Why do people hide their diaries?



  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    It amazes me that anyone would even care if someone's diary is open or closed. No, I'm not hiding anything, I eat a pretty balanced diet and simply use MFP to log it. I don't look at other people's diaries because I know what to eat and have plenty of cooking blogs bookmarked for meal ideas.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    People make assumptions based on tickers and diaries, which are only snippets of information and not the whole story. It gets tiresome to hear people criticize or judge based on 1/2 the story.

    This is the main reason I keep mine private. I tried it public and got tired of explaining "i'm under a doctor's care, we're trying something new, I have severe hormonal imablance, I had a hysterectomy at 23, it's screwed everything over, etc.etc.etc."
  • suckerlove
    Mine was closed but is now open to friends. But mine was closed because I got a lot of negative comments and criticism from people who don't know my situation. Now I have it open to friends and if they are like that I unfriend them.
  • Domingueze2
    Hmm i dont mind sharing with the world i dont eat clean i still eat out like all the time i just cut down alot and work out even harder......I'M LOVING IT!!!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    mines open to my friends, but i see no reason to have strangers peeking in on my diary... if they are creeping my diary, and not on my friendslist, then thats kinda wierd...
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    because carrying around paper and pencil is not very comfortable and not everyone is eating at home. This is why I prefer my iphone and MFP to paper and pencil. I can look up the database and bang I see everything I need to know at a glance, before I even eat it.

    Bingo. I used to have a Google doc that tracked the exact same information. MFP is easier, and free -- and i don't have to clear out entries every week to make room for new ones.

    Just because I like the tool doesn't mean that I want everyone on the site to see how I use it.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    legal reasons
  • JaseyMakesHerMove
    I keep mine private. It keeps me honest with myself and I find that I can be my biggest critic. When others call out my mistakes (and believe me, I make many) I am much more likely to binge. I am aware of my own mistakes, even when I am under my calories my meals are not necessarily healthy. Pressure from my friends on MFP would not help me, it would simply make me anxious. I have no issue sharing my exercises, but food has always been a huge issue.

    Think of it like this, I'm a binge eater who used to hide food from her parents in her room. The idea of sharing my journey with anyone is scary and embarrassing to me, no mater how AMAZING this community is. Just joining was a huge step.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    No one must know of the things, the horrible things, that I endlessly force into my mouth. Agonizing weeks go by, lips, cracked and dry from eating nothing but rolled oats without water. The things . . . those awful things. I keep putting them in my mouth and chewing in a macabre choreography of shame and gluttony! Oh, God, would that I could share the burden of my consumption, but I dare not. I couldn't live with myself know that I had inflicted the knowledge, oh, the dreadful knowledge of my food diary upon another soul.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
  • astrummortis
    astrummortis Posts: 14 Member
    No one must know of the things, the horrible things, that I endlessly force into my mouth. Agonizing weeks go by, lips, cracked and dry from eating nothing but rolled oats without water. The things . . . those awful things. I keep putting them in my mouth and chewing in a macabre choreography of shame and gluttony! Oh, God, would that I could share the burden of my consumption, but I dare not. I couldn't live with myself know that I had inflicted the knowledge, oh, the dreadful knowledge of my food diary upon another soul.


    *breathes* *recovers*

    I haven't logged a d***ed thing since joining. I'll do that when I feel like 1200 cals net fits my weightloss pace more closely.

    Don't trust my progress bar, either; I've actually los 56 lbs since June >:=D

    Edit: wow, look at me not even able to answer the question. Mine's not open because I didn't know they were automatically closed. One day I'll open it so all you healthy people can see my double quarter pounder with no bun. On the same note, I'd never wonder why others have theirs private. It's... well, private.
  • Infauna
    I don't "hide" my diary. What I put in my body is my business, and I'm not here to give people ideas of what to eat. I'm here for me. If I ever needed to ask for help, I would open it, but that has never been the case.
  • amypomm
    amypomm Posts: 140 Member
    I just opened mine.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I am not logging at the moment, but when I was logging my diary was closed. The main reason is that I like to keep my own council when it comes to nutrition, I like to do my own research and seek the opinions of experts. In all honesty I think about 90% of the advice given in these forums is terrible and I don't need that kind of advice on my diet. I find it gobsmacking the number of people who are comfortable giving advice on something they admit to not really understanding. How often do you read a post that says "I'm not really an expert and I've only just started, but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that XXXXXXXXX." srsly, how embarrassing...
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    ironically enough i find you get more criticism for eating say 800 calories of healthy food in a day then 3000 calories of fast food. I think people just dont want you to deveolpe an unhealthy eating habit, but honestly over-eating is just as bad as under-eating.
  • shortnerdy
    Deleted my post
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think some people keep their diaries closed because it gets hard to take the criticism and ridicule when other people disagree with how you eat. There are lots of people that have a problem with how I eat, but I keep it open anyway. For some reason, not following the Standard American Diet seems to ruffle a lot of people's feathers, especially if I dare to mention my personal experience with others. There's a whole bunch of reasons that I eat the way I do. It's open and if it helps someone else, that's great. If it doesn't, oh well. No, it's not "perfect"; nobody is.

    What is the "Standard American Diet"? McD??
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My diary is open to my friends but not public; the reason is that it is possible for one of my students to possibly find my diary by accident and, living in a small town, they know too much already;

    This ^^ is why I don't use my real name or post pics of myself. Not students, but co-workers. But my diary is open. :ohwell:
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    personal choice
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    I do not make my diary public, simply because I have seen to many judgmental people make nasty comments about what others choose to eat or not eat.