How did you select your goal weight?



  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    I diligently sought prayer and the advice of a few family members.
  • lapinu390
    lapinu390 Posts: 46 Member
    I really liked the body of a girl at my height who is 140lbs with sexy curves and when I got down to 147lbs 2 years ago I pretty much had her body and I was so happy :) Just needed a bit of toning.
  • lauras777
    lauras777 Posts: 237 Member
    My intial goal weight was 135. That was based on those ridiculous height weight charts that expect every single person to fit into a cookie cutter shape. ( i'm 5'4). When I got to 150 lbs and was a size 6 I realized no way do I want to lose another 15 lbs. Im happy, feel thin, and like the way I look at this weight so my new goal is 145. I'll still be a size 6 and thats where I want to stay.

    That's my goal weight as well- (150) I'm 5'3" so I'm hoping when I get there I'll be happy with it....if not, maybe 5 more pounds?? :wink:
  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member
    I used a military body fat calculator, then I chose to reverse it and let it tell me my "lean body mass"... then it spat out that a healthy weight for my body composition is 150lbs. =) P.S im 22, 5"3, 213lbs.
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    I had an idea in my head of how I wanted to look, and guessed how much I would need to lose to get there.

    I was wrong, by about 20 lbs.

    This one.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I picked something that would put me just inside the 'healthy BMI' range. I'll re-evaluate as I get closer.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I remembered what I weighed in college that summer when I hit the weights every day and looked my best. It might not be reachable but it's my goal.
  • Threw a dart at a number board
  • MrWThompson
    MrWThompson Posts: 19 Member
    I am thinking back to 35-10........ My military days, when I was allowed to weight 200 pounds without having to join the "program" (Those of you who were in the USAF, might know what I am talking about). So, I have a huge goal, back to my weight 20 years ago. Big Goals, Big Plans........ we shall see.

    Honestly, I would be happy in the 220's but might as well set the huge goal!
  • emzilee
    emzilee Posts: 96 Member
    To get to a healthy BMI I need to get to 72kg... so there's my target!
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    I chose the weight I remember liking the way I looked in the past prior to the gain. Once I reach it, I will still re-evaluate at that time to see what my new goal would be.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    My lowest adult body weight (from about 18-22) was 134, and I looked good but wasn't in shape at all. I was somewhere around 140 when a few lifestyle changes and medication caused me to pack on 50 pounds over 3 years. My highest goal was 190 so I set my goal to 140 - back to where I was before the big gain, and I anice round 50 pounds. I'm just over 5'7", and currently at 146 and am now 32. When I hit my goal I will reevaluate. At this point I'm thinking I will probably lower it to 135 to get everything nice and smooth, but I'm also starting to lift weight and do strength exercises so if I gain a few from that I'm fine with it, it's more about how I look and feel and fit in clothes than the number, but I know I will feel so proud and happy when I hit that 50 pounds lost mark. Soon!!
  • liz827
    liz827 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 31 years old. I chose my pre-pregnancy weight of 135, it's in my BMI and looking back I think why the heck did I think I looked fat!? :laugh: At 140, I'm just barely making it into the normal BMI range. As I get closer, I'll determine if that's where I want to be or not. I'm slowly realizing that it's just a number and the scale really doesn't matter. It's all about how my clothes fit and how I feel.
  • I am also 5'10 170 at my highest 125 at my lowest, 155 at the moment my goal weight is 120. At 170 I looked obese and I was so unfit and flabby but I think I have a small frame coz even at 125 I wasn't particularly skinny but so much healthier always running and exercising. But I know 5'10 girls who weigh my weight now and look so slim compared to me so I think it depends on your body type. My doctor said I was underweight at 125 based on bmi but I think that's rubbish, I still looked and felt slight overweight hence the gw of 120!
  • sbrooks0387
    sbrooks0387 Posts: 167 Member
    well i have been all the way from 185 to 113. so i went from heavy to a little too skinny but i know where i was before i had my first son was how i want to look again but having had 3 kids and now having life get in the way i don't know if i can get there so i could be happy where i was before i got prego with my second. which is my aim but i secretly hope i can get about 5 lbs lighter than than. i am 5'5"
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    I looked at the BMI chart and at 5'7" it says 159.6 on here for highest for "healthy", dukandiet for me says 164lbs.

    My goal is around 160, when I was younger and happy with my body (well ish for a teenager lol) I was 155 ish range. So I think that 160 I would be happy with myself, and would be much healtier.

    I also though have a very large frame for a women, and very wide hips/small waist.
  • lisasmock88
    lisasmock88 Posts: 5 Member
    I want to be 150 because that was the w8 I was when i was a size 10 and felt good about myself
  • The weight at which I started picking up really hot guys ;) That's my goal weight. Well... that plus training 10+ hrs a week.

    Ha, love it
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    I took the top number on a healthy BMI and substracted five pounds. :laugh:

    I wanted to be in the healthy weight section. I just recently achieved the goal of no longer being considered obese based on BMI. My next goal is to no longer be considered overweight based on BMI.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    I'm aiming for looks rather than true BMI - my height's perfect weight is round the 125 mark.

    Ah no... sorry, I know I bulk up and that is too small for me.

    I hate BMI figures, it never takes everything into consideration, like I have a fused spine. I should be taller, but I'm 3-5" shorter (arm span and leg length both fit someone taller, I remember doctors talking about that when I was younger).

    I am aiming for somewhere between 150-170, but that depends on how I feel and how I look, if it's what I want.