Females who take protein shake daily?



  • 1. I think its funny to see so many "YOU HAVE TO DO THIS" comments --- as if people are trained or certified to give that advice! C'mon ya'll ... if its just what you've done - it doesn't mean its right.

    2. Protein is necessary to build lean muscle. Lean muscle helps burn fat. It's fact. It doesn't mean you'll "bulk up" ... that's ONLY done by weight training in certain areas of your body. Protein will help you build long, lean muscles - which look sexy on anyone!
    3. Make sure you're using Whey Protein Isolate ... soy proteins, especially for females, can negatively affect your body's chemistry and cause other health problems. Whey Protein Isolate is a pure version of whey protein without the biproducts or waste.
    4. Avoid fancy flavors ... vanilla, cookies and cream, strawberries and creme --- how do you think they got those flavors? It sure wasn't by "picking" a cookies and cream and adding it to the shake. Those are all chemically derived and modified to make it taste good.
    Personally - I don't want to put that in my body ... I'd rather stick to natural, whole food ... and avoid the processed foods, additives and chemicals as much as possible.
    5. I do drink a "protein shake" every day ... its my breakfast. But its way more than a protein shake ... and provides my daily vitamins, probiotics and prebiotics (for digestive health), uses Whey protein, has no artificial sweeteners, flavors or added chemicals ... and its yummy.

    I would caution anyone from drinking more than 1 shake per day. Being on a "liquid" diet is too calorie restrictive and is putting too many chemicals into your body.

    (Yes ... I'm a health coach)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    after everything we taught you about the bulk stuff you are still saying it. I thought we got your head on straight, now Im just depressed.

    It takes a serious calorie surplus, and daily training as a career to be a bulky female lifter. Im not sure how you think that all of a sudden you are going to wake up with that kind of dedication, time, money and training - but you're not.

    The best thing you could possibly do, is not waste time asking questions about stuff you aren't even up to yet- and just jump into putting your money where your mouth is.

    there's your weekend kick in the butt.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Sorry if some of you find this post silly but I literally have no knowledge of weight lifting, my initial thoughts were that heavy weights resulted in fat turning to muscle.

    If you are going to be negative please don't bother replying, I am just looking for advice from people who want to help out. Thanks everyone for your advice, I am doing some research on strength training at the moment :smile:

    Fat can not turn into muscle. Protein shakes are a supplement... to improve your nutrition. Also, it's a lot easier to cut fat through weight training and limiting cardio. WT =/= bulking.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    after everything we taught you about the bulk stuff you are still saying it. I thought we got your head on straight, now Im just depressed.

    It takes a serious calorie surplus, and daily training as a career to be a bulky female lifter. Im not sure how you think that all of a sudden you are going to wake up with that kind of dedication, time, money and training - but you're not.

    The best thing you could possibly do, is not waste time asking questions about stuff you aren't even up to yet- and just jump into putting your money where your mouth is.

    there's your weekend kick in the butt.

    Exactly my thoughts.

    Also, below is the same example from the last thread of what happens when you eat 3000-4000 calories and lift heavy. She doesn't look bulky to me.

  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Just pretend the protein shake is a food, with calories and protein and (possibly) carbs and fat. Because that's what it is. It won't make you "bulk". Training like an animal and eating at a surplus will.
  • Angie__1MR
    Angie__1MR Posts: 388 Member
    Just pretend the protein shake is a food, with calories and protein and (possibly) carbs and fat. Because that's what it is. It won't make you "bulk". Training like an animal and eating at a surplus will.

    Yeah! Do you know how difficult it is for a woman to bulk up? I just finished a three month bulk and gained a measly ten pounds. I WISH I could put on more size.
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    Are most of these brands over seas? anyone recommend some in the UK please?

    Matrix Nutrition, online ebay or their own website, nice tasting and good value and high protein...UK based protein powder user here... : )

    Hey, thanks, I'll check it out :)
  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    after everything we taught you about the bulk stuff you are still saying it. I thought we got your head on straight, now Im just depressed.

