1200-1500 calorie eaters...serious question...



  • 1500 eater for several months here, switched to 1700 recently.

    The first week was horrble, after that it became way easier.

    Proteins and vegetables keep me from starving.

    EDIT forgot to add that I'm 175cm 5'9, when I began my weights was 280lbs 127kg.
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    I have a few questions for you...

    1. What's your height/ weight?

    2. Do you get REALLY REALLY hungry during the day? If not, was there an adjustment period?

    3. What do you eat to prevent feeling like death (if you answered that you're not hungry)?

    That is all. It's always puzzled me that at only 4'11 and pretty petite I feel like DEATH if I eat under 1800 calories (to lose weight). I just cannot understand how people adhere to less than that and not cave after 12-16 hours. I think I'd become a binge eater overnight (and I'm being 100% serious). Maybe it's just that I don't have that kind of will power--or maybe it's an adjustment that's hard for everyone in the beginning stages.

    In any case, my main point in posting this is that I'm really curious if you are actually HUNGRY and you just resist or if you're fine with your intake.

    ***I'm not attempting a 1200-1500 calorie diet...I am just curious.***

    5'3", 195 lbs

    Sometimes. On those days, I just add an extra snack or two, like yogurt, pretzels, or peanuts. Thankfully, my work does a lot of training for our terminals, so there's usually salad mix in the breakroom and fridge, so I have that a lot of the time if I can't make it til the next meal.

    I find that drinking water, tea, coffee... those kind of things can curb my appetite. (Plus, a lot of misunderstood symptoms of dehydration are feeling hungry, too... so drinking all of that keeps me hydrated.) If I find I can't get enough to eat, I chalk that up to a "starving day", and I just eat a little bit more than I should, and by the next day, I'm back on track to following my calories.

    Plus, I do a combo of Medifast/regular foods, so the medifast foods are high in protein, leaving you fuller longer.
  • graveflower316
    graveflower316 Posts: 169 Member
    I have a few questions for you...

    1. What's your height/ weight?

    2. Do you get REALLY REALLY hungry during the day? If not, was there an adjustment period?

    3. What do you eat to prevent feeling like death (if you answered that you're not hungry)?

    I'm 5'11" and I weigh 185lbs. My calorie intake, as suggested by MFP is 1280 calories/day (lightly active lifestyle).

    I don't usually get really hungry during the day unless I'm emotionally eating.

    If I eat bacon or any good amount of protein in my first meal of the day, that usually helps me feel pretty satisfied throughout the day. If I eat little or nothing at all for my breakfast, that's when I tend to emotionally eat or eat crap foods just to satisfy my "hunger"
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I'm 5'6, 20, and between 114-116. MFP says my goal before exercise to maintain is 1640. However, some days I am hungrier than others, or have tougher workouts, so have been trying to vary my calories each day, and focus more on intuivite eating. Lately, I average about 1,400-1,800 a day. :)
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    I am 4'11" as well. 145lbs and 30 years old (not as well) My TDEE-20% right now is just under 1500 calories. I eat 1500 most days.

    I am satisfied on 1500 cals 90% of the time. But honestly, you have you realize (I know this from previously being on your friends list) that you are more active than the average female! I would be starving all the time if I was as active as you are. If I started being active at your age. I am 30 now and wasted alot of years and now I have to work up to being half as active as you are!

    Once I start upping my game when is comes to activity I will eat more calories and this conversation will become irrelevant! lol

    Anyway, I don't know if that is what you were looking for, but that is the truth!
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
    1. 162cm, currently 65kg, goal weight 60-62kg

    2. At first I did get hungry but I learnt to subdue it by drinking LOTS of green tea. Then I read a great book called Skinny Thinking and learned to almost embrace hunger. I realised you don't die if you miss a meal or don't eat at the same time every day, your body adjusts to the feeling very quickly. Also I enjoy food a lot more if my tummy is rumbling a bit, it makes me eat slower and savour the taste.

    3. Again, LOTS of green tea and also lemon water.

    I eat between 1250-1500 calories a day, with one high calorie day every week or two (1500-2000 calories, I don't eat really bad food but I do relax my eating a bit).
  • tnichol4
    tnichol4 Posts: 58 Member
    I am 5'3 and 179, I started at 248 on mfp in January. I was pretty hungry the first couple of weeks but then my body adapted. However I do exercise 5-6 days per week and end up eating on average 1400 per day even though my calorie goal is 1200 because I usually burn 600-800 per day. I eat 5-6 times per day and I eat things that will fill me up with low calories such as berries, bell peppers, string cheese etc. I also eat less during the day like half my calories so I can have a bigger dinner and a treat after. I usually have a treat every night before bed like an ice cream bar or something. It has been working for me and my relationship with food has become healthy instead of something I dread. Good luck!
  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    Drink water. A lot of the time you think you're hungry it's actually your body wanting water so drink a glass and see if you are still hungry. At first it was hard not to cave but it became easier and easier. Don't give up on yourself so easy! You've got this! We believe in you!!! Other tricks would be keeping snacks like celery cut up and at hand so if you do get hungry you can munch and crunch on something that is healthy. There are always choices! :)

    Currently I am 177.9 lbs and am 5'6".

