NEW GROUP- 30 Day Shred-Starting Monday!!



  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    I'm DOWN :)! I got the video from Netflix to see if it as something that I would like. I plan to begin tomorrow, and will post before and afters!!

    Can't wait!!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Here is a blog I wrote that I believe will help you in those weak moments.

    I say a similar "mantra" to myself in my low moments and it has definitely helped me push forward!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i'll join in.
  • KLG28
    KLG28 Posts: 5 Member
    This is so great, ive have really hit a rough patch, and i just picked up the dvd last week wondering when i was going to start ! Im so excited to join in and see how it goes for everyone!! Good luck ! :wink:
  • Today is Day 1 and I'm so excited to start. I actually did it lastnight out of being bored. I have limited tv channels and the olymics hockey was on which I find boring. So I did it and it' was fun. Posting my start measurments and weight. SW 198.8 measurments are 40.5-36-41. I think I will also add 30 mins on the treadmill. I don't trust the fact that a 20 min video can help me lose weight seems to easy.
  • I just did mine for the first time and it kicked my butt!!! I'm gonna be on Level 1 FOREVER!!! Forgot to weigh myself and take measurements though. Oh well, better that than forgetting to work out. :)
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Please look for NEW SHRED GROUP Week 1 and post there. I would hate for your posts to go overlooked because of the new weekly posts! Good luck!
  • Trakandrose
    Trakandrose Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in!! I ordered the DVD a couple weeks ago and I will be receiving it in the mail today (so I'll be a day late), but I am looking forward to it. Glad that there is a group starting at the same time, I'm going to need the accountability.
  • Glysz
    Glysz Posts: 6
    Hello Everyone
    Good luck on day one. I did my 1st workout last night it was hard but I did get through it. I had some doubts @ 1st that only 20 min would be effective but after the 1st workout I can see how it would be every effective. I'm looking forward to seeing some changes.

    I weighed myself this morning but did not get a chance to do measurements yet.
    S/W 199lbs
    G/W 165-145lbs
    Mini Goal -to maintain wight will on vacation
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Hello Everyone
    Good luck on day one. I did my 1st workout last night it was hard but I did get through it. I had some doubts @ 1st that only 20 min would be effective but after the 1st workout I can see how it would be every effective. I'm looking forward to seeing some changes.

    I weighed myself this morning but did not get a chance to do measurements yet.
    S/W 199lbs
    G/W 165-145lbs
    Mini Goal -to maintain wight will on vacation

    Hey Glysz!

    Be sure to look out for the new thread! Its titled NEW SHRED GROUP WEEK 1.
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