What foods have you cut out?



  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    I wouldn't say I have completely cut out anything, but I have drastically cut down on foods with refined sugar, soda and those high calorie lattes from coffee places. I try to find suitable replacements for things that are unhealthy, but do occasionally indulge if it fits my calories/macros for the day.
  • BrittanyErica
    BrittanyErica Posts: 74 Member
    all juices
    refined sugar
    all breads
    all pasta's
    most fruits (because of the sugar. i still eat bunches of veggies ^_^)
    added salt

    .. and i'm probably forgetting some, but thats what i can think of for now ^_^
  • SommerBunny
    The only thing I cut out was pop, everything else I try to eat in moderation.
    I think life is too short to completely deprive yourself of what you like :)
  • LovelyVegetarian
    LovelyVegetarian Posts: 117 Member
    Refined sugar. I know that people say "eat less" of what you like but I'm one of those people that needs a hard rule. I was stalling a bit in my loss and decided, after looking at my diary, no more refined sugar. It was hard for a day or two but after that it was super easy and I felt (and feel) so much better. I plan on reintroducing some refined sugar in my diet but not for a bit. I like the discipline. It works for my personality. Also I had lots more calories available for healthier choices!
  • gemmalu
    gemmalu Posts: 56 Member
    I haven't cut anything out, just adjusted the amount I eat. One thing that has made a huge difference is eating more fibre - wholemeal bread, quinoa, brown rice, plenty of veg etc. I never go hungry!

    And I have swapped wine for gin and slimline tonic when I drink. Which is less frequent. When I do have wine I can literally see the pounds going back on.
  • ephraimgatsby
    I've cut out all grain products - bread, cookies, rice, etc. After I had done that I found that I was actually rather gluten intolerant and probably had been for quite a long time. When I eliminated those things, my digestion improved greatly, I wasn't hungry all the time and I began to actually be able to lose weight. I substitute plenty of organic raw veggies for the fiber I would have gotten from grain products and along with those eat organic fruit, lean meat and fish. I walk daily but don't really work out otherwise.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I haven't cut out anything. Some things I eat less often, but if I want something I'll have it. I just fit it into my goals and call it good.
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    I havent cut anything out - cutting things out is a diet and this is a lifestyle change for me.

    What I have done is cut my portion sizes down to a more acceptable amount, for example eating 2oz of cheese every day instead of 6oz. I keep within my macros. The biggest change that I've made besides portion sizes is cutting out / lowering sodium - when I keep the sodium low (I try for under 2000mg/day) the weight drops very nicely - sodium goes up and so does the weight. Something else I've noticed is if I've had a higher sodium day and a heavy workout day on the same day - the soreness from the workout takes longer to go away. No idea if they're truly related but it's an interesting coincidence and just another reason for me to keep the sodium down.

    I would guess that it's not cutting out the cheese that's causing the greater losses - it's cutting the sodium that's in the cheese that's doing it - unfortunately cheese has fairly high sodium.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I eat less fast food. A lot less.
    I eat less snacks and sweets.
    I will still eat those things sometimes, but in moderation - fitting it into my calorie goal for the day, log it and move on.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member

    Except Pop Tarts, but only because I replaced them with much more delicious and satisfying breakfasts.

    And that's been the key for me... I always looked at it more as "what can I add to my menu?" than "what can I take out?" I still eat pasta and rice, but I stir in a pile of vegetables. So I'm still eating the same volume of food, but it's less calories and more nutrition. Instead of chocolate bars, I'm having protein bars. Still the same chocolatey goodness, but with 10-20g of protein instead of 2g. The Balance Bar Caramel Nut Blast I just had tasted just like a Snickers.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    all processed foods and refined sugar to the best of my ability.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Cottage cheese. That crap is nasty.
  • jrmartinezb
    jrmartinezb Posts: 147 Member
    The only things I've deliberately cut out are fruit juices and sodas. Other than that, If it fits my macros and I feel like having something I will have it, be it cake, tacos, bacon or whatever. That being said, the foods I now eat a lot less than I ate before are cheese, bread, chips, and sweets.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Sugary fruits and starchy carbs, potatoes and grains gone from my daily diet and pulses substantially reduced. Replaced with way more fruits and vegetables, I'm not hardcore low carb. Not saying carbs are the devil nor advocating this for everyone else but I don't miss them most of the time and right now my body needs the nutrients. Alcohol and salt massively reduced. I certainly will be consuming all of these over Christmas maybe even as soon as tomorrow!
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    Alcohol completely as I found it killed any change in lifestyle that I made. White foods, white bread, pasta, potatoes, processed foods. Greatly reduce eating out. Everything else is ok, the changes are, weigh everything, eat in moderation, and track it. Eat as clean as possible.
  • cheshire29
    I have cut out very few things but have tried to eat in moderation like so many of you. For some foods I have made conditions so it is harder for me to let myself eat them. For instance baked goods I will only eat if I made them myself. I have stuck to this for a number of months and I think it has helped. I cut back on Starbucks big time. I was probably going there 2-4 times per week before and am now there 1-2 times a week at the very most. I also switched from mochas to fat free lattes. I have been trying new veggies and try to eat egg white omelets a few times per week. Soda has been hard and will probably always be something I struggle with. Currently I would say I have it 4 days per week (one can). This is a lot less than before and hopefully I will cut back more in the future. I also want to be able to enjoy some of my favorite things. I think it helps keep my momentum if I'm not miserable!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Cream and sugar in my coffee
    Cut way back on rice, pasta, and potatoes
    Bread and regular tortillas (love the low fiber oat based ones for half the calories)

    I eat all those things, but not very often. Easiest things to drop to stay within my calories
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Cottage cheese. That crap is nasty.

    I LOVE cottage cheese
  • Queen_Adrock
    Queen_Adrock Posts: 130 Member
    Much like a lot of you, I've just cut back. I always leave a little room for junk in my diet...if I want a chocolate bar every few days, I just make sure I have the calories to do so (usually by doing a bit more cardio that day). I want this to be a lifelong thing for me, and I know that I won't go my entire life without chocolate, so better learn how to eat it in a healthy, moderate way.
  • e001w
    e001w Posts: 46 Member
    I've cut out a few things. This is what I have cut alcohol,fast food and sweets. And every few weeks I have pizza as my cheat meal. Me and my wife have also cut out almost all processed foods.