


  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Hi! I saw that you were having some issues with the Shakeology mix. If you are interested, I have been using a product that works for me, and it based on science. IM me if you are interested. K? Thanks.

    Cant you tell all of us?

    It's chlorine. They discovered that, based on science, drinking chlorine makes you thinner. You know, until you die.
  • KathyRed07
    I use GNC Whey Protein w/ water or skim milk - sometimes I will add bananas/strawberries/cherries to change it up a bit ....My daughter drinks the Shakeology - she told me to try one, and I did.....once! It was sooooooooooo gross. I couldn`t drink it...And I added all kind of fruits - it just was not my thing. And its expensive too! that is just MY opinion.

    To each his own.....
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    I have been drinking Shakeology for 12 months now. I have lost 24lbs. I love it. It has helped my immune system. It has my energy level and I just overall feel better.

    I feel better and have more energy from losing weight also.

    Lies! It's from all the ice cream!!!