1200-1500 calorie eaters...serious question...



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    To the OP, thank you for asking this question in a serious, respectful way. I am happy to share my details with you.

    Thank you for this! I appreciate you taking the time to acknowledge my well intended post! :flowerforyou:
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    I am 5'1..and at first I did get very hungry. I try to include protein in every meal and snack that I have throughout the day, it keeps me satisfied longer.
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    ETA: There is an old adage... "if you are hungy enough to eat an apple, then eat." In other words... if you aren't hungry enough to want an apple then you're probably just WANTING food and not actually HUNGRY. Make sure you can tell the difference in hunger, and just craving food.

    That is absolutely fantastic. I'm going to remember that next time I'm "hungry" for chocolate!
  • slfleisher
    When I first joined this site I was trying desperately to stick to a 1200 calorie diet and couldn't do it, I would be so hungry by 8-9pm that I would eat the worst kind of foods.

    So I went back to what I did in high school 1400-1500, and I try to make sure that if I ever allow myself to go over the 1500 mark I have to work it off with exercise. It works the vast majority of the time, and while it's a slower weight loss, I have been able to maintain it over the last 2 1/2 years.

    But, as a note, during my running seasons my calorie intake can go much higher around 1800-1900, because I just finished my first marathon. Trying to re-adjust back down to a "normal" non running diet. So yeah, hungry :)
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    1. What's your height/ weight? 5' 5 1/2", 149 pds currently

    2. Do you get REALLY REALLY hungry during the day? No
    If not, was there an adjustment period? Not really, I never really ate my calories. I always drank them before (not healthy because it was all Monster and white chocolate mochas lol)

    3. What do you eat to prevent feeling like death (if you answered that you're not hungry)? N/A

    I should also note that I'm pretty sedentary and if I do exercise I feel like I MUST EAT NAO EVERYTHING GIVE IT TO ME. So of course, I eat more those days lol.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    1. What's your height/ weight?
    5'1", 160-170 lbs (yes, my weight fluctuates a lot)

    2. Do you get REALLY REALLY hungry during the day? If not, was there an adjustment period?
    If I haven't eaten in a long time then yes, I do get hungry. But when I eat normally, I don't get hungry.

    3. What do you eat to prevent feeling like death (if you answered that you're not hungry)?
    Lots of veggies and fruit. Tofu. Rice. Oats.
  • Sammyj389
    For me, there is always an adjustment period. What has worked for me is dividing my plate into portions. Right off the bat, 1/2 should be vegetables, then fill the other two quarters with protein and carbs. Try to eat low glycemic index foods and drink lots and lots of water.

    Sometimes when I start cutting back on my calories, I get shaky because my blood sugar is too low, but if I eat some fruit or maybe a bit of protein, I'm fine.

    Good luck. It does get easier.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    To the OP, thank you for asking this question in a serious, respectful way. I am happy to share my details with you.

    Thank you for this! I appreciate you taking the time to acknowledge my well intended post! :flowerforyou:

    You are welcome. This debate has been so heated since I have been on here and can get quick mean and hateful. I think it is simply because people cannot understand someone's body being so different from their own. I figured a girl's BMR one day and was shocked when it came out to 1800. That blew my mind that someone could have a BMR that high. Maybe a man, but never thought a woman could have that. THEN I finally understand why she was so adamant against anyone eating 1200 cals/day. Of COURSE she would starve on that amount. She was also very active and burned up to 3000 cals per day. For many of us, that just sounds crazy. About as crazy as those of us eating 1200-1500 sound to her.

    I haven't checked your profile, but it sounds like maybe you are looking into a career in fitness and nutrition? If so, it will be very enlightening for you to see the varied calorie levels and BMR/TDEE of people outside your normal circle. I know it was very eye-opening for me to see the other end of the spectrum.

    Thanks again for your respectful posts. I wish everyone would have respected your request and answered accordingly, but the anonymity of the internet often brings out the worst in people.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Also, I should note I had an eating disorder in my teens and I don't know if my hunger mechanism works correctly. I go from not being hungry at all till like after 8 hours of not eating a meal (long work shifts) my stomach starts SCREAMING at me lol.
  • NaurielR
    NaurielR Posts: 429 Member
    I (maybe/sorta) fit into this category. If its a non-exercise day, I'll eat around 1400. If its one of my running days, I'll eat anywhere between 1800 and 2000, depending on how far I run.

    I'm 4'11"

    On my non-exercise days, sometimes I do. Its not a horrible hunger. Its more of a boredom hunger, where my body wants food just for the sake of food. On my running days, I rarely get hungry. For some reason, during the day I have no appetite. My appetite comes at night, and I'm not one of those people who are worried that eating after dark will cause your belly fat to spontaneously multiply, so I chow down!

