Rude comment from a coworker

I just read a thread about someone being made fun of for being large. That sucks. I've been at that end too. I teach middle school and when I was 100 pounds heavier a student asked me, "How's the diet soda workin' for you?" as I walked by him in the hallway carrying a can of diet pepsi. I went into my classroom and started crying.

Yesterday I had someone say something rude because I made a choice to become a healthier person. In a staff meeting someone brought holiday cookies and they got passed around. I took the plate and passed it to the next person. She said, "Of course not size 2." That hurt just as much as the "fat" comment if not more because A. I used to be her size (a women's 20) B. She is an adult and not an immature 13 year old, and C. I worked damn hard for 3 years to get this way. I can't post pictures from work, but I have pictures in my profile. The one of me in the pink shirt with my kids is me at 232.4 pounds. I am currently 128.8 pounds.

Just a rant. But damn....really?!


  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    I can totally relate, you get rude comments when your fat and a rude comments when you decide to get healthy. You know both aspects because you use to be heavy. I looked at your pictures congratulations!! People do not grow up it is very hurtful I use to weigh 350 lbs myself, I am at 166lbs still wanting to loose another 30 pounds. People make comments all the time like of examples of what you mentioned. Many people still have not grown up and feel better when they make fun of others. I know you were just ranting! But I am totally with you !! Feel free to add me, keep up with your positive healthy outlook and don't let those rude comments get you down :)

  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    She just wishes she has the same will power you do!

    Congrats on passing up the cookie that you didn't need or want. I tend to prefer my caloric splurges on treats I really LOVE, so depending on the cookie, I probably would have passed it up too! Unforutnately in a work situation you can't politely retort, "Oh, Sally (whatever her name is), you just wish you had my will power, haha!"
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    You're damned if you're skinny and you're damned if you're fat. That's just the way it goes.

    People suck and there's nothing you can do about it but say *kitten* 'em and feel good about yourself no matter what anyone thinks.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    You're damned if you're skinny and you're damned if you're fat. That's just the way it goes.

    People suck and there's nothing you can do about it but say *kitten* 'em and feel good about yourself no matter what anyone thinks.
    QFT \m/
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I just read a thread about someone being made fun of for being large. That sucks. I've been at that end too. I teach middle school and when I was 100 pounds heavier a student asked me, "How's the diet soda workin' for you?" as I walked by him in the hallway carrying a can of diet pepsi. I went into my classroom and started crying.

    Yesterday I had someone say something rude because I made a choice to become a healthier person. In a staff meeting someone brought holiday cookies and they got passed around. I took the plate and passed it to the next person. She said, "Of course not size 2." That hurt just as much as the "fat" comment if not more because A. I used to be her size (a women's 20) B. She is an adult and not an immature 13 year old, and C. I worked damn hard for 3 years to get this way. I can't post pictures from work, but I have pictures in my profile. The one of me in the pink shirt with my kids is me at 232.4 pounds. I am currently 128.8 pounds.

    Just a rant. But damn....really?!
    Been there, done that.

    When you're fat, people think you're lazy.

    When you're thin, people think you're a snobby *****.

    You're screwed either way. Dust them haterz off.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You're damned if you're skinny and you're damned if you're fat. That's just the way it goes.

    People suck and there's nothing you can do about it but say *kitten* 'em and feel good about yourself no matter what anyone thinks.

    Word. Mean people will be mean, no matter who you are, what you look like, how you eat. And a lot of times, it's not even meanness, just cluelessness and ignorance.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    You have to grow some thicker skin and consider the source. The diet soda comment probably hurt so much because you realised they were right, even if they were mean. On the other hand, why are you offended by someone commenting on you not eating their cookies?
  • mikeswife04
    mikeswife04 Posts: 130 Member
    All I can say is Jealous much.... Thats why you get the comments... you are a hottie lady!!! :) I can guarantee they would LOVE to be a size 2 but WILL NOT put forth an effort.... Hold you head high girlie.. you look AMAZING!!!!!
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    You're damned if you're skinny and you're damned if you're fat. That's just the way it goes.

    People suck and there's nothing you can do about it but say *kitten* 'em and feel good about yourself no matter what anyone thinks.

    Hear Hear....
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    *hugs* I know what you mean. Growing up I was 90lbs soaking wet and I used to get ridiculed for being anorexic constantly. I was dancing 9 times a week and was very active. Anyone around me knew I ate like a horse. I gained weight because I stopped dancing and lost it again by picking up hiking. Again with the saucy remarks. Back to the drawing board.

    Ironically enough when I gained and found it hard walking up over stairs and my resting heart rate went to 110 and my long nails cracked off and I felt like a bag of crap and was stressed and hardly moved nobody said a thing...compliments from adults all around. Lost it and lost my best friend because I 'needed a sandwich'. I probably eat more then she does. It bothers me when people who are thin say they eat allot when I know they don't me a bad rep :P
  • Akumu
    Akumu Posts: 120 Member
    You're damned if you're skinny and you're damned if you're fat. That's just the way it goes.

    People suck and there's nothing you can do about it but say *kitten* 'em and feel good about yourself no matter what anyone thinks.

