Not a fan of eating



  • shmoony
    shmoony Posts: 237 Member
    I love the special snowflake analogy. It just sounds to me like you're just being lazy. You know what you can and cannot eat that irratates you, you know what a generally nutitious diet consists of, and you know that pre planning and pre preparation is something that is annoying and frustrating. Suck it up and get over the not doing it because it's annoying and frustrating. Lot's of things are annoying and frustrating, but we do them anyway becasue we have to for the sake of health, happiness, and responsibility.

    For the rest of you that are replying with support and getting upset at the tough love, you probably think you're special snowflakes too.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I understand the kitchen work putting you off. I worked in one for a year and during the day the last thing i wanted to do was eat, but then a couple hours after I was done, I was ravenous and ate whatever I could fit in my mouth.

    Do you know what your worst ibs triggers are? Avoid those, obviously, but also read food labels to make sure they're not in the ingredient list. They sneak a lot of crap into packaged foods. May want to avoid them as much as possible. They're usually stuffed with salt and sugar, anyway.

    Wash and cut up a bunch of fruit and veggies, put a couple handfuls into little containers and stack em in the fridge for snacking, and cut up veggies for cooking and make premixes for quick stirfrys. Can you eat dairy? Good quality (no gelatin, fillers, etc) yogurt, cheese, etc. Frozen veggies should be on sale in January, stock up on what looks good. Frozen fruit and veg are picked when ripe, then frozen, maintaining their nutrients better than a lot of fresh stuff you can buy, that gets picked while green and then trucked half way across the world.
    Buy bulk boxes of chicken and sort them into single serving freezer baggies when you get home.

    Try making a big stew with ibs friendly ingredients and freeze into smaller portions. One cooking session gives you quite a few meals. :)

    My favourite smoothie is a couple big handfuls of spinach, a banana, 1/2 cup yogurt, cottage cheese (16g protein!), almond milk or coconut milk, 1 tbsp peanut butter, cocoa to taste (tbsp maybe 2), a teaspoon of honey if you need it. Blend it thoroughly. You can't taste the spinach, the cocoa hides the weird green colour and you get a yummy filling chocolate treat!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I've had times when I feel that way for whatever reason, too. Try planning out your meals and buying the necessary things food items to make them. Know what you're going to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can even premake a lot of it, or carry shelf stable items around with you if you're going on. And because nothing sounds good anyway, only buy healthy foods. That way you won't end up grabbing something unhealthy.

    A good example is my roommates used to make a whole box of pasta and eat that for three meals. Just do it with whole wheat pasta and you're set with relatively healthy food for a few meals, anyway.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    For the rest of you that are replying with support and getting upset at the tough love, you probably think you're special snowflakes too.

    Because we're trying to be helpful and supportive, we think we're special snowflakes? Yes, that is a very logical conclusion.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Is your problem that you dislike eating, or that you're burned out on cooking? If you order a pizza after procrastinating, it seems like the 2nd option to me.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Yeah sometimes I have to do things that I don't like, but these bodies aren't gonna chop themselves up and walk into my freezer.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I don't understand how this is even possible. I wake up thinking of food, I eat something then I think of what I'll eat next. You really need to seek help, now before you get older and it gets worse.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    I don't understand how this is even possible. I wake up thinking of food, I eat something then I think of what I'll eat next. You really need to seek help, now before you get older and it gets worse.

    You could try reading the entire thread before you comment. He explained why he feels this way and the cause already. Good grief.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I don't understand how this is even possible. I wake up thinking of food, I eat something then I think of what I'll eat next. You really need to seek help, now before you get older and it gets worse.

    You could try reading the entire thread before you comment. He explained why he feels this way and the cause already. Good grief.

    I read the post. It was a bunch of excuses. But thanks...
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Yeah sometimes I have to do things that I don't like, but these bodies aren't gonna chop themselves up and walk into my freezer.

    Feed them to the pigs.
  • shmoony
    shmoony Posts: 237 Member
    For the rest of you that are replying with support and getting upset at the tough love, you probably think you're special snowflakes too.

    Because we're trying to be helpful and supportive, we think we're special snowflakes? Yes, that is a very logical conclusion.