    It takes a serious calorie surplus, and daily training as a career to be a bulky female lifter. Im not sure how you think that all of a sudden you are going to wake up with that kind of dedication, time, money and training - but you're not.

    The best thing you could possibly do, is not waste time asking questions about stuff you aren't even up to yet- and just jump into putting your money where your mouth is.

    there's your weekend kick in the butt.

    No I am not still saying it, I said 'my initial thoughts were that it caused muscle building'
    Sorry for causing 'depression' but I am just out to get advice and knowledge to decide whether this is right for me. Just because it works for one person doesn't mean it will be the way someone else likes to do it... I am new to this and doing some research first and then I might take it up, I am prepared to work to gain the figure I want but I don't have as much time on my hands at the moment as I am on placement full time as a student nurse, and that on its own is tiring.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I don't want to build muscle or bulk

    then don't exercise and don't try hard at things and don't eat at a surplus.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member

    I was a protein shake skeptic. However i was continuously getting injured and feeling terrible. I realized that my digestion (and absorption) was terrible, and that i didn't have enough protein. Plus i would have unexplained sugar binges quite regularly. I was frustrated after having 2 significant leg injuries between September - November which kept me from running during that period (i used to run every day so this was DEVASTATING)

    I realized i had to change something so began to look for something NATURAL with no nasties or fillers. I finally selected isagenix shakes upon a recommendation - i thought 'what i have i got to lose?'

    Since i stated these the following has happened:
    1) Muscle repair = better than my whole life. My muscles feel 'warm and nourished' (sorry i know thats a bad way to decribe)
    2) AMAZING energy (more than i have ever had)
    3) Injury repair - within a week improved than in the past 6 weeks
    4) Sleeping like a baby
    5) TONE - with the same amount of weights work, double the results
    6) Better digrestion (from replacing just one meal with one shake a day)

    My personal thought is that i wasnt getting enough protein for my musles to repair, and i was constantly trying harder so no energy and sleeping badly. i also think that what i was eating wasnt absorbed properly due to my bad digestoin. i think the shakes give me the added protein i need, my digestion a rest and allow for easy absorbtion! Also i dont get that FULL feeling from constantly eating.

    All over, i was proved wrong about the shakes and am simply a convert!
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    And no more sugar cravings or binges BTW!
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    I use Optimum Nutrition powder and Almond milk strickly for weight loss. The extent of working out right now is walking my dog. I call it breakfast on my tracker, but it's not really a meal replacement. It helps me choke down the horsepill-sized vitamins I take each morning. I don't drink anything other then water all day, so this is my break in the day for something different and I accually look forward to it first thing in the morning.
  • I understand that they are good to use if you cannot get to a meal, so that the body still has has food so that the body does not go on reserve mode. On this mode it slows down, and takes its next bunch of food for reserve. ....for the lean times so it thinks.

    They are apparently or can be high in calories so good to not have too many with a full compliment of meals or as in between snacks.

    I like them when I do not wish or feel like eating, but are told should not skip meals. So a shake can work. And I use GNC as well as ensure, or life brand meal replacements the later 2 have minerals and vitamins. I do not wish to be short on nutrition cause ultimately it slows me down. But the latter is high in fat/calories.

    Sometimes, I put fruit and rice in to GNC for a complete meal when skipping meals cause too busy.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I am on maintenance and I like a protein shake for 1) breakfast on the run or 2) what to have at night if I haven't eaten all my calories.

    I prefer Nature's best Isopure Zero Carb Creamy Vanilla Protein Powder. I generally use 1-2 scoops, add half a frozen banana and about 1/2 a cup of frozen strawberries.

    I use to buy it at GNC, but I found at the smoothie factory has it for about 1/2 of what GNC charges. I buy the 3 pound keg and it last f o r e v e r.