Fit & Fun Sized Group!



  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Not sure if I told everyone in this forum that my teenage daughter has to go for specialized hip surgery that can only be done in Houston or Vail. Being in New Mexico we picked Vail. BUT, the surgery is tentatively scheduled for 3/15/10 which is still prime ski season. It is killing us to be going to Vail for a week and NOT being able to ski. :sad: :ohwell:

    The hotel prices are outrageous and high speed internet is not an option on many of them. I was going to hold out for a hotel with a workout room so that I could at least do a stationary bike for 10-15 minutes a day, but it is looking like we will end up in more of a ski lodge than a hotel. We can't get too far from Vail as we have to go to the doctor's office everyday for like 4-5 days both before and after the surgery.

    Sorry to whine about it. But this has been a major stressful event for 2 and a half years since we first found out she needed surgery.

    Anyway, I'm within my calories today and I promise to be more upbeat tomorrow.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: JAM----I think I know how you feel----when my husband has needed all his different hospitalizations for his heart issues, I have had so many feelings about wanting accommodations for me and then feeling selfish for thinking about myself when he is the one with the health problems....a little whining has helped and then I get my focus and my gratitude back......I know you'll be more upbeat tomorrow. :heart: :smooched: hugs, Barbie
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Jam: I pray all goes well w/your daughter's surgery. Regarding the exercise do what you can but I know there's a bigger priority, I'm sure it will work itself out. I hope you feel upbeat today and a little whining never hurt anybody, that's why we're here.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Today is week 1 day 1 of the Insanity program and according to the wall calendar that came along w/the dvds I was suppose to complete my fit test. So, I got up at 5 am, ate breakfast, allowed my food to digest (don't know if I gave it enough time b/c I feel a bit nauseous) and then popped in the dvd. Shaun T begins w/a warm up that consists of joggin, jumpin jacks, heismans, 1-2-3-'s, butt kicks and high knees (I wish I could properly explain the exercises for those that might not know what I'm talking about but don't really know how). Ok, now my heart is pumping but we haven't even started the fit test yet (jeepers creepers). We do a brief but well deserved stretch and it's on to the fit test. Each exercise is performed for a minute w/a quick break in between before beginning the next one. Here are my results:

    Switch kicks (2 kicks=1 rep): 50 reps (100 kicks total)

    Power jacks (similar to jumpin jacks but a squat is incorporated): 57

    Power knees (can't describe): 80

    Power jumps (jump in the air and land in squat position): 32

    Globe jumps (jump to the right, land in squat position; jump back, land in squat position; jump to the left, land in squat position; jump to the front, land in squat position = 1 rep): 8 reps (32 jumps total)

    Suicide jumps (start in real low squat position, jump into plank position, jump back into real low squat position, jump up): 12

    Push up jacks (push up but instead of keepin legs together when you lower your chest to the floor you jump them out like when completing a jumping jack....difficult to explain AND difficult to complete): 20

    Low plank oblique (can't describe): 40

    This fit test was about 30 minutes total and I'm exhausted. The official program begins tomorrow and I really hope I can keep up.

    It's time to get dressed and head to the office.

    Have a great day
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Morning everyone... I gave up coffee last week, so hopefully this week I might show a little weight loss... we'll see! :wink:

    Back on C25K this week also.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Hey everybody! I made it through my monday workout. Thats always the hardest one of the week for me. I did a short one though :ohwell: 20 minute Sweat. I'm gonna make a new thread for March. It will probably be easier to just make a new one at the start of each month. I will put the link in my next post.
    Choco-it looks like you did pretty good on your first fit test! It sounds like a killer workout!
    Jam- Good luck with everything. Everything will go fine and you & your family will be back to skiing in no time!
    Have a good week everbody!
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466