Why do people hide their diaries?



  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Stop caring what other people think! :)

    Has anyone honestly had an unsolicited PM criticising their food choices? (By unsolicited, I mean you haven't posted up asking why you're not losing weight or similar.) Because nobody in the 8 months I've been here has contacted me about my food diary. :) *ExpectsAFlurryOfInsultingPMsNow*

    @darrensurrey Your first post made me laugh :laugh: and I agree with this comment as well. My diary is open. All depends on where you look at things - I am here to lose weight and have help and encouragement from others. I have not had any one random non-friend stranger jump on me for what I eat - and I eat plenty. Evil stuff like butter, cheese, chocolate - oh wah!! And the only way to do this is to learn new habits, see what works for other people and so on.

    I find it irritating when people complain on forums about not losing weight and have their diaries closed. So asking for feedback without giving details - seems a bit silly. Most but not all of my friends have their diaries open.

    Still to each his/her own - we are all fighting our battles in different ways.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Not me I'm more wide open than a Vegas Hooker. All for you to see my daily f*cks up and caloric indulgences and then all can do a superiority dance because they are better than me.

    Actually, because my ED revolves around hiding I figure I need to go the opposite direction and show what I'm eating. If I havent entered anything its because my ED is out of control.

    I get advice, but usually just blow it off. I know what to do and I'm following a more intuitive body wisdome plan (for the most part) trying to get this battle w/ ED under control where I know I can take the upperhand, and sometimes I over estimate for various reasons. I try to measure and weigh everything, so it is what it is.

    I'm open because I cant hide, and when I try to hide my body will show the harm.

    Also, you can give me any advice most of it I take w/ a grain of salt and figure they are idiots other advice is actually legitimate and helps me to enlist some tools that I may not have thought about.
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    I waited awhile to open my diary up. I didn't want to deal with diary-nazis who are judgemental and not helpful at all. Now it's open to my friends :) I trust them to be good people!
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I keep mine open. Sometimes it helps keep me from getting junk food.
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    :wink: My diary was public ..until some one was criticizing my high calorie intake ...but i am under doctors orders not to go under a certain limit till he tells me to .. I am doing just fine and i honestly don't peak at others either...As what works for one person ...may not work for others ..
    My aim is for 1 kg a month ...Lost 13 kg now ...and 10 more to go ... Its a journey not a race ... So i am so happy that only have gained 0.5 in my whole journey so far ....:bigsmile:
    I do have medical reasons for taking things slow ...:flowerforyou:
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    :wink: I like all my friends ... help and motivation ...Also share new products and day to day struggles .:happy:
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Stop caring what other people think! :)

    Has anyone honestly had an unsolicited PM criticising their food choices? (By unsolicited, I mean you haven't posted up asking why you're not losing weight or similar.) Because nobody in the 8 months I've been here has contacted me about my food diary. :) *ExpectsAFlurryOfInsultingPMsNow*

    @darrensurrey Your first post made me laugh :laugh: and I agree with this comment as well. My diary is open. All depends on where you look at things - I am here to lose weight and have help and encouragement from others. I have not had any one random non-friend stranger jump on me for what I eat - and I eat plenty. Evil stuff like butter, cheese, chocolate - oh wah!! And the only way to do this is to learn new habits, see what works for other people and so on.

    I find it irritating when people complain on forums about not losing weight and have their diaries closed. So asking for feedback without giving details - seems a bit silly. Most but not all of my friends have their diaries open.

    Still to each his/her own - we are all fighting our battles in different ways.

    I'm glad you posted this. I'm really suprised so many people seem to have been cracked on for their diary, or are afraid they will be. I was just about to start a thread asking if unsolicited diary attacks are as common as most people here are saying.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I keep mine open because I'm not concerned about other people's opinions. And sometimes it lends itself to interesting conversation.

  • Tujuannaevans
    Finally someone told the gospel truth! Accountability hits us all where we live! But--we need to work on that!
  • shortnerdy
    I got tired of people constantly ragging on me for having a diet coke or a lice of bread. Hardcore veggies, paleo or other hardcore people tend to be real asshats sometimes and I got tired of it :) That's all. No food is "evil" everything in moderation but some dont see it that way.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I had mine closed for awhile because I had a "friend" or two make very rude comments about what I ate. I believe in eating what I want in moderation, and some days can get pretty "treat-y" but I am consistently at or under calories, try to hit my macros, and get my veggies each day. So now I just don't care, my diary is open and if people want to judge what I eat than have at it, I know I'm much healthier than ever before and have lost consistently every week .
    One lady actually started a crazy thread about my eating habits....that was fun for me! :happy:
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Also, I creep diaries all the time - but just to find new delicious things to eat, not to be the food police.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I got tired of people constantly ragging on me for having a diet coke or a lice of bread. Hardcore veggies, paleo or other hardcore people tend to be real asshats sometimes and I got tired of it :) That's all. No food is "evil" everything in moderation but some dont see it that way.

    Kick those people off your FL! Don't let people talk to you like that. Your lifestyle is your own!

    I have most of the "evangelist" types on ignore in the forums. And though I got one strike from it, I won't let people push their BS agendas on me or coerce others using rhetoric instead of science.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    I unfriend anyone who has a private diary! The main reason i use MFP is to get healthy food ideas and see what works and what doesn't calorie wise.

    Can't unfriend someone with no friends.
    I also suggest you not put anything on the internet you dont want the world to see.

    This is a jewel of passive aggression. Just because someone has a private diary, doesn't mean they automatically have something to hide. I assure you my diary is quite boring. If I had some reason to let someone see it, I would let them. That is what the password is for - a case would be if you want your doctor to see it, so you give them the password to view it. I have no problems giving a password to my physician to view my diary and giving me expert advice.

    Random strangers have no need to see it though.

    Whatever happened to live or let live? I have no problem with someone leaving their diary open, if that is their choice. Why all the judgment of people who keep it to themselves?
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I got tired of people constantly ragging on me for having a diet coke or a lice of bread. Hardcore veggies, paleo or other hardcore people tend to be real asshats sometimes and I got tired of it :) That's all. No food is "evil" everything in moderation but some dont see it that way.

    I was about to say, "Lice is pretty good protein," then I realized we are doppelgangers O_O
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I had mine closed for awhile because I had a "friend" or two make very rude comments about what I ate. I believe in eating what I want in moderation, and some days can get pretty "treat-y" but I am consistently at or under calories, try to hit my macros, especially protein and get my veggies each day. So now I just don't care, my diary is open and if people want to judge what I eat than have at it, I know I'm much healthier than ever before and have lost consistently every week for 3 months.

    One lady actually started a crazy thread about my eating habits....that was fun for me! :happy:


  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    Because I know it bothers people like you.


    Perfect! Its none of your damn business.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I got tired of people constantly ragging on me for having a diet coke or a lice of bread. Hardcore veggies, paleo or other hardcore people tend to be real asshats sometimes and I got tired of it :) That's all. No food is "evil" everything in moderation but some dont see it that way.

    I was about to say, "Lice is pretty good protein," then I realized we are doppelgangers O_O


    And ewww @ lice. This is why spell-check on the computer is not 100% reliable. :laugh:
  • bullisnn82
    this is just me, personally, but I don't believe everyone has the right to know what all I ate today. It's not top secret info or anything, but it's really not everyone's biz either
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I used to have mine open. But when people want to get fiesty on here, the first thing they attack is your eatng habits (especially the hardcore paleo/ vegans, I've noticed). It's no one's damn business if I have ice cream once a week.