The Friend Zone



  • aekimz23
    aekimz23 Posts: 112 Member
    Ahh, love it! Thanks for posting. :D
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    whyyyyyy do women do this? Seriously.

    Women aren't the only ones...

    i do understand that....i mean I've been friendzoned before so I know that guys do it too...

    I'm just noticing a trend amongst my fellow single girlfriends where they are friendzoning a perfectly wonderful guy because he's just SO nice and SO wonderful ......

    all because they are holding out for a Damon Salvatore/Hugh Jackman (wolverine type) guy that will treat them kinda dirty and leave them wanting more....

    and they guys they are friendzoning would be SO nice to them, for them...and with them....

    and again, we're coming up to another friday night...where if I meet them for's gonna be listening to them complain about how they dont' have a plus one for their office party, or for New Years.....

    and they really want a date....


    so I'm a little frustrated with the girlfriends....major major perpetrators of the friendzoning lately.
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    Seriously! Even being a decent look guy I still get put in the friend zone cuz I'm awesome and a really nice guy. :(

    I doubt you were really friend zoned, just saying

    I agree....:)

    No joke! This happened to me many many many times. So many times that my friends in high school AND my friends in college know me for this attribute. I am known to being "in the zone" but it's cool cuz I ended up hooking up with their friends.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    i do understand that....i mean I've been friendzoned before so I know that guys do it too...

    I'm just noticing a trend amongst my fellow single girlfriends where they are friendzoning a perfectly wonderful guy because he's just SO nice and SO wonderful ......

    all because they are holding out for a Damon Salvatore/Hugh Jackman (wolverine type) guy that will treat them kinda dirty and leave them wanting more....

    and they guys they are friendzoning would be SO nice to them, for them...and with them....

    and again, we're coming up to another friday night...where if I meet them for's gonna be listening to them complain about how they dont' have a plus one for their office party, or for New Years.....

    and they really want a date....


    so I'm a little frustrated with the girlfriends....major major perpetrators of the friendzoning lately.

    Gotta kiss a lot of frogs before you can settle down with the prince (who happened to show up at the start)!

    Then you aren't always left wondering if the grass is greener because having put up with a few bad boys can make a girl really value the nice ones.
  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    ugh I had my friend zone removed. How fraking creepy is to have a guy friend that is always within 10 feet of you, follwing you around, dying to hear you complain about the current guy, to yell at you and insist on walking you home when youre completely wasted just in case you start taking off all your clothes, to sit patiently waiting and scheming for that one day when you wake up and realize that you can never do better than them, that you should settle for safe and devoted and give up the chance to find someone that takes your breath away, challenges and inspires you- and just go ahead and marry the guy in the friend zone.... and be forever "fine".

    /wild applause

    Dudes, if you aren't happy just being her friend, then why keep following her around? If it's so hard to be "just" a friend/confidant and are always wanting more, then maybe you aren't cut out for friendship. If it hurts you that much to be around some girl, grow a pair and end the friendship for your own good.

    Also, just because she likes you and thinks you're awesome doesn't mean she SHOULD date you. How many people do you know that are awesome but you don't feel any chemistry with? There's no hard and fast rule that just because you're nice and do things for her, she owes you a date.

    Stop crying.
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    Im a friend zone veteran...hope to get tendered in free agency on day but not happenin
  • I_wanna_live
    I_wanna_live Posts: 227 Member
    DUDE! I'm a girl and I've been friend zoned. hahaha. Same thing but with the added bonus of: "We're going to have you do our laundry and buy our Christmas gifts..." ;)

    Wait, I get this and I am a guy... WTH?!?!!!
  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    Please keep in mind there are nice guys and then there are doormats. More often than not, the guys whining about the friend zone are doormats.

    I want a guy who speaks his mind and says what he wants. I don't want to spend my life hearing, "Whatever you want to do, wherever you want to go, I don't care, it's up to you" and so on. It's nice to a point, but when someone refuses to make a decision because they want to do nothing but please you, it's tiring. I want a man who can and will speak his mind and make his desires known.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I get kinda irked about guys who ***** about being friendzoned. Women are not machines you put kindness into until sex falls out. Sometimes they just don't feel any chemistry with you, so get over it. Besides, what's wrong with having more friends? :huh:
  • thescrumisfun
    Hey man, what about the sister zone? :grumble:
  • chism21
    chism21 Posts: 155 Member
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I get kinda irked about guys who ***** about being friendzoned. Women are not machines you put kindness into until sex falls out. Sometimes they just don't feel any chemistry with you, so get over it. Besides, what's wrong with having more friends? :huh:


    Basically, they're approaching us dishonestly to be "friends" with an ulterior motive already in mind and then they get mad because we...just want to be friends?

