new year GYM newbies argg get ready



  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Everybody's gotta start sometime. Maybe they'll see you killing it at the gym and be motivated, even though the original plan may have just been to lurk on the cable machines or bike and text. Give them a chance.

    When I first started at the gym a few years ago, I looked like one of those girls just lazing away on the bike for 5 minutes, or spending 3 minutes on the elliptical then calling it a day. You know what though? A few weeks before that, I was entirely paralyzed from a stroke. I literally could not move my arms or legs. Those 3 or 5 minutes were as hard then as squatting 135 is for me now. Probably harder, actually.

    Let's not judge those when we don't know their story.

    Thank you!!!

  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    Everybody's gotta start sometime. Maybe they'll see you killing it at the gym and be motivated, even though the original plan may have just been to lurk on the cable machines or bike and text. Give them a chance.

    When I first started at the gym a few years ago, I looked like one of those girls just lazing away on the bike for 5 minutes, or spending 3 minutes on the elliptical then calling it a day. You know what though? A few weeks before that, I was entirely paralyzed from a stroke. I literally could not move my arms or legs. Those 3 or 5 minutes were as hard then as squatting 135 is for me now. Probably harder, actually.

    Let's not judge those when we don't know their story.

    Same here. I walked very slow on the treadmill after my stroke. I was sure there were people there that thought I was just being lazy which made it even harder than it already was!
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    I know waht you mean about the gym after the christmas but I have to admit I was one of them but if you can stick with it even when its not going your way you can do it
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    MAYBE some would stay more if you actually helped them out, instead of being an *kitten*.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    the brand new matching clothes..
    the resolve that ends in a couple of weeks..
    The ones that I am scared for are the ones that go from nothing..then try to go gym called 911 10 times last January for newbies..just need to keep it safe!

    I always offer to help the newbies...the gym now has a mandatory orientation.
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 271 Member
    I hope i dont offend anyone. (Translation = I don't give a crap if this offends anyone)

    I think the OP is a bit of a ****.
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member

    Oh now this I love. I am admitting it. I've totally had the same thoughts and I don't care. I can't rearrange my schedule to go at 5am to avoid them. I have kids and work early. My only hope is that they prefer other locations of the Y not the one I go to too :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I hope I don't offend anyone but I totally agree. In the gym too. I don't want to seem arrogant or disrespectful but I get super annoyed when I have to wait for machines because all the noobies have decided to flock in. I have committed myself for the last 2 years going 6 days a week and screwing up my routine drives me bananas. Prove that you are committed then you'll earn my respect and I wont mind as much.
    For mfp, this whole thing of "support me, I need help, I need people to make me do this, I cant do it on my own" type things drive me up the wall too. Accountability people. No one is truly there when you make the decision to workout or not or eat those cookies. This is about YOU finding your own willpower. So, yeah, my friend additions will be pretty limited in the new year. It bothers me to put a bunch of my time and effort into someone who gives up so easily.

    I like your point of view and you made me think of this


    LMAO! Epic...hahahaha....

    And to the poster above the awesome image....Some people realize they have no willpower. Sometimes it takes seeing and learning from other people and getting told to get up and do something about it, helps nudge them to finding that strength that they never thought they had.

    I hope that the influx of new people both to the gym and to this site find that something inside them and stick to their goals and know that there are people both in RL and on here that will lend their advice and support. :) Who knows, maybe they'll stay longer than a month because they felt not judged and welcomed.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    There is nothing wrong with New Gym members. My only problem are the ones that occupy the good equipment and they are just watching the television attached or chatting on the AB-X chairs with their besties.

    thats who i was saying it to people think im saying to the good people im saying people who go the gym and lazy off dont workout text dont even break a sweat keep talking wastes time on the machines

    The ONE guy at my gym who sits around and texts/chats on the phone while hogging machines that others would like to use---is NOT a newbie. He's been a regular at my gym for years and must be working out some of the time because he's got the body to show for it. But...he is DEFINITELY not a newbie and should know gym etiquette by now--he's just a d$ck. That's why I find posts like yours to be silly---you're calling out all the so-called new year's resolutioners/newbies for bad gym behavior, when it's more likely to be the egotistical buff dude who thinks he's god's gift to women and tells people to go use a different he can sit there and continue a fifteen-minute conversation instead of using the machine. And maybe he's conversing with his doctor or something, so maybe I shouldn't judge him, but it's annoying as heck.

