Open your food log to others or not, that's the question.



  • celestialbadger
    I have issues with food that I won't go into here but the crux of it is I've had quite enough people haranguing and judging me over what I put in my mouth. Last thing I need is someone criticising my choices who, whilst they may be a "friend" on MFP, probably knows nothing about me.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Her diary isn't open?! *checks* It is indeed NOT open. AHAHAHAHAHA!

    Any bets to how long it'll be before there's another "YOU GUYS ARE SO MEAN!" thread? I'm no bookie, but I accept expensive jewelry and priceless family heirlooms in place of cash.....
    Hmm ... Put me down for a stale packet of crisps and half a pair of 9ct gold studs ...

    She'll probably take a day or so to stew about how mean everyone is. . . I'll take tomorrow at 8PM (Pacific) for $3.

    Perhaps if some of those being mean, such as betting on how long it takes someone to cry "Why???", would just tell them exactly why they are mean, people could stop asking.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Even better... same friend... would happily nab my chips (fries for y'all in the US) when I bought a bowl after classes... but HEAVEN FORFEND that we should nab a chip back when they bought some... excuse being "I'm broke and I have to travel back so this is my dinner..." uh huh... I just walked out of a well paid IT job to be a penniless journo... you think I paid for my fries with magic pixie dust, and that I don't need dinner too?

    But now I have the secret weapon... they seemed to have an aversion to anything "veggie"... 'tis an awesome weapon of food-stealer-destruction! :-)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I just got back from a week at Disney and they don't even take magic pixie dust in place of money!!
    I think that is infinitely more shocking than whether or not people choose to share their food diaries.
    We must surely be in economic decline if even DISNEY has refused to take magic pixie dust!
    What is the world coming to. SMH
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    Some people are not confident enough to share yet. Maybe they just joined and are seeing if the sight will help them out by just seeign themselves what they are actually eating and the calorie count. . . . When they are finally comfortable with the site they may open it up to some of their friends. It took me a while to trust some people, and then it helped my weightloss too. :O)


    Having been "dieting" (ie: not necessarily healthy eating) most of my life, I completely understand the OP's concern. My past poor eating choices contributed to my yo-yo dieting the past 35 years. While I know (mentally) that opening up my food diary is the smart thing to do, I don't yet feel comfortable (emotionally) being that vulnerable right now.

    I'm not looking for a cold turkey quick fix (been there, done that multiple times over the past four decades). This time around I want to eat healthier (not just rabbit food), portion control (not total abstinence), and easing into an eating lifestyle that I can live with in the long term, in the real world.

    My food choices will likely cause some people to make comments like:
    "Oh no, you can't eat white rice, you must only eat brown rice."
    "You had a 130-calorie Kashi cookie four nights this week? Don't you know you can't have cookies when you're dieting?"
    "You skipped breakfast two days in a row?" (OK, I really do need a kick in the butt to get on track with this one. LOL)

    I do hope to one day feel comfortable enough to open my food diary to scrutiny. Right now, the food diary is mostly there to help me get a visual on what I am eating and where I need to make adjustments. And when I am ready to do that, I hope I have a friend like the OP in my corner. :-)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    Mine is private, and i have a wonderful group of friends who i cherish here.Theres more to it, then just your food log.
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    If some people keep their food diary private I feel that is their business. Some people are shy, or insecure, or nervous and maybe need time. Mine is open to friends only but only after I learned that the default setting kept it private. If they are eating healthy and losing or maintaining weight I see no reason to worry about their food habits. If they are stalled or gaining I'd suggest then and only then that they consider opening up their food diary.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Keeping a food journal makes a person responsible and accountable for what they put in their face.

    I'm accountable to myself. Period.
  • dantrick
    dantrick Posts: 369 Member
    mine is open to everyone. I have nothing to hide. some-days i eat like $h!t other days I eat great. it is what it is.