Why don't you bench?



  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I was actually thinking more above the lines of "chest/shoulders and triceps muscle aren't a glamour muscle" ;). This is why women would rather work out their legs and *kitten*, which i see happening very often.

    Not true, most women want nice lean arms, not flappy bat wings.

    Also, women tend to prefer lower body because we have naturally stronger lower bodies. Upper body work is hard. Logically, this should mean that we need to do MORE upper body work, but in reality, that's not what happens. It's discouraging to start with minimum weights and progress slowly. If there were no consequences, I probably would never suffer through the humiliation that is OHP for me, even knowing everything I know!

    (before anyone jumps and tells me that they are a woman who has a strong upper body- I get that there's exceptions, but in GENERAL, women have strong lower bodies and weaker upper bodies)

    Overhead press is the DEBIL!
  • I am a girl and I have my gym at home. I bench 45 pounds every week alone. :wink:
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    To be honest, if a woman exercises for looks only and chooses to neglect chest, I can't really blame her. Pecs are hard for women to develop and even if they develop them, they don't look that great IMHO on a girl. Better off concentrating on shoulders, arms and back IMHO. I think the only reason for women to bench is if they want overall strength and don't want to neglect any areas.

    Developing your chest does more than just give you pecs. From what I've seen, the only women that have noticeably built pecs, are those who have not just built up sufficient muscle there, but also have a low body fat and not much going on in terms of boobs to begin with. Most of the time you just end up with a more prominent chest, and boobs that look firmer/more lifted.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    To be honest, if a woman exercises for looks only and chooses to neglect chest, I can't really blame her. Pecs are hard for women to develop and even if they develop them, they don't look that great IMHO on a girl. Better off concentrating on shoulders, arms and back IMHO. I think the only reason for women to bench is if they want overall strength and don't want to neglect any areas.

    Developing your chest does more than just give you pecs. From what I've seen, the only women that have noticeably built pecs, are those who have not just built up sufficient muscle there, but also have a low body fat and not much going on in terms of boobs to begin with. Most of the time you just end up with a more prominent chest, and boobs that look firmer/more lifted.

    Ahh there is hope yet for my girls!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    To be honest, if a woman exercises for looks only and chooses to neglect chest, I can't really blame her. Pecs are hard for women to develop and even if they develop them, they don't look that great IMHO on a girl. Better off concentrating on shoulders, arms and back IMHO. I think the only reason for women to bench is if they want overall strength and don't want to neglect any areas.

    Developing your chest does more than just give you pecs. From what I've seen, the only women that have noticeably built pecs, are those who have not just built up sufficient muscle there, but also have a low body fat and not much going on in terms of boobs to begin with. Most of the time you just end up with a more prominent chest, and boobs that look firmer/more lifted.

    Ahh there is hope yet for my girls!

    Heidi's totally right. I've lost a couple inches in the bust but my boobs actually look better now than when I started- rather than saggy from the lost volume.
  • mq68
    mq68 Posts: 118 Member
    I do... and I usually tell the lil boys to rack their weights because I am not there to clean up their mess!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I used to bench press 75 pounds, 3 sets of 10 reps. Half my weight and without help.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Exactly. The pectorals (being the major and minor) sit under the breast tissue/fat and so unless you get very big are invisible under the breast. My other half being an example of this - muscled but her breast hides any shape of the pectoral which may develop which may be unwanted by a woman.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    My "pec-cleavage" is the only cleavage I have. I like it. You can kid of see it here:

  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    BTW I don't bench atm due to a AC tear due to SQUATTING. Work that one out LOL
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    Exactly. The pectorals (being the major and minor) sit under the breast tissue/fat and so unless you get very big are invisible under the breast. My other half being an example of this - muscled but her breast hides any shape of the pectoral which may develop which may be unwanted by a woman.

    they don't want this to happen :laugh:


    Although Dana Linn Bailey has an amazing physique!!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    No one has ever shown me how...and I don't have a spotter. Hoping to change this in the new year.

    honey, love, here:


    You don't need a spotter to start out. Try it with dumbells. If you can do 20# dbls. Switch to the oly bar (it's 45# basically). You can add 5 lbs a week if you want. If you are at a wegiht that you are scared to up without a spotter, try upping your reps. Your one rep max is a function of how much weight you are doing and how many reps.

    And gimme a call in the morning and let me know how it goes :)

    I have been doing 1 arm inclined chest presses for about a month. I can finally do 25# without feeling like I am going to accidentally drop it on my head.

    I have been generally asking the trainer to at least check my form the first time I do something--that way I know my form is OK
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Exactly. The pectorals (being the major and minor) sit under the breast tissue/fat and so unless you get very big are invisible under the breast. My other half being an example of this - muscled but her breast hides any shape of the pectoral which may develop which may be unwanted by a woman.

    they don't want this to happen :laugh:


    Although Dana Linn Bailey has an amazing physique!!

    That didn't happen from JUST benching. Many bulking / cutting cycles where she eats 3000+ plus calories (just guessing) to gain muscle, hypertrophy lifting programs, then cuts down to 12% body fat with a calorie deficit. She looks much more normal with more body fat.

  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    You cannot post stage condition as a typical view on anyone. We hold that level of bodyfat for 1-2 days a year, tops. She gets much more heavy set off season!
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    There's plenty of women here who do compound lifts, myself included. No one sees me because I workout @ home.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    Exactly. The pectorals (being the major and minor) sit under the breast tissue/fat and so unless you get very big are invisible under the breast. My other half being an example of this - muscled but her breast hides any shape of the pectoral which may develop which may be unwanted by a woman.

    they don't want this to happen :laugh:


    Although Dana Linn Bailey has an amazing physique!!

    Maybe I'm turning into a meathead, but I don't think this looks bad at all.

    ETA -- I'd be pretty tickled if this happened to me simply by bench pressing.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member

    Although Dana Linn Bailey has an amazing physique!!

    I'll never understand those sort of competitions. What's with the tanning? What's with the oiling? What's the point of it all? I don't understand.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member

    Although Dana Linn Bailey has an amazing physique!!

    I'll never understand those sort of competitions. What's with the tanning? What's with the oiling? What's the point of it all? I don't understand.

    Tanning and oiling are done in order to make the muscle definition appear deeper and stand out more. Pale skin doesn't show definition as well and gets easily washed out under stage lights.

    The point of it is the same point as any pagaent-type competition ... which I'm not feeling eloquent enough to expand upon.
  • katz22
    katz22 Posts: 116 Member
    I dont bench because the increasing number of lbs would not motivate me. Working up to and learning a skill like a one arm press up intrests me much more.

    To answer the q about the tanning and the oiling. its just for the comp- to highlight the muscular development.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Tanning and oiling are done in order to make the muscle definition appear deeper and stand out more. Pale skin doesn't show definition as well and gets easily washed out under stage lights.

    To answer the q about the tanning and the oiling. its just for the comp- to highlight the muscular development.

    I see. So like any pagent it's not about natural development but an artificial reflection of reality?

    Cool beans.Thanks for the clarification. :) I honestly hadn't thought of pale skin not reflecting muscles well!