  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    Thanks for the kind comments. I know that we've all been through a lot of the same things. Even funnier though is that no one in the room had made the cookies. A co-worker was trying to get rid of them from a holiday party she had been to that weekend. If someone had made them I would have politely taken one for "later" and then thrown it away or given it to someone else.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    You can't help the insecurities of other people. Be stronger than them, be smarter, be thicker skinned. We're all human and make mistakes.

    To err is human, to forgive divine.

    If not, shove the plate of cookies down her effing a boss!
  • Ariberri9
    Ariberri9 Posts: 206 Member
    Don't worry about them. Do what makes YOU happy, and don't let them get you down.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    It doesn't matter what size or shape you are, you're going to receive comments for your choices. When I was bigger I got ribbed for the decisions I made and the size I was, now that I'm smaller I get chastised for not eating or drinking something. On top of it, for people who didn't know me at my biggest my opinion on nutrition or fitness gets easily disregarded as "you just don't understand because you don't know what it's like."
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. The same diet soda comment type thing happened to me when I was in college, as well as other things. (I lent one of my 36DD bras to someone for a dorm skit and a girl in my hall said to me, "Oh, you have big boobs? i thought you were just fat." The girl that said that to me is now morbidly obese...see, karma truly is a b*tch. Haha.)

    Nowadays, I get dirty looks from heavy women. I can't carry a sign around that says, "THIS TIME LAST YEAR I WEIGHED 214 POUNDS!!" (Well, I could but I won't.) D*mned either way, like others have said. So be happy with your amazing achievement, OP. You are a total hottie now, flaunt it, enjoy it, and ignore the jealous b*tches!!! :drinker:
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I have been on both ends as well. The comments don't stop. You have to somehow thicken your skin and brush it off.. I have yet to grow that thick skin. working on it though. Stay strong:)
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I just read a thread about someone being made fun of for being large. That sucks. I've been at that end too. I teach middle school and when I was 100 pounds heavier a student asked me, "How's the diet soda workin' for you?" as I walked by him in the hallway carrying a can of diet pepsi. I went into my classroom and started crying.

    Yesterday I had someone say something rude because I made a choice to become a healthier person. In a staff meeting someone brought holiday cookies and they got passed around. I took the plate and passed it to the next person. She said, "Of course not size 2." That hurt just as much as the "fat" comment if not more because A. I used to be her size (a women's 20) B. She is an adult and not an immature 13 year old, and C. I worked damn hard for 3 years to get this way. I can't post pictures from work, but I have pictures in my profile. The one of me in the pink shirt with my kids is me at 232.4 pounds. I am currently 128.8 pounds.

    Just a rant. But damn....really?!

    Yep. This happens to me ALL the time. Every time I am heating up my lunch in the kitchen at work, I get some comment about my food. "You always eat so healthy. "You only eat chicken and vegetables?" " Wow, that's a lot of vegetables!"

    Or when there is bad food around, it is comments like, "You know Cynthia won't eat that." "Don't offer any to Cynthia, she doesn't eat that stuff." "I know you don't eat this kind of stuff...." "YOU DON'T LIKE PIE?" "You are always eating so healthy."

    Or just random comments in general: "How many times do you go to the gym a week?" "You look skinny today."

    LIKE OMFG PEOPLE.....why are you SOOOO interested in my life? Get the hell over it. I don't comment on your f**king pizza for lunch or your saddle bags in your work pants OR your LACK of working out!!!!!
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I just read a thread about someone being made fun of for being large. That sucks. I've been at that end too. I teach middle school and when I was 100 pounds heavier a student asked me, "How's the diet soda workin' for you?" as I walked by him in the hallway carrying a can of diet pepsi. I went into my classroom and started crying.

    Yesterday I had someone say something rude because I made a choice to become a healthier person. In a staff meeting someone brought holiday cookies and they got passed around. I took the plate and passed it to the next person. She said, "Of course not size 2." That hurt just as much as the "fat" comment if not more because A. I used to be her size (a women's 20) B. She is an adult and not an immature 13 year old, and C. I worked damn hard for 3 years to get this way. I can't post pictures from work, but I have pictures in my profile. The one of me in the pink shirt with my kids is me at 232.4 pounds. I am currently 128.8 pounds.

    Just a rant. But damn....really?!

    Yep. This happens to me ALL the time. Every time I am heating up my lunch in the kitchen at work, I get some comment about my food. "You always eat so healthy. "You only eat chicken and vegetables?" " Wow, that's a lot of vegetables!"

    Or when there is bad food around, it is comments like, "You know Cynthia won't eat that." "Don't offer any to Cynthia, she doesn't eat that stuff." "I know you don't eat this kind of stuff...." "YOU DON'T LIKE PIE?" "You are always eating so healthy."

    Or just random comments in general: "How many times do you go to the gym a week?" "You look skinny today."

    LIKE OMFG PEOPLE.....why are you SOOOO interested in my life? Get the hell over it. I don't comment on your f**king pizza for lunch or your saddle bags in your work pants OR your LACK of working out!!!!!
    I don't see anything wrong with those comments. Maybe they're just wondering what you did and want to try it. @ OP I would just ignore it because the person obviously is scoffing at what they think is your naturally thin figure or jealous of your success.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    people tear you down no matter your size

    sorry you had to deal with that

    i used to be much thinner, and everyone always said 'why are you working out, you aren't fat, you're too thin', now i work out and they all shut their mouths, because i did get fat from their ****ty attitudes!