Last 10lbs Group - March Challenges



  • princesspurple
    woohoo! I lost another lb this week...138.5!
  • ellipse22
    ellipse22 Posts: 137
    woohoo! I lost another lb this week...138.5!

  • ellipse22
    ellipse22 Posts: 137
    No change this week. I flaked out on my water. I went to the gym 3x this week so maybe it's more muscle..I don't know LOL
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    No change this week. I flaked out on my water. I went to the gym 3x this week so maybe it's more muscle..I don't know LOL

    This is what we do. :tongue: Keep it up and you WILL see results! I Have not been keeping track of calories and it's funny how those tracking days correlate to the days that I surely exceeed my limits! Had a great Chicago day! Took a wonderful walk along the lake and ate a lot of great food (in moderation) :ohwell:

    Weighing tomorrow - That will be interesting!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Down another 1/2 pound so still going in the right direction.
    Hope everyone has a good Easter and try not to eat too many chocolate eggs!!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Happy Easter All! He is Risen!!!

    35 here for Easter, it should be a wonderful day. The out of towners will be here tonight, lots of fun and bustle. I think I can count today's activities as "exercise"

    :flowerforyou: Down a pound for the week, at yesterday's weigh-in, Yippee! :flowerforyou: These pounds are pretty "sticky", I hope to stay in the 135 range now - I can't remember being this weight in the last 20 yearst!! :laugh: 132 here I come! :tongue:

    So, what is our April challenge??
  • ellipse22
    ellipse22 Posts: 137
    I've had a horrible weekend for the point that I am not even going to bother logging it!

    I had my assessment at the gym on Friday and their scale says I am 141lbs. My scale says 134lbs. I am more inclined to believe the gym because with being 4 lbs away from my goal doesn't seem to make complete sense. That being said I was more like 151lbs when I start in January. My waist measured at 29" and my abdomen measured at 33"...lots of work to be done!! How depressing!

    I have alot of work to do! My % of body is 25. Which isn't horrible but not great either. My work schedule this week sucks for working out (11am-7pm) considering I have to get the kids off to school in the morning. I need to reduce my carb intake to 79g - HOW IN THE HELL DOES ONE DO THAT????

    Perhaps I'm feeling a little demotivated at this point and have to find my groove to realize I have alot of work ahead of me!
  • princesspurple
    Yippee...down 3.5 this week. I have been sick, not the best way to lose it, now I need to maintain the loss for the week!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I've had a horrible weekend for the point that I am not even going to bother logging it!

    I had my assessment at the gym on Friday and their scale says I am 141lbs. My scale says 134lbs. I am more inclined to believe the gym because with being 4 lbs away from my goal doesn't seem to make complete sense. That being said I was more like 151lbs when I start in January. My waist measured at 29" and my abdomen measured at 33"...lots of work to be done!! How depressing!

    I have alot of work to do! My % of body is 25. Which isn't horrible but not great either. My work schedule this week sucks for working out (11am-7pm) considering I have to get the kids off to school in the morning. I need to reduce my carb intake to 79g - HOW IN THE HELL DOES ONE DO THAT????

    Perhaps I'm feeling a little demotivated at this point and have to find my groove to realize I have alot of work ahead of me!

    Don't get down on yourself. 25% body fat is not horrible. You'll get there.... take it a day at a time. You'll see, if you stick to your plan, in 2-3 months from now, you'll be so close to where you want to be! That time will go by so quickly! You can do it!
  • ellipse22
    ellipse22 Posts: 137
    Down 1 this week. According to my assessment I was 141lbs last'm at 140 now...come on 130's
  • ellipse22
    ellipse22 Posts: 137
    Down 1 this week. According to my assessment I was 141lbs last'm at 140 now...come on 130's
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Kind of quiet on this site! Is anyone out there?? :ohwell: Not that I particularly feel like checkin' in myself, but I must. I am up about 2.5 lbs. Definately a result of slacking :angry: I would sure like to find what normal eatring and exercise is. I have gotten lazy on both counts, and it shows. I may as well not try to fool anyone that this has happened while I have done all the right things, i just don't feel like I have done enough wrong thing to deserve the presentation of 2.5 pounds!! :ohwell:

    The best revenge is doing what's right and then I suppose I can really complain if I don't see the desired result! So keepin' on and I'll be be checkin' back in with what I hope will be a good report on my behavior and the outcome!! :blushing:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm here. I am down to 129.6 as of this morning. I haven't had a particularly strict week, either. I think being a bit looser with the calories is agreeing with me. Also, I was able to start Couch to 5K again. The running isn't much the first couple weeks of that program, but it seems like whenever I do run at all the weight just kind of falls off. Sure wish I actually LIKED running!

    I'm 4.6 lbs away from my goal of 125, but I'm starting to wonder if I might want to drop it further than that. I don't want to be super thin, but I do want some pretty clear muscle definition and I'm not sure I will be where I want at 125. We'll see. I really really want my legs to be lighter! That seems to be where I am carrying a lot of extra weight! If I could just lose about a pound or two from each calf and ankle!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Here I am for Monday weigh in! 137.5. that's a 1/2 lb down, It is crazy how we move up much more quickly than down!! :grumble: I attribute the rapid rise with all the salt that is in those splurge foods. Now to keep on flushing with water and stay with the exercise! Monday weigh in is just a bit cruel but probably more realistic than Friday! I really was pretending the weekend didn't count since I weighed beforehand. Somehow the weekend stuck with me through Friday! :laugh:

    I have a Chicago week-end so I will have to be extra good on my home days! I know the right things to do, now just to apply that knowledge! :wink:
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Congrats everyone on those pounds falling off! YAY!

    I'm down to 125 even! I made it to my goal by my daughters 3rd bday party! Yeah! Now I'd like to lose 5 more to be at 120 and hopefully by then I'll have my body fat percentage down to 16/17% (I'm at 20 now)! Time to kick it into gear!
  • ellipse22
    ellipse22 Posts: 137
    I will admit that I am a happy and somewhat sad after hearing everyone's weigh in LOL

    I can't wait until I am closer to 130lbs. The assessment at the gym put things into perspective for me and I've realized I am no where near where I thought I was.

    Congrats to all the losers this week :flowerforyou: Here's to hoping I can join you soon :laugh:
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I will admit that I am a happy and somewhat sad after hearing everyone's weigh in LOL

    I can't wait until I am closer to 130lbs. The assessment at the gym put things into perspective for me and I've realized I am no where near where I thought I was.

    Congrats to all the losers this week :flowerforyou: Here's to hoping I can join you soon :laugh:

    You'll get there real soon! I know it! You have the drive and you're doing what it takes! Keep it up!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Down another 1/2 pound this week to 132.5, yeah!!

    Congrats with all us sticking it out!