1200-1500 calorie eaters...serious question...



  • Tamefearnua
    Most people supposedly within this range are probably eating more than they think they do. Research has shown that overweight people keeping food diaries tend to underestimate not only what they eat but their portion sizes as well. Also, people tend to overestimate the number of calories they burned exercising, so they may be "eating back" more than just their exercise calories.
    The perfect answer to a dubious Topic
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    1. What's your height/ weight? 5'3" - 141lbs

    2. Do you get REALLY REALLY hungry during the day? If not, was there an adjustment period? I never get REALLY hungry - took about a month before I controlled the hunger pangs.

    3. What do you eat to prevent feeling like death (if you answered that you're not hungry)? Anything I want, in moderation.
  • xprettyreckless
    xprettyreckless Posts: 297 Member
    I'm 5'9'' and 160lbs and on a 1200calories/day diet. i usually just exercise as much as possible
    because it means i can eat way more. if i don't exercise, 1200 calories is not a lot :(
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    Most people supposedly within this range are probably eating more than they think they do. Research has shown that overweight people keeping food diaries tend to underestimate not only what they eat but their portion sizes as well. Also, people tend to overestimate the number of calories they burned exercising, so they may be "eating back" more than just their exercise calories.

    that's an exceptionally generalizing statement and pretty ridiculous. If it were true, then most people here would be overestimating their daily calories.

    Most of the people here that are a higher weight aren't eating at 1200 calories anyway... they are allowed much more than that, which does allow more room for error (the more food you log, the more chance of error).

    I'm fairly religious about logging everything in. day after day, for 4 months now. just like a lot of people here. my diet, and calorie intake, is pretty consistent. it's pretty hard to underestimate the calories of an apple, or falsely record the weight of a chicken breast.

    perhaps some people are really just eating 1200 calories and not hungry? or that just completely improbable?
  • Joyce37312
    Joyce37312 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 5'7 and just starting out on this journey although i have fought with my weight my entire life. I think when i get really hungry and don't have the calories to spare, I drink a glass/bottle of water. It gives you that feeling of fullness and you don't overeat. Also drink a full glass before you sit down to a meal... you get your water intake and make you feel full so you don't eat as much. Also eat slowly and it will fill you up quicker. High protein will make you feel full longer i have heard. Haven't had a chance to try THAT out yet.. lol like i said i am only on my startup.. this is my 2nd day on MFP and really watching what i eat. I am also going to be trying a new product called ACE. or at least new to me...lol it curbs your appetite, gives you energy and helps you lose weight. Anyhow hope that helped... i didn't read ALL of the posts so not sure if these things were brought up or not.. Good Luck
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Most people supposedly within this range are probably eating more than they think they do. Research has shown that overweight people keeping food diaries tend to underestimate not only what they eat but their portion sizes as well. Also, people tend to overestimate the number of calories they burned exercising, so they may be "eating back" more than just their exercise calories.
    The perfect answer to a dubious Topic

    This is one of the reasons I DO NOT EAT BACK MY EXCERSIZE CALORIES! I ride the elliptical each morning, mon-fri, for 30 minutes, the machine tells me I burnt 365 on average, but who knows... I JUST DONT EAT THEM BACK, INFACT, I DONT EVEN LOG THEM... On portion size, and with my busy schedule, I prefer to have pre-portioned meals such as smart ones or healthy choice, because I KNOW ME, and I get careless when im in a hurry... I need something fast that I dont have to bother measuring or weighing... Now, on the weekends, and days when I have some time on my hands, I do make some of my own meals, but EVERYTHING WINDS UP ON THE SCALE OR MEASURED... I have 5 kids, im a full time college student, and time is not a luxury that I have available on most days. Even with my pre-portioned meals, I like to add in something fresh, such as a handful of spinach, cabbage, or shredded lettuce... Anyhow... this is how I avoid these 2 downfalls!

