

  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Such good times on here....

    Just started running in September for the first time in 10 years......

    I'm doing my first 5k trail run on the 24th.

    My 5k time is 32:04 right now and I'd like to get it in the high 20s as a goal.


    I'm so envious of all these fast times!
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    I'm a runner... perhaps not a fantastic runner, but a runner nonetheless. I've completed one marathon this past January in 3:58; my next marathon goal is to BQ. I haven't figured out precisely which race I'll target for that... had a couple false starts with that, so want to pick an event that I can really set aside the training time for. I've run a bunch of half's and who knows how many 5K's... no idea how fast I could run a single mile, since I haven't tried that since I was about 11! My weekly mileage varies pretty wildly, depending upon where I'm at in a training program and what I'm training for. I'm currently training for a half in March.

    If you want to add me as a friend, please feel free!
  • _canuckrunner_
    _canuckrunner_ Posts: 364 Member
    Happy to call myself a runner!
    "how long does it take you to run a mile/km?" - my average training pace is about 9:25 min/mile
    "how many miles/km do you usually do?" - when I'm not training for something: weekday runs are usually 5-8 km, weekend runs about 10K
    "have you ever competed in races, and if yes, what was your time/place? " - don't like 5K's (takes me that long to get warmed up :-)
    10K PR: 54:22 (goal under 50 min), first half marathon this past October 2:13:30 (goal to be under 2 hr)

    Feel free to add me if you like! Happy trails!
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I don't run all of the time, but I do love to run!!
  • marikevr
    marikevr Posts: 389 Member
    I am not as fast as most of the others here. But slowly and surely also gets you to the finish line. :bigsmile:

    10 km: 57:25
    15 km: 01:26:46
    21 km: 02:08:56
    32 km: 03:38:32
    42.2 km: 04:55:23

    My base is about 30 miles a week. I will be ramping it up to 50 over the next three months for ultra marathon season. I do a lot of races, they keep me motivated.