I'm so embarrassed



  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    You need to set up habits. Because living your life in the re-active way is not working for you. And when you are eating out, you are paying for the convenience -- rather than the value of the food. It is always cheaper to eat healthier.

    Start small. Plan your breakfast. -- and hold to it.

    Plan a healthy snack (apple, grapes, raisins, nuts ) and measure out 1 portion into a baggie and bring it with you to work.

    Plan your lunch. If it is too overwhelming to plan out a week in advance -- then don't. Just make the same thing everyday. Is it boring? yes. But once you get into the routine, you can change it up.

    Make a few (1-2) rules that you DO NOT BREAK -- like 'no fried food', 'must eat veggies first' or 'no bread'.

    If you are getting food out -- get the smallest size possible. Yes, you can ask for a 'small' at Starbucks -- they have them, even if they are not on the board.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    First you have to want to do it. If you go into it begrudgingly, you won't be successful. Knowing what you have to do is a good part of solving the problems, but actually DOING IT is something different - and if you try to conquer the beast all at the same time, you're probably going to fail.

    Take small steps. Eliminate the coffee's first. Then, if you're eating out every day for dinner, try cutting it down a couple of days. What can you do today, or what are you willing to do today, that will help you get you where you want to be?
    What can you do that will set you up to be successful? Can I get rid of all the crap (chips, dips, sugary cakes/snacks) in my house and replace them with stuff that is healthier for me (light string cheese, yogurt, fruit) that I'm willing to eat? Are you willing to replace one soda or one coffee a day with water?

    Once you get a handle on one thing, then just add to it. I used to drive through either McDonald's, Hardee's or Steak 'n Shake EVERY workday. I have probably only done that about 5 times in the last 18 months. Now I usually have yogurt, or fruit, or a protein bar or some combination thereof. Then I lessened my intake of soda's to 1/day at lunch. Then I got a small dorm fridge in my office that has bottled water, string cheese, yogurt, sometimes a salad or pineapple or grape tomatoes....snacks that I'm willing to have instead of worser stuff....and I did it this way so I wouldn't have to go into the kitchen at work and see any of the bad stuff in there.

    Further, if you stick to lean, healthy proteins, the fat/carbs will take care of themselves. The better the quality of food intake, the better the weight loss journey will go.

    Good luck!!!