Not a fan of eating

On all im really not that keen on eating food. Of course I still get hungry I just end up eating rubbish because I don't actually like the thought of eating.

What kind of things should I eat.

If I don't have to look for things and just grab what I've been told to eat then I can do that.

After years of working in the kitchen my brain just turns off when it comes to feeding myself.

After looking around the kitchen and walkin fridge at work looking at all the things I could eat. .. I tend to simply grab a pre baled Danish from the breakfast trolley after a good half hour or in the evening just procrastinate so long I end up ordering pizza with the staff.


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    you are 25?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    On all im really not that keen on eating food. Of course I still get hungry I just end up eating rubbish because I don't actually like the thought of eating.

    What kind of things should I eat.

    If I don't have to look for things and just grab what I've been told to eat then I can do that.

    After years of working in the kitchen my brain just turns off when it comes to feeding myself.

    After looking around the kitchen and walkin fridge at work looking at all the things I could eat. .. I tend to simply grab a pre baled Danish from the breakfast trolley after a good half hour or in the evening just procrastinate so long I end up ordering pizza with the staff.

    Seek professional help
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I don't enjoy brushing, flossing, or taking out the recycling, but sometimes you gotta man up and do what needs to be done.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    On all im really not that keen on eating food. Of course I still get hungry I just end up eating rubbish because I don't actually like the thought of eating.

    What kind of things should I eat.

    If I don't have to look for things and just grab what I've been told to eat then I can do that.

    After years of working in the kitchen my brain just turns off when it comes to feeding myself.

    After looking around the kitchen and walkin fridge at work looking at all the things I could eat. .. I tend to simply grab a pre baled Danish from the breakfast trolley after a good half hour or in the evening just procrastinate so long I end up ordering pizza with the staff.

    Seek professional help

  • BetterCrazyThanLazy
    Try Nutrisystem?
  • bullisnn82
    wow, I can really feel the love :/ SMH... Well, why don't you just get something healthy (like a turkey sandwich or something) ready the day before to take with. You can always grab a good meal bar (slightly better than danish, depending on which one you get). Fruit was designed as prepackaged food, so when in doubt grab an apple or something. I go through fazes where I don't feel too hungry and that's usually when I end up having more protein shakes and meal bar type things just cuz they're quick to eat and easy to make, or take with. I have a hard time with candy and chips and stuff like that because it's easy and ready to eat, but I feel like crap and don't have any energy when that's all I eat so make the effort, it's worth it.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    Do some reading about nutrition....better yet, take a class. Learn how to feed yourself healthy food, you deserve to feel strong, energetic, and happy. None of those things happen if you are starving yourself or feeding yourself junk food.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    The boards are also full of stupid. just saying. (not directed at you OP)
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I ACTUALLY do understand what you mean. I woke up with that exact sentiment this morning. Of course I'm going to need food, kinda the part of being human, but for some reason I just hated food today and didn't want to actually think about trying to eat well. so I didn't. I ate pretty horribly, but sometimes you need those days. just make them less often. I agree with something like Nutrisystem for you if you want a prescribed system for eating, or just write/prep everything in advance for yourself so save the stress of thinking later. also log it all out on here as well for a few days or even a week. see if that helps.
  • caraashworth9
    You can look at the USDA's recommendations at They have nutrition info and have weekly menu examples, so you can have an idea of how much of what food groups and nutrients you need. They also have their own version of myfitnesspal called supertracker. Supertracker is cool because you can set five specific nutrition/fitness goals, and it keeps track of how balanced your diet is and tells you if you are not meeting certain nutritional requirements.

    Also,I recommend setting up a meal planner (ziplist,, eatingwellmenuplanner...there's a ton). Plan out your meals so that way you know what you are eating and you don't have to think about it. Usually these meal planning websites allow you to plan out your week's (or month's!) meals and then creates a shopping list for you. I just tried using one and it has worked out great! It makes it easy to shop for food, less food goes to waste, and I eat healthy everyday. There is some time and energy investment to begin with, but after that it is super easy and fast. if you are in a relationship, it also solves the obnoxious "what are we going to eat today? "I dunno" conversation :) Good luck!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I never really liked eating much before; it was always sort of a lame bodily function that just distracted me from projects and fun stuff.

    Once I decided to get healthy and learn about food, I learned about all good things.

