


  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Yeah. You'd have to drink an assload.

    I think you mean butt load. Assload is not a actual unit of measurement
    They're thinking of the UK "arseload" which is an acceptable UOM.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    2 cups everyday in the morning! Like a champ! I think drinking a can of SOda is 10X worse than drinking a nicely brewed cup OF black coffee....maybe a lilttle milk.
  • Pelly57
    Pelly57 Posts: 169 Member
    The science on coffee seems to be an ever changing thing. One report says it's evil, then another comes out extolling the virtues.
    Coffee is one of those things that affects different people different ways. You can build up tolerances to the caffeine; I can drink it all day and never get the jitters or have trouble sleeping.
    But, your body can become addicted to the stuff. Withdrawal can be nasty and not just the headache. I had major surgery a few years ago. The day following surgery my surgeon was ordering another EKG and looking concerned. When I asked what was wrong, he said that since I had come out of anesthesia, my pulse was sitting at 150 and my blood pressure was through the roof (I don’t remember the BP number, I was on a morphine drip after all ) So, they ran the tests and all came back normal. Early the next morning the surgeon is back in my room. He asks me, “So how much coffee do you drink?” I told him, he ordered me a cup of coffee from the nurses’ station, and a half hour later everything was back to normal. Extreme caffeine withdrawal. And by the way, this happened in Seattle, the coffee capitol of the US.
    Since then, I have backed off the extreme amounts, so obviously too much of a good thing can be bad for you, but isn’t that always the case.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    The science on coffee seems to be an ever changing thing. One report says it's evil, then another comes out extolling the virtues.
    Coffee is one of those things that affects different people different ways. You can build up tolerances to the caffeine; I can drink it all day and never get the jitters or have trouble sleeping.
    But, your body can become addicted to the stuff. Withdrawal can be nasty and not just the headache. I had major surgery a few years ago. The day following surgery my surgeon was ordering another EKG and looking concerned. When I asked what was wrong, he said that since I had come out of anesthesia, my pulse was sitting at 150 and my blood pressure was through the roof (I don’t remember the BP number, I was on a morphine drip after all ) So, they ran the tests and all came back normal. Early the next morning the surgeon is back in my room. He asks me, “So how much coffee do you drink?” I told him, he ordered me a cup of coffee from the nurses’ station, and a half hour later everything was back to normal. Extreme caffeine withdrawal. And by the way, this happened in Seattle, the coffee capitol of the US.
    Since then, I have backed off the extreme amounts, so obviously too much of a good thing can be bad for you, but isn’t that always the case.

    Dude thats awesome!!!!
  • vegannlg
    vegannlg Posts: 170 Member
    Only downside: being forced to share my favorite Guatemalan Antigua with the rest of the family! Even the smell is wonderfulness!!!

    :noway: You have coffee from Antigua?!?!? JEALOUS! I was there once, went to the plantation and had it straight from there... best small cup of coffee in my life.... to this day, I want to get more.

    I know what you mean! I'm affraid of when I run out because I don't think I can get more! :frown:
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Check out

    That coffee has ganoderma lucidum in it, good for you AND TASTY! Research the benefits of ganoderma lucidum.

    I beg to differ. Ganoderma coffee is NASTY. One of my coworkers tried to sell me some. I decided to be nice and try it. SHe was telling me all about the health benefits.

    NEWSFLASH! I don't drink coffee for the health benefits. I actually LOVE the taste of coffee. Except the ganoderma crap.

    It's nasty. Very very nasty. True coffee lovers...stay away.