    I do eat 1200 calories a day, with 1 cheat day every other Saturday in order to go out and have stressfree fun with the kiddos! On most days, I do not get hungry, but there are days when I cant wait for snack time to come! Like my Dr said, A short term ultra low calorie diet is much easier on the body than long term diet pill use... She told me this when I told her I wanted a phentermine product... She told me, "DONT DO THAT, DO THIS..."
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    There are plenty of ways to stay full and stay low calorie... Here is a salad I have a few time a week. Its so large, I have to eat it out of a mixing bowl... Its an entire stock of romaine lattuce, red, yellow, green peppers, tomatoe, avacado, pomagranate, red onion, and red vinigar. No dressing or oil needed, because the pomagranate gives enough juice and flavor to compensate! This huge salad is only 310 calories... Its fresh, raw, and colorful... And it taste so awesome!!!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Another favorite of mine is the Smart Ones Seasame Seed Chicken (bag), mixed with 1 cup fresh spinach, topped with tapatio... Its a total of 375 calories, and large enough for a dinner... Very filling, and taste awesome!!!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Most people supposedly within this range are probably eating more than they think they do. Research has shown that overweight people keeping food diaries tend to underestimate not only what they eat but their portion sizes as well. Also, people tend to overestimate the number of calories they burned exercising, so they may be "eating back" more than just their exercise calories.
    The perfect answer to a dubious Topic

    I do eat 1200 calories a day, with 1 cheat day every other Saturday in order to go out and have stressfree fun with the kiddos! On most days, I do not get hungry, but there are days when I cant wait for snack time to come! Like my Dr said, A short term ultra low calorie diet is much easier on the body than long term diet pill use... She told me this when I told her I wanted a phentermine product... She told me, "DONT DO THAT, DO THIS..."

    But you don't have to do EITHER of those. It's not an either/or scenario--there's always the option of a longer term, moderate deficit.
  • IslandRider
    1. What's your height/ weight? I'm 5'1", 146lbs. I have a long commute and a desk job, but just started using an under desk 'bike" during long calls.

    2. Do you get REALLY REALLY hungry during the day? If not, was there an adjustment period? No, I pretty much stay full or almost hungry, but definitely not starving. Not really. The bulk of my excess calories were from wine and beer with dinner and in the evening.

    3. What do you eat to prevent feeling like death (if you answered that you're not hungry)?
    I try to eat higher protein and lower fat foods (key word try, i'm not always good about it), my favorites are greek yogurt and fish, usually tuna. I don't really deprive myself of anything in particular, just kinda watch my portions and spread it all out throughout the day. I usually end up eating my breakfast over an hour and a half and same kinda thing for lunch. I'm sure my co-workers think I am constantly eating. I'm not losing real quickly, but slow and steady results. I want to evnetually get to where I can regulate myself out of good habits rather than meticulous tracking. My diary is open if you want to look through it.
  • amycds
    I'm a 1200 without workout and 1500 with... I started off at 196 and currently weigh 164. I eat a Cliff Crunch Granola Bar every morning with coffee. You can do Quaker or the like , but most of those are over-processed ingredients our bodies don't comprehend, therefore, we don't feel satisfied for any length of time. Mid morning is a fruit + protein snack; often times Chobani Yogurt or cheese and pineapple or kiwi. The protein and fiber are what keep me happy until lunch; if I don't have enough protein whenever I eat, I am starving an hour later. Lunch is 400 calories or less and includes protein for sure! Snack in the afternoon... usually Calbee Ceasar Snap Peas... like real-food Funions for healthy eaters... Dinner is 500-700 calories, or less if lunch was more than 400. Don't waste calories with sugar-filled, carb-filled, fake-filled foods... Pastas, potatoes and breads are high in calories... potatoes pack a lot of vitamins, so they are good, just be careful of the accompaniments/condiments. Meat is actually low in calories by comparison, so fill up on meat/protein and keep starches to a minimum. Food is information for your body. There's really no magic to this... real food, good proteins and fiber, work out and voila! Hope this answered your questions...
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    I'm at 1400. There are days I could eat the first critter than ran by my office.

  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    1. What's your height/ weight?

    Currently 5'6", 125 lbs. I started out at 146 lbs.
    2. Do you get REALLY REALLY hungry during the day? If not, was there an adjustment period?

    I'm on maintenance now so I'm eating more calories, but when I was losing I ate 1400-1500 and had no problem with it. As has been pointed out, you can really eat a lot of food on 1400-1500 calories, provided you make smart decisions and don't waste calories on liquids and junk food. I still usually only eat 1500 calories a day a couple of days a week, not particularly on purpose. I have no problem at that limit as long as I'm not going out to eat or having wine.
    3. What do you eat to prevent feeling like death (if you answered that you're not hungry)?