    "Lean protein" like chicken, fish, turkey, etc, give you tons of vital protein that help build your muscles and keep you feeling full.

    Fats provide fuel for your body to run over a longer period and you'll find them in dairy and other products. They give you energy and are important to the lubrication of your joints, slows the digestion of your food, and helps your body absorb and process fat-soluble vitamins. Even lean protein has some fat and other meats have more. Lots of fat to be found as well in oils like olive oil.

    Then there are carbohydrates, the quick, go-to energy. Fat is a denser source of fuel but carbohydrates as well are important to proper function.

    Eat vegetables - trace minerals and vitamins that you get from vegetables make you operate properly. You are designed to ingest them, they are important for you.

    You can eat danishes all day but you'll be a sluggish, unhappy person.
  • Leisarene
    Leisarene Posts: 9 Member
    Wow. It has been a long time since I have logged on to this program.What happened to the uplifting encouraging people?
    The post "not a fan of eating" wish that was my problem. I love to eat and tend to overeat and the foods that are not healthy.
    I find if I plan what I am eating I tend to not order the pizza with co-workers and this program works much better for it. I really want
    to live a healthy life and feel better about myself as well. Back on the program. I really need to do this. Hang in there.
  • Leisarene
    Leisarene Posts: 9 Member
    By the way, thanks to those who posted encouraging words of advice. Much appreciated.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    It's not assholery to recommend taking responsibility for your own food choices. We have to learn that sometime. Candy-coating this truth generally isn't productive.

    OP - plan your meals. Decide a whole week if you want. Plan your meals so you know what you are going to eat before you are hungry. Then the food is there, you don't have to make a last-minute distracted decision around food.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    On all im really not that keen on eating food. Of course I still get hungry I just end up eating rubbish because I don't actually like the thought of eating.

    What kind of things should I eat.

    If I don't have to look for things and just grab what I've been told to eat then I can do that.

    After years of working in the kitchen my brain just turns off when it comes to feeding myself.

    After looking around the kitchen and walkin fridge at work looking at all the things I could eat. .. I tend to simply grab a pre baled Danish from the breakfast trolley after a good half hour or in the evening just procrastinate so long I end up ordering pizza with the staff.

    Seek professional help

    Definitely this.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Do this......
    I never really liked eating much before; it was always sort of a lame bodily function that just distracted me from projects and fun stuff.

    Once I decided to get healthy and learn about food, I learned about all good things.

    "Lean protein" like chicken, fish, turkey, etc, give you tons of vital protein that help build your muscles and keep you feeling full.

    Fats provide fuel for your body to run over a longer period and you'll find them in dairy and other products. They give you energy and are important to the lubrication of your joints, slows the digestion of your food, and helps your body absorb and process fat-soluble vitamins. Even lean protein has some fat and other meats have more. Lots of fat to be found as well in oils like olive oil.

    Then there are carbohydrates, the quick, go-to energy. Fat is a denser source of fuel but carbohydrates as well are important to proper function.

    Eat vegetables - trace minerals and vitamins that you get from vegetables make you operate properly. You are designed to ingest them, they are important for you.

    You can eat danishes all day but you'll be a sluggish, unhappy person.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    On all im really not that keen on eating food. Of course I still get hungry I just end up eating rubbish because I don't actually like the thought of eating.

    What kind of things should I eat.

    If I don't have to look for things and just grab what I've been told to eat then I can do that.

    After years of working in the kitchen my brain just turns off when it comes to feeding myself.

    After looking around the kitchen and walkin fridge at work looking at all the things I could eat. .. I tend to simply grab a pre baled Danish from the breakfast trolley after a good half hour or in the evening just procrastinate so long I end up ordering pizza with the staff.

    Seek professional help

    Definitely this.
  • the_seraphim
    Wow fellas feeling the love here tonight. ..

    See this is why I left the site last time. ..

    I asked a simple enough question, I have a thousand things to do at work at the moment and work 60 hours a week. .. so yeah a few suggestions on healthy simple snacks would have been nice; I'll look into the nutrisystem

    The rest of you. .. Well. .. I hope you never come looking for help one day. .. May You reap what you sow.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I love to eat, but I generally have no appetite, so I have a hard time doing it. I force myself anyway, though I eat in pretty small portions. Does that mean I should seek professional help, too?
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    i get like this when im really upset about stuff....... . yep i was thinking some professional help for yourself it may be more of a underlining issue.