    Thanks for the encouragement--not trying to do the 1200-1500 calorie thing though. I'm adamantly opposed to it! You're very sweet though.

    Now I have to ask, why are you adamantly against a 1200-1500 calorie diet?
  • I am 4'11" as well. 145lbs and 30 years old (not as well) My TDEE-20% right now is just under 1500 calories. I eat 1500 most days.

    I am satisfied on 1500 cals 90% of the time. But honestly, you have you realize (I know this from previously being on your friends list) that you are more active than the average female! I would be starving all the time if I was as active as you are. If I started being active at your age. I am 30 now and wasted alot of years and now I have to work up to being half as active as you are!

    Once I start upping my game when is comes to activity I will eat more calories and this conversation will become irrelevant! lol

    Anyway, I don't know if that is what you were looking for, but that is the truth!

    I'm actually HUNGRIER when I'm less active so I don't think that has much to do with why I could never do 1200 calories. I'd fail even worse if I was inactive since those are my highest calorie days.
  • lveh8lve
    lveh8lve Posts: 162 Member
    1) 5'11" 229lbs, I net around 1560 a day (yes I eat exercise calories)

    2) I drink lots of water and I eat often, just smaller amounts. It didnt take long for me to realize it wasn't my stomach hungry, it was my brain. I'd try this: Take the 32 oz Tub of yogurt. Scoop out a serving size amount. Eat it. Go do something that will take your mind off of everything. Set an alarm for 20 min later. If you are still hungry after then, you need to eat more. If not, it's you brain fooling you.

    3) I eat, I think I eat alot. I've been very protein focused lately and trying to stay close to my macros. And Sugar is a genetic flaw my family has, so I tend to watch that alot as well. I've also found that having a protein shake in the AM followed by a greek yogurt 2 -3 hrs later really helps to ever get really hungry. If I'm hungry, I eat. But I don't eat to feed my brain, I eat to feed my body.
  • I am usually between 1300 and 1400. I drink water ALL DAY LONG starting from the second I get up to right before bed. I would say I drink about 80-100 oz a day. It keeps me from being hungry. If I have protein at each meal, it's almost a struggle to finish that (although that was NOT the case when I first started MFP!).
  • Drink water. A lot of the time you think you're hungry it's actually your body wanting water so drink a glass and see if you are still hungry. At first it was hard not to cave but it became easier and easier. Don't give up on yourself so easy! You've got this! We believe in you!!! Other tricks would be keeping snacks like celery cut up and at hand so if you do get hungry you can munch and crunch on something that is healthy. There are always choices! :)

    Currently I am 177.9 lbs and am 5'6".

    Thanks for the encouragement--not trying to do the 1200-1500 calorie thing though. I'm adamantly opposed to it! You're very sweet though.

    Now I have to ask, why are you adamantly against a 1200-1500 calorie diet?

    I just don't think that the vast majority of people need to restrict their calories that drastically.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    im eating 1200 calories per day, and im not hungry much anymore. the first few weeks were hell, but now, its gotten really easy! i drink alot of water, and i add alot of leaft greens to my meals to make them larger with very few added calories...

    im a mother of 5, full time college student, so i need quick on the go meals. instead of utilizing nutri-system, i just buy whatever diet meals are on sale that week, and START with those... i always add raw foods in tho...

    for example, smart ones seasame chicken microwavable bags... 360 cal... i add in 2 cups chopped fresh spinach and 1 cup steamed cabbage, top it off with tapatio... its under 400 calories, and more food than you would believe! it fills me for hours... anyways, i usually do 2 large meals like that through the day, and 2 small meals / fruits through the day... add on top of that, about 10 8oz cups a water, and i can assure you, i go to bed full!

    i average a loss of 2 pounds a week, and my dr is very pleased with my progress.

    my numbers are good, cholesterol 146, along with everything else in normal range...

    i know i cannot stay on this type of eating pattern for ever, but for now, its working, im happy, and thats all that counts!
  • I have a few questions for you...

    1. What's your height/ weight?

    2. Do you get REALLY REALLY hungry during the day? If not, was there an adjustment period?

    3. What do you eat to prevent feeling like death (if you answered that you're not hungry)?

    That is all. It's always puzzled me that at only 4'11 and pretty petite I feel like DEATH if I eat under 1800 calories (to lose weight). I just cannot understand how people adhere to less than that and not cave after 12-16 hours. I think I'd become a binge eater overnight (and I'm being 100% serious). Maybe it's just that I don't have that kind of will power--or maybe it's an adjustment that's hard for everyone in the beginning stages.

    In any case, my main point in posting this is that I'm really curious if you are actually HUNGRY and you just resist or if you're fine with your intake.

