Do You Feel Sale?



  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    Terrible things have been happening since the beginning of time. The big difference is that now we have faster communication networks so it seems like everything is happening in your own backyard. It's good to be prepared and run through scenarios in your mind once in a while to have a plan for those big, horrific events, but you can't live in fear. It's a fine line.

    ^^^ This!
  • gottaTuscany
    gottaTuscany Posts: 40 Member
    Random acts of violence can occur anytime, anywhere, and there is absolutely no way to prevent it or prepare for it.

    I agree
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    I live in the metro-Atlanta area.

    I never feel safe.

    I don't walk alone. I carry mace on me. My husband and I are working on buying and safely learning to use a gun.

    Such is life.

    I'm sorry you feel you need to carry a gun in order to feel safe. I guess it's a little different to be out alone as a woman.

    I'm a dude, I would definitely feel safer if I had a concealed carry permit.
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    I live in the metro-Atlanta area.

    I never feel safe.

    I don't walk alone. I carry mace on me. My husband and I are working on buying and safely learning to use a gun.

    Such is life.

    I'm sorry you feel you need to carry a gun in order to feel safe. I guess it's a little different to be out alone as a woman.

    I'm more likely to take some self defense lessons than to actually CARRY a gun. Learning to use one would be something I would like to do for home defense more than anything.
  • Panda_1999
    Panda_1999 Posts: 191 Member
    Inner city NYC here, and yes I do feel safe in my travels. I grew up and raised my kids here and often travel home from work on public transit late at night. I have never owned a weapon and do not believe they actually make people safer. Stupid things happen when guns get involved.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Small Town, NorthLouisiana.

    i defaitly feel safe in my neighbor hood and in my town its a little small town, everyone knows everybody.
    neighbors look out for each other. Just the other night a neighbor hurd something outside there house and called me to tell me to lock my house up just in case. the people are respectful and kind i can walk around my neighborhood and get hey'ed and how have you been. i leave my car unlocked, if i got to the store up the road,i can safely leave my car on so my car doesnt get cold/hot on the inside and know my car wont get jacked. I have guns, FOR PROTECTION! ane when i do turn 21, i will have a concealed handgun permit because when i go to Shreveport,i dont feel scared leaving a store at night.(well,i do have a knife in my purse and in my car)

  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    I live in the Dallas area. Third highest crime rate in America. Lots of drug addicts here, more than people realize. In suburban areas as well as city areas. It's relatively safe in my city, but not really. Safe, sure. Confidence in my safety, mehh.
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    I live near Liverpool, England and I feel comparably safe because I know that 99.9% of people are not carrying guns.Seriously, if you are carrying a gun and the other guy is carrying, you are both going to get shot, so it's not kept you safe. There's not really a scenario where you compare guns, share a joke and walk off as buddies. Also, if there was any trouble, people are more likely to help you over here as they wouldn't fear that your attacker has a gun.
    Of course we have idiots over here (aggressive driving is a particular concern of mine) and in the big cities (London, Manchester etc) there are gang problems and people do carry knives but I would never bring my kids up somewhere where the average idiot with a short temper walking around the street could carry a weapon that could decimate a family. It's not safe, and it doesn't teach people the values of respect, diplomacy and negotiation - it teaches that the most psychopathic and violent will win, and that you have to become like them to survive :(
    I would like to move to somewhere with fewer people, but that is not due to safety, more because I like to be in natural surroundings!
    Edited to add, I feel pretty safe walking around here at night, although it makes sense to be with someone else or else take my dogs with me, more due to unfounded fears than of anything bad realistically happening. I don't let fear alter my plans.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Here is my thoughts on the issue. May opinion may be wrong but...

    You can step out of your door in the morning and get ran over by a freaking car that is driving in reverus for crying out loud.

    Do I feel save in my house? Neighborhood? Eh not sure. I see a lot of people walking around with sticks and what not. (I know a few carry guns). Am I afraid to walk around the block?

    Nope. I got a big black dog with me. No one bothers me with that.

    Do I feel safe at work? Yes I do.

    Would you be better off home schooling your child?

    My answer, from a girl who was homeschooled for three years of her life: No.

    Not unless you are going to be the mother who doesn't make your child so closed minded to things. Who makes sure the said child has time to play with other kids and socialize them.

    Bad things happen. My heart goes out to the kids and people, and their familys, who lost their lives and lost loved ones. However, we live in a world that every single day you step into danger.

    There is no way to get around it.

    Since...awhile back, my dad came to me to get me to take a gun class to learn to use one...I said yes.

    It was the best investment I could have done.

    Many people are now going off on how guns are bad.

    Wait a minute. Let's stop this band wagon.