    Lots of protein. There is a huge salad I like to make that is under 400 calories and includes chicken, cheese, yogurt based dressing, crackers, and a ton of veggies. A protein bar in the afternoon. I snack on fruit and veggies mainly. Dinner was typically chicken and veggies or rice. Breakfast was usually eggs and Greek yogurt.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I eat 1200 calories plus my workout calories and if I am hungry I eat. I had a banana and two muffin sized quiches for breakfast. Two of those muffin turkey meatloafs from Jamie Eason for lunch with veggies. Blackberries, almonds, and string cheese for snacks and I think spaghetti squash spaghetti for dinner. And maybe an avocado since I will still be below after I workout.
    Some days I need to add some avocado or peanut butter or something else just to up my calories when I realize I'm struggling to make it, and other days I plan it out and go way over and have to replace some foods with others. I'm never starving or feel like death. My coworkers find me alarming perky and high energy actually and I never deny myself food if I have a snacking crave come on. I just choose something healthy.

    I'm just shy of five foot though and weigh about 111 pounds.
  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    I average around. 1300 cals a day @ 5'6 235...and I'm rarely hungry, just eat 6 small, hi protein meals throughout the day to remain satiated. You can look at my food diary if you want to see a typical day for me. I usually allow myself three cheat meals for the week, usually spread out on the weekend.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Most people supposedly within this range are probably eating more than they think they do. Research has shown that overweight people keeping food diaries tend to underestimate not only what they eat but their portion sizes as well. Also, people tend to overestimate the number of calories they burned exercising, so they may be "eating back" more than just their exercise calories.
    The perfect answer to a dubious Topic

    I do eat 1200 calories a day, with 1 cheat day every other Saturday in order to go out and have stressfree fun with the kiddos! On most days, I do not get hungry, but there are days when I cant wait for snack time to come! Like my Dr said, A short term ultra low calorie diet is much easier on the body than long term diet pill use... She told me this when I told her I wanted a phentermine product... She told me, "DONT DO THAT, DO THIS..."

    But you don't have to do EITHER of those. It's not an either/or scenario--there's always the option of a longer term, moderate deficit.

    But why do it that way if Im happy with this way? All that matters is that its working, I feel good, and my labs come back normal and within healthy ranges with my dr... If I was complaining about the 1200 a day, then yes, do it the way your saying, but im happy with it, so... Aslong as my dr approves, and I feel good, thats all that matters to me. I have steadily been losing 2 pounds a week... In summer, I was 246 pounds, As of today, Im 204... Im not starving, and Im finding creative ways to make low calorie healthy and filling meals... YOU SHOULD SEE THE HOMEMADE PIZZA I JUST MADE!!!
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    I'm typically 1300 and below, and I tend not to get too hungry at all actually. Most of the eating I was doing before (somewhere around 2000cals a day and up) was emotion/boredom nomming and though it's still hard not to go for the carbs when I'm in a low or bored mood, that's not actually me being hungry.
    And if I really super duper HAVE to shove something in my mouth...broccoli, celery or pickles. Though lately it's been chips. Bad me.
    (I will admit I let myself slide a bit in regards to chocolate, ONLY because it puts me in even a slightly better mood and I would prefer that to anti-depressants any day of the week.)

    It helps to just stick to small snacks and or meals throughout the day honestly. c: Portion yourself out! This also helps to control your blood sugar levels, which in turn aids your bp levels I believe.
  • Joyce37312
    Joyce37312 Posts: 6 Member
    I am currently at about 1550... I was told when you figure out how many calories you are suppose to consume.. you take the weight you want to weigh (150) and multiply by 10 (1500) and there ya have it. right now since i am well over 200.. i could still lose weight if i was eating 1800 calories a day. Just a little food for thought. Thought it might be helpful for some.
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    I have PCOS and IR. When eating a low carb diet consistently, I sometimes struggle with getting to 1200 if I'm eating mostly lean meat (weight 270, h - 5'6) because I am just NEVER hungry. When not eating low carb, I can eat 3000 - 4000 cals a day and never ever feel remotely satisfied. I aim for 1800 a day, though - not my goal to ever just eat 1200 cals.
  • FarmerLynn7
    FarmerLynn7 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm between 1300-1500 (and eat only at home and measure everything, in answer to some of the previous posts). Hunger depends a lot on what I eat. When I do the bulk as fruits, veggies, and my beloved smoothies...it's not a problem at all.

    ETA: I'm 5'3" and 241. I just reset my counter, but I started this year at 263.