    I eat a lot of vegetables. A veggie omelet does wonders to keep you full. Lots of protein and filling veggies! I also consume enough fiber to plug a rhino, so that helps keep my hunger in check (kashi is great, just make sure you have a week or two to yourself when you introduce it to your diet. You'd be surprised how much gas your body can produce)
  • XxXWhitneyShereeXxX
    I'm at 1200 a day, and at first it killed me because all the food I was eating before was junk. But now I eat a protein bar in the mornings and that holds me over until like ... 2 or 3 pm if I get hungry then I will eat almonds or 2 peanut butter crackers or an apple (something small but filling) then I eat dinner and dessert (like a fiber one brownie or weight watchers ice cream bar) no later than six. Gum and water have become my best friends and after a month of changing my eating habits I don't get as hungry. (unless my monthly is coming then i'm always hungry lol) Hope this helps you.
  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    I've been eating 1200 calories for about 2 weeks now. This might be bad, but i feel the only thing that keeps me under is not eating breakfast. I'll go to work and then come home between 12:30 and 2 and then eat. I just make sure i'm truly hungry before i eat. Surprisingly, my body seems to have gotten used to it. I don't think about eating as much as I did when I first started at 1200. I'm 5'6" and 133 by the way. :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    I think the defenition of "constantly" needs to be revised, I don't conssitently eat at 1200 or below ALL the time. This last weekend I threw out the rule book and ate above what I normally do to try and get my body back to losing consistently. I could have eaten as many as 2500 calories each day this last saturday and sunday, not to mention about 1800 calories on friday evening. Mostly white rice, tuna, avocado, crab, some bacon, tomatoes, a little cucumber.

    I had sushi.

    So no, I am not "constantly" undereating, I am "frequently" creating a calorie deficit, with periodic refeeds.

    My fewd journal is open, wtf? Is it that hard to check the log of someone who you're going to b!tchslap for being an overweight guy who is eating less?

    I'm not going to go and check everyone's diary mate. I believe you when you said what you ate initially. I was a bit dumbfounded but I believed you.

    Cal cycling like that is very different to constantly eating that low and the calories over a whole week would be what you should be looking at then. But eating up to 2500 isn't a refeed as a refeed requires a calorie surplus (above maintenance).

    e.g. 1200X6 = 7200. 7200+2500=9700. Est TDEE at 175lbs = 2400. 2400*7=16800. Deficit of 7100.

    And not trying to argue just trying to help. You DO NOT want metabolic damage.

    I would at least watch the first 10mins of this vid.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    kay I'm 5'5" and 150 right now. I go to the gym Monday through Friday because 1200 calories is bs. I would always go over if I didn't work out and sometimes I do go over and don't track it but am still dropping weight. That terrible time of the month I go to the gym even if it's the weekend cuz I gorge........
  • chatswithpets
    chatswithpets Posts: 27 Member
    I have healthy snacks on hand and have found out through trial and error what will help stave off the hungry bugs. I try to eat whole foods, and avoid anything that comes in a packet. A couple of times, I've even made myself eat lunch when I was only 'sort of' hungry. Why? Well, because I go from 'sort of' hungry to ravenous pretty quickly and I like to avoid that point. It's the point where I make bad food choices. ;)

    I'm no expert, I read with interest many of the comments made by others and decided that I was going to follow a few simple rules.

    1. Don't buy it ready made, make it yourself! This includes salad dressings. (a do make a couple of exceptions with sauces).
    2. Buy food that is as little refined as possible. ie. brown rice, wholemeal pasta etc.
    3. Fruits as snack foods. (strawberries and avocado seem to keep me satisfied longer)
    4. Avoid anything in a packet.

    I've also cut out most dairy or at least limited it. And have reduced animal protein to only 2-3 days a week. (not including eggs...which I eat maybe once or twice a week depending on if I feel like it).

    Whoever, it was that said if you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, then your not hungry enough. I try to follow that philosophy as well.

    If I do stray from my path, I avoid the junky junk food. Straying for me is eating out at a restaurant, I will still try to pick the healthiest option. Failing that...I savour my food, and stick firmly to loads of vegies for the next few days.

    And with all that said....play around and find out what works for you. It's a bit of trial and error.

    PS...I still will have a chocolate every now and again. Because I want to, not because I crave it.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    When I started on this I hadn't gone back to exercising so found it a challenge to stay at 1200 but I made a few changes and it seemed to help, so hopefully this will help too:

    1) I started to have more protein in the mornings, especially when I started back at the gym - poached eggs and a couple of rashers of Healthy/reduced salt bacon
    2) I started making and having soup at lunchtime - keeps me full for ages!
    3) I got a FitBit to also favour in additional cals from general activity and not just specifically logged exercise
    4) when I injured my knee last month, I tried to stick closer to 1200 only and found myself stalling - so I did a little research on my TDEE and BMR and now I aim to eat around 1400-1500 a day and that broke my stall.

    At the moment I can't exercise at all having torn something in my knee, so on MFP I out myself into maintenance (1630) which was not far off my TDEE deficit for my previous level of activity - and that is plenty enough for me to exist on.
  • JaseyMakesHerMove
    1. What's your height/ weight?