    Since when does the gun have the will/power to do anything on it's own? It doesn't. What you need to fear is the evil, dark, sick minded, deranged, and ect people in the world. That is what you should defend yourself against.

    If anything we all should learn how to defend ourselves and be ready when the course of action is needed to be taken. Can we stop every little action? Maybe not.

    Back to the other issue I posted.

    Really, if you're worried about being safe? Please, for the sake of my sanity, step out of your front door and look around. What do you see? Trees? rocks, cars, random people, and more..

    To be honest, at the moment I am more afraid that a 80 to 90 year old will get into their car and run over me than a mask gun man walking into my house.

    That fear comes from a year ago, the next door neighbored got into her husband's car and did just that into my brand new Honda CRV.

    Point being: Live every day as it is your last. Cause you will never know when the Lord almighty will call you home.

    Weather it be from gun shot, stroke, or heart attack.

    Yeah, I feel safe, because I take steps to make sure I am safe.

    Oh one more thought: The instructer told us in the gun class...

    "There are two types of people. The sheep and the wolves. By you showing up to this class you guys are the wolves."

    Meaning, it's up to us to protect the ones that can't. If this, and the last few weeks have proven anything...

    We must take a stand and stand up to these evil minded people who want to harm us.

    Edit: Alabama here. Yeah I feel safe.

    o_o; Just watch out during deer hunting season. (joke just a joke.)
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I live in Prunedale, Ca. I feel safe in my community even though Monterey County has the highest homicide rate in the state, according to an annual crime report by the California Department of Justice released on Monday.
    I don't go anywhere alone & am basically a hermit in my house most of the time. My decision to live this way started long before the recent shooting incidents in Oregon & Connecticut
  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,143 Member
    Live in quiet country town in the uk.

    Within the last few years two families have been murdered within a mile of my house.....

    Location has nothing to do with it.

    You cant run and you cant hide...when it's your time......
  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175
    flint, michigan here. i feel safe in my neighborhood but i am careful, especially at night.

    i am always legally armed.

    one more murder and we will have equaled our homicide record of 2010.
  • rambo831
    I live in Monterey, CA. I feel super safe here.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I live 20 minutes from OP.....i walk through the park in the middle of night by myself and don't even think about it. Love my town (Waterloo)
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I live in Kansas, USA. Not going to mention the town, but I feel safe - yes.

    My town is small, I don't live in a big city. I know cities around that I wouldn't feel safe in if I lived there. When I was in Texas for a few nights I heard gun shots outside.

    I carry pepper spray in my purse. When I go to college they don't allow weapons of any sort (for self defense) so I'll just carry a long wrench or screw driver - that's what people keep telling me to do. It's not illegal but if someone is trying to attack you at least you have something to swing at them to stall time and get away.
  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,143 Member
    And to all the armed people...who carry /conceal...all the training in the world wont make you ready that tme when you get jumped....

    Class and real life don't even compare in training.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    To those who would say some of us are being paranoid:

    Please, you do not know what we have seen or been through. I have been assaulted, both sexually and physically. I know I am not the only one. Not feeling safe is not the marker of neurosis - it is sometimes the mark of having suffered the consequences of not living in a safe area. I do not hear anyone proclaiming that those of you who DO feel safe are being foolish.

    Please afford those of us on the other side of the fence the same respect.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    My thoughts...

    I live in a suburb of Washington, DC. I teach in a public middle school. I feel cautiously safe. I know my surroundings, and I am careful.

    I feel safe at school... as safe as one can feel in the wake of today's news.

    I think if I knew the emotional make up of people around me, I might feel less safe. There are lots of NUTS out there, and they can harm others if they so desire. Not much anyone can do about that, although I think we should make it more difficult for them to get weapons. I would vote for stricter gun laws, but the way things are now, that will probably never happen.

    I have no desire to carry a gun or weapon for protection. I believe that the only reason to have a gun is if you plan to use it. I do not ever plan to use a gun. I would feel less safe having one -- I would probably shoot myself by accident.

    I want to move some place safer... away from the crowd... wherever that may be, but I must work and live my life. Besides, odds are that this will not happen to me.
  • felcandy
    felcandy Posts: 228 Member
    I live in Tucson, AZ very close to where the gabrielle gifford shooting took place. I do not feel safe here and I cant wait to move away from this city.
  • MaryBOP
    I feel safe but not completely. I live in Houston, Texas (northside). Certain situations I don't allow myself to get so worried about, but from now on I will do my best to be more vigilante. Since I live in Texas the gun laws are pretty lax. I own a .22 handgun, I'm learning how to shoot it and I will apply for my concealed liscence and will carry it earywhere it premits. The tradegy is so sad that it literary brings tears to my eyes and I'm not a sensitive person. My mama is a bank manager and if it happens at school no doubt about it, it would happen there. It's just terrible.