    How about not being entitled? How about mustering up some courage to just be straight about what you're trying to get from us? Honesty instead of manipulation. Then think of how many perfectly nice women YOU have rejected in the past.

    Besides, a lot of the men I know who complain about this phenomenon are NOT nice guys. They're mad because a chick who is out of their league didn't want to have sex with them. Period, end of story. Not exactly a "nice guy" mindset.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I posted this because it's funny. I broke through the friend zone once.

    we were best friends for a few months and totally got friend zoned early on and then one valentines day we were out to dinner and ran it to Bert (the lead singer of the used) and had dinner with him and his girl at the time. (13 years ago) I got introduced as just a friend, so later I told her that I didn't want to be her friend anymore and she got all said until told her I wanted to be more. yeah the friend zone came down and we were all over each other.

    the other girl I was dating was pissed that she was never able to break through my friend zone. so I know it goes both ways
  • HopeandAction
    HopeandAction Posts: 10 Member
    to be honest, I personally don't care, if I am friend zoned... My problem comes in when, they call me if something is wrong with their lover/life/the home.

    I don't care, how big the spider is, grab a shoe and smash it! I don't care if Edward was just raped by Jacob, turn off the movie. I Don't care, if your boyfriend and you just had a fight, and he is now laying on the ground, in a pool of his own blood. Call 911 or bury him. DON'T CALL ME FOR THE STUPID !!!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member


    And I *have* eventually dated guys that I friend-zoned for a while. Gave em a shot because they were nice, and I eventually did become physically attracted to them, but you know what? They weren't real men, at least the kind I'm looking for. They never took charge in the relationship. Just no initiative to lead, which probably boils down to that insecurity and lack of confidence that got them friend-zoned in the first place. I need a man to be strong for me and take charge.
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member


    And I *have* eventually dated guys that I friend-zoned for a while. Gave em a shot because they were nice, and I eventually did become physically attracted to them, but you know what? They weren't real men, at least the kind I'm looking for. They never took charge in the relationship. Just no initiative to lead, which probably boils down to that insecurity and lack of confidence that got them friend-zoned in the first place. I need a man to be strong for me and take charge.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    pic removed for space issues


    And I *have* eventually dated guys that I friend-zoned for a while. Gave em a shot because they were nice, and I eventually did become physically attracted to them, but you know what? They weren't real men, at least the kind I'm looking for. They never took charge in the relationship. Just no initiative to lead, which probably boils down to that insecurity and lack of confidence that got them friend-zoned in the first place. I need a man to be strong for me and take charge.

    yeah. when I let someone out of the friendzone they still make me be the man in the relationship. I dont want to be the man in the relationship. I want to be the girl. Im really damn good at being the girl. You want out of the friendzone? Fine. Take what you want.

    What puts you in the friendzone? Expecting to be given something for which you have not put in the required effort or taken the required risks.

    Kinda like when you aren't exercising and are expecting to get a hot body....
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    pic removed for space issues


    And I *have* eventually dated guys that I friend-zoned for a while. Gave em a shot because they were nice, and I eventually did become physically attracted to them, but you know what? They weren't real men, at least the kind I'm looking for. They never took charge in the relationship. Just no initiative to lead, which probably boils down to that insecurity and lack of confidence that got them friend-zoned in the first place. I need a man to be strong for me and take charge.

    yeah. when I let someone out of the friendzone they still make me be the man in the relationship. I dont want to be the man in the relationship. I want to be the girl. Im really damn good at being the girl. You want out of the friendzone? Fine. Take what you want.

    What puts you in the friendzone? Expecting to be given something for which you have not put in the required effort or taken the required risks.

    Kinda like when you aren't exercising and are expecting to get a hot body....

    you are so in the zone with this assessment :glasses: amazing....
  • RevCO30
    RevCO30 Posts: 176 Member
    whyyyyyy do women do this? Seriously.

    Women aren't the only ones...

    AMEN to that
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Yeah, I was friend zoned by a dude. So, it's like this for chicks too.

    I had to end the friendship because I wanted the cookies and milk and he wasn't sharing.

    Would text me every minute of every day and flirt hardcore, but had zero interest in me.

    Crap, haha.