so we don't have to board the pets.......hope your lives are a little less chaotic :bigsmile:
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    the rest of life is unmanageable........DH went to the hospital in an ambulance on Monday---his implanted defibrillator went off so they wanted to check him out......tomorrow he goes to Seattle to the cardiologist and they'll probably keep him to do a surgery to add another lead to the defibrillator.....

    Barbie, I'll keep you and your DH in my prayers!


  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! It is week 4 day 4 of the P90X series and I'm still in recovery week. During recovery week you don't lift any weight and I've been following that part of the routine but I've not been completing the dvds in the order that P90X recommends b/c I just don't like Yoga, so, today I completed Kenpo X and really felt like I was able to "Bring It". It was a great way to begin my work day. I have now arrived in the office but wanted to check in w/my people before I actually begin my work day.
  • jzbaby626
    Hey ladies. Well i never did workout out yesterday & i ended up going wayy over my calories :ohwell: oops. But i am right back at it today. I just finished 40 mins of 6 Round Slim Down. It is snowing AGAIN here in PA. Sooo sick of snow!! Im ready for spring!! Have a good day everyone!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I did a round of my self-modified C25K (walk 90 sec, jog 90 sec) last night. Felt really good, but my legs are burning today. :laugh:
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    It is snowing AGAIN here in PA. Sooo sick of snow!! Im ready for spring!! Have a good day everyone!

    I had to look to see where you are... I'm in Philly too. It doesn't appear to be sticking to much YET - but they're still saying it's going to accumulate this afternoon/night/tomorrow.... :frown:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :laugh: eating and exercise going well........the rest of life is unmanageable........DH went to the hospital in an ambulance on Monday---his implanted defibrillator went off so they wanted to check him out......tomorrow he goes to Seattle to the cardiologist and they'll probably keep him to do a surgery to add another lead to the defibrillator.....I'll stay home so we don't have to board the pets.......hope your lives are a little less chaotic :bigsmile:

    Barbie - I hope Jake will be OK. Hang in there!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday all! This is day 5 of returning to the work office and I'm so happy the weekend has arrived. This is week 4 day 5 of my recovery week of P90X and I did cardio X. Last week I ordered the Insanity program and it arrived last night. I was exhausted but was able to check out the "fit test" and "Plyometrics" dvd and I now know why the call this program Insanity b/c Shaun T has you moving at an INSANE pace. I can't lie I am a bit nervous about taking on this huge feat but also excited to see how much I can push my body and the type of results I may see if I at least do my best. I plan to begin the Insanity program on Monday so I don't want to overdo it on exercise this weekend.
  • jzbaby626
    Happy Friday!! I weighed in today and I am down to 141.2. That's a loss of 0.4 lbs. I'll take it, its better than nothing. Especially since I havent lost anything the past 2 weeks!! I didnt work out today because my back is killing me! I don't know if its from yesterdays work out or what, but im not trying to hurt it even more! Maybe if it feels better later I can get a workout in. Im really trying to keep my progress moving! Have a good weekend everyone!

    Choco- Good luck with Insanity--it defaintly looks INSANE! Let us know how it goes.

    Brangwen- Thats cool you are in Philly too! Im glad we didn't get as much snow as they were saying at first!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all! I left my house a little later than I anticipated this morning so I was rushing to get to my kickboxing class on time but I did make it and 45 minutes later the workout is complete. The instructor has sooooo much energy you can't help but enjoy yourself while breathing hard and wiping sweat from your eyes....LOL. Anyway, I was able to get in a little ab work after kickboxing and topped it all off w/a delicious banana/strawberry protein shake.

    I've returned home, showered and am heading back out the door so I can hit the mall. This Friday my best girlfriends are flying into town for the old school concert and I need a new outfit, so, a shopping I will go. I'm hoping to find a nice pair of fitting jeans, a top and some boots that I can cop at half price since spring is almost here. We'll see what I end up with.

    Once I'm done w/my shopping adventure I'm off to a book club meeting. The host of the meeting has ordered pasta from the Olive Garden but you'll be happy to know I"m bringing my own food. I've decided on a Weight Watchers pizza and spinach salad. They are packed in my lunch box and ready to go.

    Jzbaby: Congrats on the weight loss.....any movement w/the scale going down is cause for celebration. Keep up the good work and I will definitely keep you posted about the Insanity workouts.
  • noseovertail
    Today is day 2 of sticking to my aerobic workouts. Yesterday was 30 minutes of brisk walking on the treadmill, I burned 200 calories. Today I walked 35 minutes on it and burned 230 calories.

    I'm getting really frustrated because of my back. I can't work out much, even after just 30 minutes on the treadmill yesterday my lower back was KILLING me. I have to be really careful not to overdo it because of my stupid spinal surgery. I just feel like I'm not doing much compared to everyone else on here.

    I have an exercise ball that my physical therapist told me to buy, I have some (very) light core exercises to do on there. But that's about all I am allowed to do per my surgeon. I'm just feeling frustrated.

    In good news.... my new BPA-free Camelbak water bottle arrived in the mail yesterday! I'm so excited, for some reason it makes drinking water fun now. :)

    Good work everyone, you've all been kicking *kitten*!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    JZ - gratz on the weight loss. It is good that it is going slowly even though it is fustrating. The slower it comes off the more likely it is to stay off.

    Noseovertail - Do you have any exercises for your back that you can incorporate into a warmup or cool down to the treadmill? I have bad shoulders and I am limited to mostly walking type exercises too. Hang in there. The weight will come down the inches will come off.

    Choco - I can't believe how many exercises you are doing. That is great. I hope you found a nice outfit and can't wait to hear about your shopping spree.

    I bought a size 12 bathing suit today. It is tight, but I was afraid to buy anything larger as 14's are getting loose on me. I will just have to work hard to get it to fit right before we start taking the boat out.

    Sunday mornings are busy for me so I'm off to bed. Have a great Sunday all. Hopefully, I will be able to get in a quick post tomorrow evening.

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Well, my day has started. I have eaten breakfast, ironed work clothes for the week and gotten 30 minutes of stretching in. Since Sunday's are my designated rest day I decided to really take it easy so its only stretching for me today. I still have grocery shopping on the "to do" list so I'll be getting dressed soon to head out the door and get that done.

    I had a wonderful time out in about yesterday. Since Macy's was having a "One Day" sale I was able to buy a new pair of Calvin Klein jeans for $8.00, how great is that. Also, I decided to see if I could fit into a size "4" jean and my goodness they fit AND fit well. I don't believe I've ever been in a size 4 anything so that was amazing. At my largest I was a size 12 and 14 and as of late have fluctuated btwn a size 6 and 8. While I don't think I'm a true 4 yet (the jeans were 1% elastic) it definitely felt good.

    Jam: I try to switch it up so I don't get bored but also I've been hearing great things about the Insanity program and I love the infomercials so decided to give it a try. My body is slowing progressing and I've accepted the fact that I may nevery have 6 pack abs in part b/c I'm not willing to go to the extreme of what it might take to get it done. I feel like if I get stronger and endurance increases than I'm happy now any toning that goes along w/these workouts is definitely welcomed and will be icing on the top. It's almost time for tank top and shorts weather and WE ALL WANT TO BE READY!!!!!

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day!