    It's called empathy. Those of you who do not see how rediculous the original post was obviously suffer from a similar degree of narcissism.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Even though I got fat mostly by enjoying what unhealthy foods do to my brain and moods, I hate to actually eat, too. I think it's kind of gross. Especially since processed foods are really pretty nasty. Legally permitted number of insect bits in your pastry, anyone?

    If someone said to me, you never have to eat again, but you will never be able to eat again, and no tubes or anything like that were involved and I wouldn't feel hungry, I'd choose that in a heartbeat over having to eat every day just to live. It would save me so much time and money and bother and of course I wouldn't have to worry about my weight ever again.

    I keep hoping those clever scientists will come up with a way to make us all solar powered someday!
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    I don't understand how this is even possible. I wake up thinking of food, I eat something then I think of what I'll eat next. You really need to seek help, now before you get older and it gets worse.
    You could try reading the entire thread before you comment. He explained why he feels this way and the cause already. Good grief.
    I read the post. It was a bunch of excuses. But thanks...

    You read the post, but you totally missed his question and focused only on what you deem excuses and your advice was for him to seek medical help? You're a peach. In case you missed it, here is his question:

    what would you lot recommend, that i can make in batches, keep to hand, be easy to eat on the go and be nutritionally good for you?
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    It's called empathy. Those of you who do not see how rediculous the original post was obviously suffer from a similar degree of narcissism.

    Do you even know what empathy means? To have compassion, one must have a degree of empathy. That's a good thing. You're using it as an insult.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I get it, I'm not huge into eating...but I do eat, and I try hard to eat clean-ish. Okay, I admit I love chocolate, there I said it. But for the most part I don't get excited about meal times. Still I understand the nutrition requirements, and I understand the emotional crap that underlies some of my poor food choices. I'd take the advice given here and take one day a week and plan things out....then you dont' have to think.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    On all im really not that keen on eating food. Of course I still get hungry I just end up eating rubbish because I don't actually like the thought of eating.

    What kind of things should I eat.

    If I don't have to look for things and just grab what I've been told to eat then I can do that.

    After years of working in the kitchen my brain just turns off when it comes to feeding myself.

    After looking around the kitchen and walkin fridge at work looking at all the things I could eat. .. I tend to simply grab a pre baled Danish from the breakfast trolley after a good half hour or in the evening just procrastinate so long I end up ordering pizza with the staff.

    Seek professional help

  • shmoony
    shmoony Posts: 237 Member
    It's called empathy. Those of you who do not see how rediculous the original post was obviously suffer from a similar degree of narcissism.

    Do you even know what empathy means? To have compassion, one must have a degree of empathy. That's a good thing. You're using it as an insult.

    One can emapthize with a serial killer if in fact he / or she is also a serial killer. If I imply that you are showing compassion for a serial killer, yes, that is in fact an insult, and also the correct use of the word by definition. Compassion in and of itself is not always purely benevolent.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    Baby carrots..., apples, oranges, bananas, V8.

    Somedays (Wish it was more often) I don't feel like eating much. I don't think you should worry too much about that just try to grab a little something healthy so hunger doesn't hit you over the head later. Unless there is an eating disorder involved a healthy body isn't going to starve itself to death. If you eat the foods with high nutrition to calorie values I think it helps to avoid the junk food.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    It's called empathy. Those of you who do not see how rediculous the original post was obviously suffer from a similar degree of narcissism.

    Do you even know what empathy means? To have compassion, one must have a degree of empathy. That's a good thing. You're using it as an insult.

    One can emapthize with a serial killer if in fact he / or she is also a serial killer. If I imply that you are showing compassion for a serial killer, yes, that is in fact an insult, and also the correct use of the word by definition. Compassion in and of itself is not always purely benevolent.

    refusing to enable is not always a lack of empathy or lack of comapssion
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    It's called empathy. Those of you who do not see how rediculous the original post was obviously suffer from a similar degree of narcissism.

    Do you even know what empathy means? To have compassion, one must have a degree of empathy. That's a good thing. You're using it as an insult.

    One can emapthize with a serial killer if in fact he / or she is also a serial killer. If I imply that you are showing compassion for a serial killer, yes, that is in fact an insult, and also the correct use of the word by definition. Compassion in and of itself is not always purely benevolent.
    refusing to enable is not always a lack of empathy or lack of comapssion
    Enabling is quite the opposite in some cases. I wouldn't think encouraging self-destructive behaviour is particularly compassionate.