    ***I'm not attempting a 1200-1500 calorie diet...I am just curious.***

    I am 5'4.5" and around 134 lbs. And YES, I am STARVING but I am trying to get to my goal of under 130 lbs and then we will see. I have been on 1200-1450 cals pretty much all year and I think about food ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME but I can't bring myself to eating anymore than my BMR. I am a recovering binge eater so I have a greater problem...

    So yes, actually HUNGRY all the time...

    ETA: I do eat some of my workout calories back but always try to not go over my BMR on net calories, usually it's lower.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Drink water. A lot of the time you think you're hungry it's actually your body wanting water so drink a glass and see if you are still hungry. At first it was hard not to cave but it became easier and easier. Don't give up on yourself so easy! You've got this! We believe in you!!! Other tricks would be keeping snacks like celery cut up and at hand so if you do get hungry you can munch and crunch on something that is healthy. There are always choices! :)

    Currently I am 177.9 lbs and am 5'6".

    Thanks for the encouragement--not trying to do the 1200-1500 calorie thing though. I'm adamantly opposed to it! You're very sweet though.

    Now I have to ask, why are you adamantly against a 1200-1500 calorie diet?

    I just don't think that the vast majority of people need to restrict their calories that drastically.

    Of course, it's hard to say either way...since you don't actually know any of these people, and are just people on the internetz
  • lcyama
    lcyama Posts: 209 Member
    1. What's your height/ weight?

    i'm 4'11.

    2. Do you get REALLY REALLY hungry during the day? If not, was there an adjustment period?

    do not get really hungry, but i did during the first two weeks.

    3. What do you eat to prevent feeling like death (if you answered that you're not hungry)?

    i drink a lot of water, at least 8-10 cups a day. i try to eat five small meals/snacks, with protein included in each meal. i have discovered, however, that once in a while i will eat over my calorie goal, and that usually happens when i have eaten under my calorie goal the day before.
  • The secret is to do a lot exercise so you can eat 1800. The beauty of My Fitness Pal is that you can you put as much into recording your activity as you do count calories. Also, I found out I wasn't eating enough protein. Once you adjust to the proportions of where the calories come form you are not hungry anymore. The fact that you have a snack category that can be distributed during the day also helps. If I get to the end of the day with carbs and fat to spare I have a piece of chocolate, and I have a lost a steady kg per month. Good Luck!
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I am currently 5'6" and 136lbs.

    I aim for 1200-1500 calories but sometimes I will feel full on 1200 calories & not want the extra 300.

    Tip #1 It takes getting used to so try to be patient. If your stomach (the actual organ that digests your food) is used to getting big meals, then it is likely stretched out & takes a lot to be "full." After eating small meals for a while, your stomach will start to shrink to normal size & it will take less food to get that full feeling. At one of my fav restaurants, I used to be able to finish a giant plate of chicken parmesan, huge baked potato drowned in butter, caesar salad, dinner rolls with butter AND dessert. Now I can only eat the salad, the potato & 1/2 the chicken and then I feel full. I'd probably get sick if I tried to eat the whole thing again like I used to.

    Tip #2: Choose low-cal foods so you can eat a variety of foods instead of a 1 or 2 high-calorie ones during the day. One 300 calorie chocolate bar won't make you feel as full as 300 calories worth of meat, veggies & dairy. In a way, this is choosing "quantity over quality." Yes, that giant slice of cake may be amazing but if you eat it, you've just taken 500 calories out of your allowance :(

    Tip #3: Drinking lots of fluids helps you feel full. I like water, pekoe/green/oolong tea, coffee, oolong tea, etc. And I use Splenda instead of sugar in my coffee. As long as it's a low-cal fluid, have as much as you want! Juice & milk tend to be high cal so I wouldn't recommend filling up on that all day.

    Tip #4: Eat protein throughout the day. Protein takes the body longer to digest and keeps you feeling full longer than a bowl of salad or soup broth would. Protein can be lean meat (chicken, fish, eggs, turkey, etc), peanut butter (2 tbsp max), almonds, walnuts, tofu, milk, sunflower seeds, hummus dip, yogurt, cheese, etc.)
  • Niquolle330
    Niquolle330 Posts: 2 Member
    I get somewhat hungry if I eat around 1500-1600 "empty" calories - but I find if I eat only around 1000 calories of things like fruits/veggies etc and keep full on water then I'm almost never hungry!
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I eat around 1300 a day. Some days I eat way under that number and some days I go over. I just listen to my body. No, I am not hungry or feel like I am depriving myself....and no I'm not lying. LOL.

    I used to be starving All. The. Time. before starting my new way of eating. I was eating the wrong foods for MY body. I'm not talking about a fad diet or whatever. I eat the foods that fuel my body and make me feel good. It is as simple as that.

    Oh and I'm not going to list my current weight. Sorry. I don't do that. I'm sure many can guess on my losing goal and what I have lost so far.