What foods have you cut out?



  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    There are a couple of things that I had to completely stop eating/drinking because there was no ability to moderate myself, and it was a lot saner for me to just quit cold turkey.

    -Drinks with calories (soda, juice, flavored beverages)... Replaced with sparkling water or seltzer
    -Fast food. And 3-4 years later I now feel NO temptation to eat at McDonald's again. You may say "everything in moderation" but it feels damned good to not even want a Wendy's burger anymore.
    -Pasta. Sorry but one serving of pasta is just not going to work for me. I didn't eat pasta at all while I was losing weight, now I'll eat it only rarely if I'm out to dinner with parents once every couple of months

    Worked for me and I've maintained a good weight for years now.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    I don't cut anything out. I eat it in moderation.
  • I have cut out as much artificial sugars, pastas, breads and alcohol as possiable, I found out for myself doing this helps a great amount. I have added as much fruit , veggies and lean protein as possiable. Also stay away from box dinners and read your lables not just the nutritonal values but the actual ingredients, the less stuff in there the better for you there are alot of crappy sweetners and extras that make you feel hungry when your really not. I also do cheat once a week with something that I do like that is not particularly the best for me like cookies or frozen yogert. Mabey a drink or 3 but just be mindful and strong and you can do it. I've dropped 35 lbs so far you can reach your goal as well..........
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I avoid overly processed food but I haven't cut out anything I really like. I still eat pizza, ice cream, and occasionally fried chicken, and I drink some beer. I just make sure it fits within my calories and macros plan. I don't eat twinkies or drink sodas as I don't like them but to each his own.
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    I've haven't really cut anything out. It's all about moderation and portion control. I did switch from regular mayo to low fat mayo. Doesn't taste any different to me. I don't drink soda, but when I'm in the mode for a sip or 2 I'll drink coke Zero. Again I don't taste the difference from regular coke.

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  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    I cut out soda, Crystal Light, and juice entirely.
    I've cut back considerably on breads and when I do eat them, I reach for whole wheat.

    I've given up chips and French fries, but I eat sweet potato chips on occasion.
    I cut way back on butters and oils.

    I refuse to give up chocolate, sugary coffee lattes and ice cream. :P
  • lamos1
    lamos1 Posts: 167 Member
    I have cut out soda and I don't miss it at all. If I go out for a burger, I get it without cheese and mayo. I've also cut out frying my pork chops or chicken breast with flour. I will fry them on my griddle in a tiny bit of oil without flour and I just use different spices to make them taste good.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    totally agree, this is a lifestyle change, no reason to give up anything completely (except for health reasons). It is all about balance, moderation and portion control.
    Nothing. There's a time and a place for everything. Yes, even chicken wings.

    Why not enjoy the things you like? Doesn't make sense IMO.
  • Galathea96
    Galathea96 Posts: 200 Member
    Nothing. I can generally fit in anything I want into my calorie goal and I don't mind if I go over once in a while.
  • glitterjam
    glitterjam Posts: 145 Member
    There are a couple of things that I had to completely stop eating/drinking because there was no ability to moderate myself, and it was a lot saner for me to just quit cold turkey.

    -Drinks with calories (soda, juice, flavored beverages)... Replaced with sparkling water or seltzer
    -Fast food. And 3-4 years later I now feel NO temptation to eat at McDonald's again. You may say "everything in moderation" but it feels damned good to not even want a Wendy's burger anymore.
    -Pasta. Sorry but one serving of pasta is just not going to work for me. I didn't eat pasta at all while I was losing weight, now I'll eat it only rarely if I'm out to dinner with parents once every couple of months

    Worked for me and I've maintained a good weight for years now.

    I was going to write this exact same thing. Cool...and weird....lol.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I wouldn't say I have cut anything out completely but there is definitely stuff I have lost the taste for or really just don't like enough to make them worth the calories anymore. I cut out potato chips a long time ago, cut severly back on diet soda and really don't have much in the way of candy or sweets any more. But that's because I don't want to more than because I'm forcing myself to. I have cut back on wine & beer which has been more of a conscious choice. I would have one or two every night but it just doesn't work for me so I stick to just a few a week. I have cut back on pasta too because I'm much more aware of what a serving is now. I think before I was logging I was likely having at least 2 servings every time. The only other thing that comes to mind if ice cream. I would likely have that more often too.
  • Ilysandrew11
    Ilysandrew11 Posts: 133 Member
    I have cut out sodas and alcohol first and foremost!!! Everything else I have learned to portion and not over eat. Instead of having two portions of potatoes I have one...or having one giant chicken breast I have 4-6 oz. I just keep within my calorie range. If I want something sweet I will have fruit or some chocolate...but I do portion now :)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Totally out - bread, pasta, rice and potatoes
    down to about 4 squares a week - chocolate
    only to mark once in a lifetime celebrations - alcohol
    Only to mark close family birthdays - cake/ice cream
    down to a couple servings a week - hard cheese

    Diet Soda left in 2005. Dropped 13 pounds when I did that!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Totally out - bread, pasta, rice and potatoes
    down to about 4 squares a week - chocolate
    only to mark once in a lifetime celebrations - alcohol
    Only to mark close family birthdays - cake/ice cream
    down to a couple servings a week - hard cheese

    Diet Soda left in 2005. Dropped 13 pounds when I did that!

    wow. Kill me now.
  • testease
    testease Posts: 220
    vegetables. taste like ****.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Someone said cutting food out would be a "diet" and not a lifestyle change well I don't agree with that

    This argument always makes me cringe. Unless you starve to death you will be on a diet for the rest of your life, but how long can a "change" remain a "change"? Diet is not temporary for those that eat regularly.
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    Soda, sweets, and pizza :(
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    There's a cheese called white american?
  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    I cut out really processed desserts and snack foods. I also cut out any soda, diet or regular. I think those really cover the most unhealthy foods you can eat. Everything else should really be in moderation but you really don't need coca cola or doritos in moderation......
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Im eating cheese right now. Yum.

    Anyways, I have not cut items out but recently I have choosen to keep several items out of the house. Such as queso dip, salsa and whole chocolate milk.

    ETA: orange juice and cranberry juice