MEN are better then WOMEN at.........



  • noscalenoscissors
    ...sorry, realized it was better to leave this room than leave my reply.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    ...sorry, realized it was better to leave this room than leave my reply. left a reply anyway...DOH!
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Snoring!~ :laugh:
  • alohashley
    alohashley Posts: 78 Member
    rocking body hair

  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member

    I want to live in a world where people don't make bull**** generalizations about people based on their sex. It's no different than making generalizations about race. People are people. Some people are good at some things. Other people are good at other things. It's got nothing to do with your genitals. Perpetuating these generalizations does real damage to young people of both genders. It limits their potential and creates inner conflict between what they want to do/be and what they are told they should do/be. This thread is asinine.

    Does the fact that someone thinks that men are better at making decisions/fooling around with electronics/moving furniture/blahblahblah *really* detract from my own ability as a woman to do these things? Not in my world. I can still do pretty much whatever I want. And I'm not so insecure that I can't give a nod to the guys for the things that they really can do better. Try as I may, I will never have a nice-looking beard. sigh

    I'm taking this thread in the spirit that I believe it was meant. :tongue:
  • celestialbadger
    Making me /rageflip.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    men are better at ignoring people/outside voices...
    men are better at being mean and not feeling guilty afterwards
    men are better at making females mentally insane. bringing out the worse in females
    men are better at doing disgusting things and getting away with it
    men are better at getting jobs that make more money such as labor jobs
    men are better at having road rage while driving
    men are better at lying
    men are better at cheating

    what else do i have to say about this topic..... ? .... lol and now i dont like/trust any....... yet alone care wtf they are better at... u just caught me while i was bored....

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