Do You Feel Sale?



  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Plus, there's a lot of downfalls to homeschooling you have to think of too. You're denying your children of the social aspect.

    Your opinion.

    Yes, just one opinion. And I'm a public school teacher. Homeschooling can be wonderful given the correct approach. I hate to see it dismissed outright.

    I was home schooled for three years. Never once was I denyed scocial asects.

    I only said that because I feel that parents like to shield the world from their kids. My mom never did that.

    Please do not dissmis homeschooling or I wouldn't be sitting here writing this out today!

    Edit: However, I am a person who doesn't like very crowed places. The nose I tell you. THE NOSE!
  • FightingforFit82
    Plus, there's a lot of downfalls to homeschooling you have to think of too. You're denying your children of the social aspect.

    Your opinion.

    Yes, just one opinion. And I'm a public school teacher. Homeschooling can be wonderful given the correct approach. I hate to see it dismissed outright.

    Thank you. Yes, and public schooling can be wonderful, too. Each family is unique and must decide what is the best fit for their individual children.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Inner city Boston, not armed ever unless pepper spray counts. House that isn't alarmed nor is it particularly safe. Has been broken into before. Have had friends who've been shot over nothing, knew someone who was stabbed on Mass Av after screaming at a driver who almost ran over his pregnant girlfriend while they were in a cross walk. Have had stabbings and shootings happen within a mile of me several times. The majority of these cases are not random and I suppose you could say I feel safe. I don't walk around feeling like I'm in danger every day. And the horrible things like what happened today don't normally happen in cities like mine but in rural area's, tight knit communities etc. We of coruse have our own dangers but it's just an interesting thing to realize. It's all very sad. It's a sick world we live in tho with a million ways to die. I'm not going to let that stop me from living
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Plus, there's a lot of downfalls to homeschooling you have to think of too. You're denying your children of the social aspect.

    Your opinion.

    Yes, just one opinion. And I'm a public school teacher. Homeschooling can be wonderful given the correct approach. I hate to see it dismissed outright.

    Thank you. Yes, and public schooling can be wonderful, too. Each family is unique and must decide what is the best fit for their individual children.

    I think the smart crew is on duty tonight.

    My kids are in a reasonably safe small town school with an armed officer in attendance at all times. I just with she were built more like Yoovie and less like Danny Devito.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I feel sale.
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Abundantly more Americans die in person on person violence, e.g. a leading cause of death (more than cancer) of young adult American women is their intimate partner. Therefore it makes more sense to worry about that. And there I do feel safe more days than not.

    But knowing the limitations of our mental health lack of a system, the inability of mental health pros to predict or do anything to actually prevent violence, the free and easy access to legal guns by mentally unstable individuals and the free and easy access to illegal weapons by anyone at all, and the vulnerable nature of the victims in this instances, no I don't feel safe. No matter how safe the community seems.

    this is rude i have a mental problem and saying all mental people are dangerous is sick. i'm the last person to turn to violence.
    The only time more guns is the answer is when the question is "How can we make things even worse?".

    you haven't learned anything your more likely to be killed by your own gun now a day. so why carry one say you get hit from behind now your out could and preperater see gun now you dead and a nother gun is on the street. i'm glad i live in canada yes we have our shooting and gangs but we don't have people walking around armed unless your in law enforcement or your a crook
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I live in the Uk.
    Things like your school shootings rarely, if ever happen here, since gun laws are so much stricted. Most people don't own guns. It just isn't a done thing. I sure have never owned a gun or even held one, and would never, ever wish to.
    I don't feel, therefore, at risk of being shot, but there are a lot of drug and alcohol addicts around on our streets, and a lot of them have violent tendencies, so that is always a concern for me. I am glad to not live in a place where just about anyone is allowed to own a gun. It is nuts.
  • IslandRider
    Kent Island, Maryland yes, I feel safe. I previously lived in Fells Point in Baltimore City and felt safe there as well, despite the very high murder rate. I think the key is nosy neighbors. In both places it is a very-tight knit microcosm of society. You know your neighbors and they know you, anything different is noticed immediately.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I feel safe. I also carry a gun. We live in the mountains and my four-legged neighbors can be troublesome at times. Best to be prepared.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I live in the Uk.
    Things like your school shootings rarely, if ever happen here, since gun laws are so much stricted. Most people don't own guns. It just isn't a done thing. I sure have never owned a gun or even held one, and would never, ever wish to.
    I don't feel, therefore, at risk of being shot, but there are a lot of drug and alcohol addicts around on our streets, and a lot of them have violent tendencies, so that is always a concern for me. I am glad to not live in a place where just about anyone is allowed to own a gun. It is nuts.

    The guy who did this today didn't own a gun. His mother did. He was legally too young. The guy who shot up the mall in Oregon last week didn't own one either. He stole it. Guns are highly restricted in Mexico, and we all know how peaceful that cartel-infested hole is. Guy walked into a school in China and STABBED 22 children the other day. Maybe we should ban airplanes so there can never be another 9/11. Crazy people will make it happen, however they can. Trust this.

    Brits love their short-sighted self-righteousness, don't they?
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I feel safe. I also carry a gun. We live in the mountains and my four-legged neighbors can be troublesome at times. Best to be prepared.

