50 Year Old Couples? Protection?



  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Quick question that hopefully won't be pulled by the monitors.

    If you are around 50 and in a very long term stable relationship, do you use protection?

    I have seen conflicting stats about how late pregnancy can occur.

    People are posting about STDs, we have been married almost 25 years. That is not really an issue FOR US. Other people, not so much........

    Dude! You haven't got a "snip, snip" done?

    Why cut it snipped with only a year or so left
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Go anal, bro.

    :noway: :laugh:

    No no no
  • 50 is late for menopause, but women can get pregnant during menopause. My aunt and grandmother both did, though both of those pregnancies ended in miscarriage.

    Post-menopause, then it shouldn't be an issue.

    50 is not actually late for menopause - the average American woman hits it in the early 50s. The normal range is 40-60.