    I am 5'6 and 235 pounds. (I have a lot to lose.)

    2. Do you get REALLY REALLY hungry during the day? If not, was there an adjustment period?
    Some days are worse than others but I tend to snack a lot throughout the day. Usually I'm eating something every 4 hours. I tend to binge on some days but I usually work out to keep it around my goal which is 1400 a day.

    3. What do you eat to prevent feeling like death (if you answered that you're not hungry)?
    The snack type foods are usually cereal, toast and jam, oranges, lean cuisine makes these 200 calorie spring roll things, they're delicious, and crackers with cheese and turkey.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    To the OP, thank you for asking this question in a serious, respectful way. I am happy to share my details with you.

    Thank you for this! I appreciate you taking the time to acknowledge my well intended post! :flowerforyou:

    You are welcome. This debate has been so heated since I have been on here and can get quick mean and hateful. I think it is simply because people cannot understand someone's body being so different from their own. I figured a girl's BMR one day and was shocked when it came out to 1800. That blew my mind that someone could have a BMR that high. Maybe a man, but never thought a woman could have that. THEN I finally understand why she was so adamant against anyone eating 1200 cals/day. Of COURSE she would starve on that amount. She was also very active and burned up to 3000 cals per day. For many of us, that just sounds crazy. About as crazy as those of us eating 1200-1500 sound to her.

    I haven't checked your profile, but it sounds like maybe you are looking into a career in fitness and nutrition? If so, it will be very enlightening for you to see the varied calorie levels and BMR/TDEE of people outside your normal circle. I know it was very eye-opening for me to see the other end of the spectrum.

    Thanks again for your respectful posts. I wish everyone would have respected your request and answered accordingly, but the anonymity of the internet often brings out the worst in people.

    Wow! You are honestly one of the most polite posters I've ever encountered. I also appreciate the compliment--I'm not going into fitness or nutrition as a career but I LOVE everything about it. I'm going into law actually but I'd totally own a gym if I could. The thing about 1200-1500 calorie diets that I find the most disconcerting is that people who COULD eat more and still get results often turn to the lower number as a starting point without even giving the higher amount a chance. Their initial success makes it difficult to believe that they'd have been successful with more--then thus fear of food can develop. People often ramp up their exercise and keep the calories low--and that's where the problems lie. Now thus is NOT true for all people but it's try for enough of them that I am 100% opposed to 1200 calories as a starting point--1500 isn't do bad but less than that and I'm not on board. If the person has given it a reasonable amount of time with no success then an adjustment is in order but all too often people are seeing results but simply not FAST ENOUGH. I hope that explains my perspective a bit more.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    5'0 and currently about 112, which is up a bit due to months of not "regulating" but when I am losing, I am on 1200-1500 most days. I don't get hungry and didn't require an adjustment period. If I do have those random days where I feel hungry, I just eat. I tend to get hungrier if I eat over this amount though. I tend to have my hungriest days (true hunger and cravings or impulse to eat hunger) when I eat grains--pasta, breads, even though they are gluten free. For this reason, I try to avoid these foods as well as foods with limited nutritional value (typical desserts or junk foods). They take up more calorie room than they are worth to me, basically. When I do eat them, I struggle to stick to 1200-1500 and it isn't usually worth it to me. I don't feel deprived. If I really want those foods, I get them. I just struggle more.

    When I'm most successful, I eat a lot of nuts and seeds, protein powder smoothies, fruits and vegetables. I'm happiest this way. It's what I need to move back into actually now. Overall, I don't currently feel as healthy as I did then even though I'm not overweight.
  • sarafay80
    sarafay80 Posts: 41 Member
    1. What's your height/ weight? 5'2" 142.6 currently -- started at 178

    2. Do you get REALLY REALLY hungry during the day? If not, was there an adjustment period? NO and I average 1250 calories a day

    3. What do you eat to prevent feeling like death (if you answered that you're not hungry)?

    I have a few things that work for me. The first is that I eat every 3 hours or so. The second is that I eat a lot more protein than I used to. Also my goal is to eat all fresh foods (not quite there, but try every day) and I have found I can eat A LOT MORE fresh, natural foods than I can packaged junk type food. I have learned to make a lot of recipes from scratch so I can control what I put in them. I also plan out and prepare all my breakfasts and lunches for the entire week on Sunday night (this past Sunday that task took me only 45 minutes) and now I have no excuses to eat bad or option to eat out. Here is a normal type day for me:

    7:30 am 1 hard boiled egg, 2 pieces of bacon
    10:30 am 1 cup fruit (this week it is cantalope)
    1 pm 6 oz chicken breast, 1.5 cup green beans with seasoning, onion, bacon
    4 pm 1 small granny smith apple (sometimes I add 1 tbsp peanut butter if I work out on lunch)
    7 pm 1 lean protein and fill the rest of my plate with veggies ex... sirloin steak, california blend veggies with butter
    10:30 pm 1/2 oz cashews

    8-10 cups water all throughout the day