    I have the same issues. I live in North GA and we have lots of bears. I have a CCP, but almost never carry for the 2 legged problems. We have had a couple of close calls with bears, one a huge male that started towards us, then changed his mind. That day all I had was my wife, chicken-s**t dog, and a rock in my hand. The dog barked a few times and ran away. Luckily, he decided that we didn't look tasty enough.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    I live in the Uk.
    Things like your school shootings rarely, if ever happen here, since gun laws are so much stricted. Most people don't own guns. It just isn't a done thing. I sure have never owned a gun or even held one, and would never, ever wish to.
    I don't feel, therefore, at risk of being shot, but there are a lot of drug and alcohol addicts around on our streets, and a lot of them have violent tendencies, so that is always a concern for me. I am glad to not live in a place where just about anyone is allowed to own a gun. It is nuts.

    The guy who did this today didn't own a gun. His mother did. He was legally too young. The guy who shot up the mall in Oregon last week didn't own one either. He stole it. Guns are highly restricted in Mexico, and we all know how peaceful that cartel-infested hole is. Guy walked into a school in China and STABBED 22 children the other day. Maybe we should ban airplanes so there can never be another 9/11. Crazy people will make it happen, however they can. Trust this.

    Brits love their short-sighted self-righteousness, don't they?

    ^^^This girl's answer, a million times over. It's amazing that whenever there's a tragedy like this, everyone wants to take guns out of the hands of the people who didn't do it.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    The only time I didn't feel safe was living in Detroit as a child. We had our house robbed numerous times by families in our neighborhood and they used the things they stole (our lawn mower, my sister's bike) right out in front of us.

    Since I've moved to Austin I have not even once felt that I was in danger of any kind. It probably helps that I'm 6'2 and not skinny, but I don't think I'd be a good target for someone trying to take advantage of me in any way.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    This short little chickie took a concealed weapons class a few years back. I am legal to carry a pistol!! I have a gun I know how to use it, I am not afraid to use it......and yes I carry it loaded!!!
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I live in the Uk.
    Things like your school shootings rarely, if ever happen here, since gun laws are so much stricted. Most people don't own guns. It just isn't a done thing. I sure have never owned a gun or even held one, and would never, ever wish to.
    I don't feel, therefore, at risk of being shot, but there are a lot of drug and alcohol addicts around on our streets, and a lot of them have violent tendencies, so that is always a concern for me. I am glad to not live in a place where just about anyone is allowed to own a gun. It is nuts.

    The guy who did this today didn't own a gun. His mother did. He was legally too young. The guy who shot up the mall in Oregon last week didn't own one either. He stole it. Guns are highly restricted in Mexico, and we all know how peaceful that cartel-infested hole is. Guy walked into a school in China and STABBED 22 children the other day. Maybe we should ban airplanes so there can never be another 9/11. Crazy people will make it happen, however they can. Trust this.

    Brits love their short-sighted self-righteousness, don't they?

    ^^^This girl's answer, a million times over. It's amazing that whenever there's a tragedy like this, everyone wants to take guns out of the hands of the people who didn't do it.

    It often works out well when the government is the only group with guns. Ask the Russians under Stalin, Germans under Hitler, Cambodians under Polpot, The Indians under the British, and Native Americans under . . well us. It worked out well for all of them.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Live in quiet country town in the uk.

    Within the last few years two families have been murdered within a mile of my house.....

    Location has nothing to do with it.

    You cant run and you cant hide...when it's your time......

    This exactly. I feel like people in this thread are missing the point that no one in that nice section of Connecticut today thought that they were sending their kindergartners into the Lion's den. Or the people that sent their teens to Virginia Tech. Or the Norwegian parents that sent their kids to summer camp. Or the folks that went to see a movie or went to high school in Aurora. Or the kids who went to school in Jonesboro, Arkansas, or Rocori Middle school in Minnesota.

    The point is that it is happening in all the "couldn't happen here" places. People who have experienced traumatic events look exactly the same as regular people. The difference is that regular people tend to point at one or more things that they beleive keeps them safe, keeps them exempt from having terrible tragedy come hit them out of the clear blue sky. The problem is that kind of thinking tends to suggest that if you are safe because you're smart enough, prepared enough, or made choices that made you safe, then the others, who weren't safe, weren't as smart, weren't prepared, or made bad choices. And if you look at it head on like that, you don't want to believe that, but you do because that helps you sleep at night.

    Those of us who have experienced traumatic evens know that **** comes out of the clear blue sky and will make your world completely different for no good, completely random reasons having nothing to do with "deserving".

    It is true that say, high schools have been dealing with violence and shootings before Columbine brought this full into view (there was a shooting at my high school while I was there, which was before Columbine), and largely it is precisely because of the "exempt" nature of suburbs and bedroom communities and "safe" rural areas that these seem so horrific.

    But the point should not be lost that it ISN'T about "I live in a suburb, not the middle of a sketchy area, so I'm safe". Cuz that's not true. And even if it were true, wouldn't that STILL require something of us to make those "sketchy" areas safe too?

    Aren't we all hurting if there's a child who is in peril *anywhere* in our communities?
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    Brits love their short-sighted self-righteousness, don't they?

    Less of the judging, please... I don't see any Brits on here judging Americans or whatnot.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Brits love their short-sighted self-righteousness, don't they?

    Less of the judging, please... I don't see any Brits on here judging Americans or whatnot.

    There is lots of it. Pick your way through :)
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Brits love their short-sighted self-righteousness, don't they?

    Less of the judging, please... I don't see any Brits on here judging Americans or whatnot.

    No judging so much as a plain observation. You need to read previous posts by the UK residents on this thread. "It is nuts" said in reference to US gun laws, for example.
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I feel safe. I also carry a gun. We live in the mountains and my four-legged neighbors can be troublesome at times. Best to be prepared.

    this is different they wont get your gun abd shoot you maybe racoons would