What foods have you cut out?



  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    Interesting question! my initial response would be "Nothing!"

    I still have whatever I want, once in awhile instead of all the time.

    I've made a lot of changes in how I cook/prepare things, though. I swapped out sour cream for Greek yogurt awhile back. I don't notice the difference, and there is so much more nutritional value in Greek yogurt than sour cream.

    Looking back, I've made a lot of small changes over time. More sweet potato, less white potato. Whole grain pastas vs white... I did some reading up on the Glycemic Index a few years ago and just kind of started swapping things around. Diabetes is a common thread on both sides of my family so I feel like it's a good idea to watch things like that.

    I didn't really "cut out" a lot of processed foods. It just kind of happened naturally. I don't miss or long for things I used to use/eat. If I wanted them, I'd have them. My tastes have simply changed, so I don't really want them anymore.

    Food blogs like Skinnytaste are wonderful for learning how to use real, unprocessed foods to lighten up and sometimes recreate the good old comfort foods.

    So, if I'm going to eat takeout, I'm going to eat takeout. I'll enjoy it and then move on the next day or meal rather than try to special order everything low fat/sodium/steamed etc. I can do that at home.

    LorinaLynn said it very well upthread. More nutrition, less crap. Add vs subtract.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    I cut out most junky foods - overprocessed, sugary or the deadly trio of sugar/fat/salt - most of the the time. But not all the time.

    The only food I've cut out completely is pasta and crackers. Cannot moderate either one. Eat one and it's outta control. I can have one or two cookies, but cannot seem to have a couple of crackers.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    I'm not cutting out anything that I love. I eat probably a combined total of 1 pound of cheese a week between snacking on it and adding it to things. It's probably my favorite food.

    That being said, I stopped drinking regular soda 10+ years ago, so I don't have to worry about the calories from that. I also tend to prefer more proteins and fats than carbs, so I find it very easy to go through my day and only have 1-2 grain products, usually 100% whole wheat pita bread, potatoes and/or rice. It's just what or how I prefer to eat.

    ETA: I have been known to say that I workout so that I can eat cheesecake or pizza etc. While the real reason I workout is to maintain LBM and improve my health, I do recognize that working out does allow me more leeway in my food choices.
  • MrsAzriel
    MrsAzriel Posts: 35 Member
    The only thing I really cut out was full sugared sodas. I think I've had one in the last 3 years and that was because I couldn't keep food down at the time.

    I haven't cut anything else out of my diet. I love food. Most of what is love is healthy, but I do love ice cream, chocolate and cake.
  • Nimadi486
    Nimadi486 Posts: 93 Member
    Bread, pasta, pizza...not easy being Italian, we love bread and pasta! I used spaghetti squash now instead as a substitute, and I make portabello pizzas or pizza with a cauliflower crust. Still tasty!
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    I truly haven't cut out anything, it's in portion control. I just don't fry as much as I use to. I just added more fruits and vegetables and drink more water then usual. I try to drink water before meals to fill me up quicker. I do try to snack less because actual food wasn't my problem it my snacking, especially when I'm bored and not being active. So I try to have as many healthy snacks on hand as possible.
  • kenyabenya
    i no longer smoke cigarettes :smokin:, but i didnt cut anyhing. but i no longer drink sugar drink or eat sweet foods due to acne. :grumble: and watch my soduim levels.
  • kabel4892
    kabel4892 Posts: 167 Member
    Ive cut out alot of sweets. Like snack cakes, cookies, and candy. I have a few pieces of candy when I get a chocolate craving, but only 2 or 3 bite size pieces. Just remember, everything in moderation. :)
  • sharitalc
    sharitalc Posts: 2 Member
    Sodas both regular and Coke zero. I also try to limit my carbs so I cut out eating bread, rice as much even though I was eating whole grains or wheat.
  • Tamisha15
    Tamisha15 Posts: 83 Member
    Good to read everyone's feedback and answers and its good to see that everything doesn't work for every body ( I did that on purpose). I hope this post helps someone lost in the Food and Nutrition category and gives some ideas on where they can start to see what would work for them. Also, understanding what portion control really is.

    Someone said cutting food out would be a "diet" and not a lifestyle change well I don't agree with that but at least I know we all share the common goal of getting healthy and staying that way :-)
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    I cut back, not cut out.
  • SLRamirez2012
    I have cut out soda completely, and for the last week I have cut out dairy. I have noticed that I am less bloated, and I don't even miss it too much. I will start incorperating some milk products back in eventually. I also don't eat red meat, and almost never eat white bread products.
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    SUGAR, refined carbs & artificial sweeteners and flavours get the boot. All minimally processed foods, even cheese, have their place in a healthy diet.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I haven't cut anything out, but I eat less of some things and more of others. Flexibility is the key to adherence, IMO.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    The only thing I've completely cut are cocktails. :sad:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Soda which just doesn't taste good to me anylonger...so no big loss.

    Cheetos because even though I can get the calories/carbs to fit into my plan I can't seem to fit that much sodium in.

    Pretty much anything else is fair game (in moderation).
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    I didn't cut anything out and I don't plan to. But what I did do was look for healthier alternatives....for example, go with the less sugar lower calorie drinks at Starbucks by switching my milk and asking for sugar free syrups. Or ordering a thin crust pizza if I need to save calories and want pizza, but I still eat regular pizza too. I'm not a soda drinker but every now and then I want one. If It's going to be one, I get regular because it's so rare for me. But if it's going to be a few, I will get diet. I do drink beer and alcohol, so I try to go for a less calorie heavy alcohol beverage. I am more of a beer drinker, but last night I ordered vodka and soda instead to save a few calories. But, I WILL still drink beer because it's good for me (as in, I like it. Not good for me as in healthy). I also still enjoy a cupcake or pastry but I will try to think of something that might be a little healthier (like cream cheese frosting compared to buttercream frosting). It doesn't make a HUGE difference but I feel every little healthier decision is one in the right direction.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    There isn't anything I would never eat (except for anything that used to have a heartbeat), there are things I'd only eat/drink in moderation.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I haven't had mayonnaise (on purpose) in 13 years. Use Miracle Whip for tuna fish or chicken salad, but never mayo. Even at restaurants, I;m sure to say, "No mayo."
  • BrittneyLutz
    BrittneyLutz Posts: 9 Member
    I used to be a constant juice drinker. I didn't drink soda and in my head I felt like I was getting so many benefits out of drinking all of my different fruit juices. Little did I realize how many liquid calories I was putting in my diet. It was the day I woke up with an empty orange juice carton in my bed that I knew I had a problem and needed to stop.