Why don't you bench?



  • I never used a trainer and I bench only have my husband to spot if I need it but usually don't. I bench 105lbs and have gone all the way up to 115lbs on a 1set 5reps once to see how far I could push myself. So to answer your question no women don't need trainers to bench.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    No one has ever shown me how...and I don't have a spotter. Hoping to change this in the new year.

    honey, love, here:


    You don't need a spotter to start out. Try it with dumbells. If you can do 20# dbls. Switch to the oly bar (it's 45# basically). You can add 5 lbs a week if you want. If you are at a wegiht that you are scared to up without a spotter, try upping your reps. Your one rep max is a function of how much weight you are doing and how many reps.

    And gimme a call in the morning and let me know how it goes :)
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I bench on my own, no spotter or trainer and I am up to 65 kg or 143 lbs (5 reps per set)

    So put that in your notebook!!!


    I thought my ORM was good until i saw this.

    i bow before your awesome pecs, delts, and determination!
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    because i can't afford a trainer and no one seems to want to assist or teach me.

    I am planning on purchasing the "NRFLFW" soon. I want to, I just don't want to do it wrong and possibly hurt myself trying.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    If you feel you need a spotter, I can't imagine anyone turning you down. No guy would, certainly.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member


    I thought my ORM was good until i saw this.

    i bow before your awesome pecs, delts, and determination!

    Thanks! My ORM at 19 was 60 kg, has taken me a little over 4 months of heavy lifting (compound lifts) to surpass my ORM as a teen and build up all that lost strength in the process. I am a biggish gal, no major definition yet, working on cutting the fat though ; )

    I wish more women did lift heavy...I seem to be the only one braving the "men-only" area in my gym and it is a large one.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I've noticed this too! I don't even know why really. I love bench.

    TBH I do know a few women that bench, mostly from MFP, but it seems to be greatly in the minority, even amongst those who lift. If I watch workouts on youtube of figure/bikini competitors even, they will do other chest exercises just not bench press.

    My best guess would be that you need a spotter. It's pretty much essential unless you're comfortable with the exercise and know exactly what you can and can't do. Even then, to do a weight where you're not challenging yourself because you can't get a spotter seems pretty silly to me if done on a regular basis. If you have a trainer then that's an instant spotter. Luckily for me I have my bf some of the time (all of the time when I first started out) and now that's I'm comfortable in my gym, I don't give a crap about asking others for help, as a spot. If I started out without my bf there, I might not have gotten into it.

    A second reason might be that they don't need to (unless they're powerlifting) One could argue that for legs, squats are the best exercise you could possibly do, therefore they're "essential". For chest, there are a million other ways to hit it just as efficiently.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    If you feel you need a spotter, I can't imagine anyone turning you down. No guy would, certainly.

    i know you aren't replying to me, but still...I still get the odd stare from (some) guys while I use the weight machines. Heck, I barely finished using one and some dude was about to plop down before I wiped it down. When he realized I had been using it (water bottle, towel, sweat marks) he finally asked "Are you done yet?" Really? They have benches - why are you using a machine for dumbell lifts?!?

    Blarg.... I really want to start, damn it
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I don't want to get bulky!
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I love benching!! I do it in my power cage at home, that's why no one sees me :bigsmile: I'm up to 90 pounds for 5x5 .
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    If you feel you need a spotter, I can't imagine anyone turning you down. No guy would, certainly.

    i know you aren't replying to me, but still...I still get the odd stare from (some) guys while I use the weight machines. Heck, I barely finished using one and some dude was about to plop down before I wiped it down. When he realized I had been using it (water bottle, towel, sweat marks) he finally asked "Are you done yet?" Really? They have benches - why are you using a machine for dumbell lifts?!?

    Blarg.... I really want to start, damn it

    My less evolved brethren might have to adjust to the 21st century, but that shouldn't be the majority experience.
  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
    I just started a powerlifting class, so I'm benching every week. Yes, with a trainer/instructor, but I find it helpful to have someone showing me proper form since I'm the kind of person likely to injure myself.

    I love it though! I'm in my second week and am up to 100lbs for 3x3. Feel pretty good about that.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I was actually thinking more above the lines of "chest/shoulders and triceps muscle aren't a glamour muscle" ;). This is why women would rather work out their legs and *kitten*, which i see happening very often.

    Not true, most women want nice lean arms, not flappy bat wings.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I don't want to get bulky!

    har har!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I have just started into the lifting part, but i am using machines to help until i get strong enough without. I don't have a trainer, and I do agree that most women are intimidated by the weights. Example, the y i go to most women go in and are on the treadmill or elliptical (i understand if you have injuries that don't allow you to lift or medical conditions) but i get bored after a while, even with music or books or whatever, and i venture into the weight area. I have seen maybe 3 women in total (granted i go in late in the evenings because that is when my husband gets home and i know he can watch our son plus have his wind down time from work) go in there and usually for about 10 minutes. Now, i will also say that i am just now getting back into it after 9 years because i was told I could never weight lift again due to the main nerve in my right elbow that i injured that caused (and still does occasionally causes) me to lose feeling from my elbow down (don't worry i do regain feeling). Some may not consider it to be lifting, but when my chest is hurting as well as my arms and abs from machines, I consider it a success.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    If you feel you need a spotter, I can't imagine anyone turning you down. No guy would, certainly.

    i know you aren't replying to me, but still...I still get the odd stare from (some) guys while I use the weight machines. Heck, I barely finished using one and some dude was about to plop down before I wiped it down. When he realized I had been using it (water bottle, towel, sweat marks) he finally asked "Are you done yet?" Really? They have benches - why are you using a machine for dumbell lifts?!?

    Blarg.... I really want to start, damn it

    barf on the rude dude.

    also, i asked an old lady to spot me. My gym has a geriatrics lifting program (YES MY GYM RULES!).... she knew what she was doing and she was squatting 45# with proper form! FTW!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I was actually thinking more above the lines of "chest/shoulders and triceps muscle aren't a glamour muscle" ;). This is why women would rather work out their legs and *kitten*, which i see happening very often.

    Not true, most women want nice lean arms, not flappy bat wings.

    Also, women tend to prefer lower body because we have naturally stronger lower bodies. Upper body work is hard. Logically, this should mean that we need to do MORE upper body work, but in reality, that's not what happens. It's discouraging to start with minimum weights and progress slowly. If there were no consequences, I probably would never suffer through the humiliation that is OHP for me, even knowing everything I know!

    (before anyone jumps and tells me that they are a woman who has a strong upper body- I get that there's exceptions, but in GENERAL, women have strong lower bodies and weaker upper bodies)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't bench because I don't have a bench or a barbell.
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    I love to bench, but I do it at home. I do 80# without a spotter. Sometimes I bench my children, I like to multi task :wink:
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Because of fitness marketing, women are less likely to lift properly

    I call bullsh*t on this.

    I lift properly without a trainer. Women are capable of lifting properly without trainers by themselves.

    I suppose that they should use little pink weights and wear super cute outfits while they work out too?

    I think you are missing his point altogether. He's not saying women shouldn't. He's offering an explanation as to why many don't. I think more women are these days but there is still the whole "women should not do weight training" thing out there. Look at all the threads where women say they are intimidated by going into the free weight area. Or they'll get bulky. Additionally, look at all the marketing material for programs like Insantity or Body Pump. It's all aimed at women.

    Good on you that you didn't let any of that stop you. There are still a lot of women who do let it stop them.

    Hope so because my other half carries more lean muscle than most men I see in gyms... whilst remaining very feminine.