    And yeah, anytime you start a post with "I am not trying to offend anyone but"--it's really obvious that you KNOW you are going to offend people.

  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    Another thing that I did when I first joined the gym was to avoid going at the busiest or popular times. I created my schedule to not be in people's way that had been there for a long time. I also had a fitness member take me around and show me what machines did what and made sure when I had questions that I went to the employees and asked. It's about accountability to yourself and to the regulars. My biggest annoyance are the unsupervised kids but even that is rare because the employees are good about finding parents.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member

    Prove that you are committed then you'll earn my respect and I wont mind as much.

    you is baby jesus day and I am wanting to be nice and non judgmental and all of that

    but your kind of statement really makes me sad and angry and depressed and makes me wonder what would jesus do and I dont even believe in jesus but I believe in the message and I wish and I hope ...oh the agony

    which reminds me of a song by the greatest rock band of all time...

    "Hey hey, what can I do
    I got a woman, she won't be true
    Lord, hear what I say
    I got a woman, wanna ball all day"

    Really? It makes me sad and angry and depressed when people talk about religion (even though you don't believe in Jesus or w/e the heck you said) in these forums. It doesn't have a place here and you have no idea what my or other peoples religions are. To me, that is disrespectful.

    For the thing about " Prove that you are committed then you'll earn my respect and I wont mind as much." I meant every single word. Shrugs*** What can I say?

    I totally get the "how do they show you their commitment unless they show up". Okay, you got a point. I am being a little judgmental but I also still feel the same way. When all of the treadmills, elliptical and bikes are being used and I have to wait forever for weight machines every. single. January. it gets annoying. Its not fair to the people who have been working their butts off all year round and have their routines thrown up into the air because of the new people. Its simply not right.

    As far as me being psycho. Thanks! haha. I really actually do take that as a compliment. I say what I feel no matter what people think of me and if I get that strong of a reaction I must be doing something right :) Much love
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    Prove that you are committed then you'll earn my respect and I wont mind as much.

    you is baby jesus day and I am wanting to be nice and non judgmental and all of that

    but your kind of statement really makes me sad and angry and depressed and makes me wonder what would jesus do and I dont even believe in jesus but I believe in the message and I wish and I hope ...oh the agony

    which reminds me of a song by the greatest rock band of all time...

    "Hey hey, what can I do
    I got a woman, she won't be true
    Lord, hear what I say
    I got a woman, wanna ball all day"

    Really? It makes me sad and angry and depressed when people talk about religion (even though you don't believe in Jesus or w/e the heck you said) in these forums. It doesn't have a place here and you have no idea what my or other peoples religions are. To me, that is disrespectful.

    For the thing about " Prove that you are committed then you'll earn my respect and I wont mind as much." I meant every single word. Shrugs*** What can I say?

    I totally get the "how do they show you their commitment unless they show up". Okay, you got a point. I am being a little judgmental but I also still feel the same way. When all of the treadmills, elliptical and bikes are being used and I have to wait forever for weight machines every. single. January. it gets annoying. Its not fair to the people who have been working their butts off all year round and have their routines thrown up into the air because of the new people. Its simply not right.

    As far as me being psycho. Thanks! haha. I really actually do take that as a compliment. I say what I feel no matter what people think of me and if I get that strong of a reaction I must be doing something right :) Much love

    uh...I wasnt the one who called you psycho and the religous reference in relation to it being christmas day was being sarcastic and you being proud that you are judgmental ..well....good luck with that
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    This is why I lift weights at home and hit pavement for my running :D Gyms are for the weak haha
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Bet this guy is wishing he hadn't made this post.

    Best time of year for gyms hence why they have offers on. Out of every ten that sign up, only about 2 will stick it out, but they still benefit from 10, year long contracts, besides good to get new blood in

    im glad people are joining i regret making this post i made with good fun and not to offend anyone i know there are people who go and workout its the ones that waste 20-30 minutes on the machines're not alone in that regretting part, I think most of us wish you hadn't started a negative thread to knock others down.

    We all start somewhere.... no reason to keep trying to defend yourself, you wrote the post, now own it so we can move on!!

    Cheers for all the hardworking Peeps that hit the gym OR workout hard at home! I'm all for building confidence in new folks at the gym or those that left the gym for awhile and are making their way back!:drinker:
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