Lose vs Loose



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I can't imagine strangers correcting my grammer, and embarrassing me on a website.

    I personally have never singled out anyone about their grammar or illiteracy, and wouldn't dream of doing so publicly. Illiteracy, however, is still a cause for great concern.

    Edit: I certainly didn't mean to make anyone feel bad. But maybe I made more people aware of their own illiteracy.
    I fully admit that I'm guilty of mindless typos & improper grammar & misspellings & all. I'm sure there are errors in this one post, in fact. I don't care so much about illiteracy in web forums -- obviously we all make silly mistakes and type faster than we think at times. :wink: The problem for me is that the root of the issue lies so much deeper. Yes, online the mistakes can be funny because they're goofy silly mistakes. But in real life it's really not all that funny. It's sad. It's also disheartening to me that so many folks, teachers especially, are poo-pooing the *huge* problem with a "who cares" attitude. Illiteracy is a huge worldwide problem, folks! It's something to be passionate about fighting!
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    I agree with you, totally! On a global level, not on here! You should here how my nieces and nephews speak! They are from a different planet! I may of come across as harsh, but I truely did not want to tick anyone off!

    here is a great example...I was writing so fast I wrote here instead of hear! LOL
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    here is a great example...I was writing so fast I wrote here instead of hear! LOL

    :laugh: I've caught myself many times! I'm so embarrassed about it when I do it, too. Rightly so, I guess.
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    I can't imagine strangers correcting my grammer, and embarrassing me on a website.

    I personally have never singled out anyone about their grammar or illiteracy, and wouldn't dream of doing so publicly. Illiteracy, however, is still a cause for great concern.

    Edit: I certainly didn't mean to make anyone feel bad. But maybe I made more people aware of their own illiteracy.
    I fully admit that I'm guilty of mindless typos & improper grammar & misspellings & all. I'm sure there are errors in this one post, in fact. I don't care so much about illiteracy in web forums -- obviously we all make silly mistakes and type faster than we think at times. :wink: The problem for me is that the root of the issue lies so much deeper. Yes, online the mistakes can be funny because they're goofy silly mistakes. But in real life it's really not all that funny. It's sad. It's also disheartening to me that so many folks, teachers especially, are poo-pooing the *huge* problem with a "who cares" attitude. Illiteracy is a huge worldwide problem, folks! It's something to be passionate about fighting!

    I think that is is very commendable to be passionate about this topic! I don't think anyone on here tries to hurt one another, but things hit home differently for everyone.
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    I had a b-day party for my Dad the other day and my nephew was there. We were talking about capitals of the US for some reason (yeah, we party hardcore lol) and my 16 and 15 year old niece and nephew barely knew any of them. WTF? What is being taught now? I don't even think teens can read an analog clock!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Jeff Foxworthy,,,

    "My cousin went away to college, and when he came home he'd learned a lot. He got right to work when he got home, fixing up and paintin'

    He put up our new mailbox, and as a joke he got a big brush and some red paint and painted "male" on the side.

    Now here's the funny part - NOBODY GOT THE JOKE!

    One day when I was about 17 i said "Hey ya'll,,, that ain't right!"

    That "M" should be capitalized!"
    Proper grammar and word usage are just a little talent. Some people learn to read and then just get decent at it learning by example from reading motorcycle magazines (that's how I did it,,, and it shows sometimes!). Other people might go to college and get a Master's in English and still mix up Two-To-Too.

    One of the most ingenious engineers I know just can't wait to tell you about the movie he just seen,,, :laugh:
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Jeff Foxworthy,,,

    "My cousin went away to college, and when he came home he'd learned a lot. He got right to work when he got home, fixing up and paintin'

    He put up our new mailbox, and as a joke he got a big brush and some red paint and painted "male" on the side.

    Now here's the funny part - NOBODY GOT THE JOKE!

    One day when I was about 17 i said "Hey ya'll,,, that ain't right!"

    That "M" should be capitalized!"
    Proper grammar and word usage are just a little talent. Some people learn to read and then just get decent at it learning by example from reading motorcycle magazines (that's how I did it,,, and it shows sometimes!). Other people might go to college and get a Master's in English and still mix up Two-To-Too.

    One of the most ingenious engineers I know just can't wait to tell you about the movie he just seen,,, :laugh:

    Well said! :drinker:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jeff Foxworthy,,,

    "My cousin went away to college, and when he came home he'd learned a lot. He got right to work when he got home, fixing up and paintin'

    He put up our new mailbox, and as a joke he got a big brush and some red paint and painted "male" on the side.

    Now here's the funny part - NOBODY GOT THE JOKE!

    One day when I was about 17 i said "Hey ya'll,,, that ain't right!"

    That "M" should be capitalized!"
    Proper grammar and word usage are just a little talent. Some people learn to read and then just get decent at it learning by example from reading motorcycle magazines (that's how I did it,,, and it shows sometimes!). Other people might go to college and get a Master's in English and still mix up Two-To-Too.

    One of the most ingenious engineers I know just can't wait to tell you about the movie he just seen,,, :laugh:

    Speaking is a whole 'nother ballgame.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Wow, how is it encouraging people to point out the mistakes they make in postings? who cares if someone says I want to loose or lose ten pounds we should just get over the mispelling and encourage people!! By the way my pet peeve is people that say Warsh!! IT IS WASH no R in the word!!

    I care. And not because I'm pretentious or nitpicky.
    It's a cause for genuine concern -- similiar to illiteracy or a lack of reading comprehension (also rampant throughout the world).
    I sometimes have a difficult time even understanding the message someone is trying to convey because of their inability to communicate through writing. Don't people want to be understood?

    It's not just online -- it's everywhere! I receive emails from employees and I have no idea what they need or want to tell me. I received a letter of resignation the other day from an employee (I work in HR) and I know what he actually wrote was the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he meant to write-- he just wasn't paying attention to what he was writing. If he makes that mistake on his letter of resignation, it's a major cause for concern -- what potentially incorrect information was he relaying to customers, I wonder?
    Dogs can communicate effectively, why can't humans?

    There are all types of people on MFP. You need to remember that. When I mess up it's because I am not looking over what I type. I also am a poor speller, I am aware of that and I am very successful. I also teach (in a very urban area) and I know that SO MANY of my kids grow up in households where they NEVER hear correct grammar. All they hear from people around them is slang words. Sometimes language and spelling don't come naturally to people because of disorders (dyslexia being a common one). This is a weight loss website. To be supportive of others (who many not have the same background as you).


    edited to put quotes in the right spot :blushing:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    wow reading 97% of this threads feeling is time I'll never get back! :tongue: Not that I read it all, jumped around and decided life is to short to criticize spelling, fingers fly fast our mind even faster. I make typo's quite often and know better but don't realize it until I see the post.

    Hope you all find something enjoyable about the day that doesn't bother you quite so much:flowerforyou:

    typo's? probably in my post, but not worried about it:bigsmile:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    oops double post:blushing:
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member
    Overall, the discussion on this topic has been very civil and respectful, but I see a few posts here and there that contain personal attacks. Just as a reminder, personal attacks or insults are not permitted on the forums at any time. You can debate a message, but you can't attack the messenger. Members who violate this rule could have their posting privileges revoked or even receive a permanent ban from the site.

    Please make sure to be respectful to other members at all times.

    Thanks for your cooperation and hope you're enjoying the site.
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