I need some love :(



  • m8605
    m8605 Posts: 102
    Again, everyone thank you very much.

    I'm I just want to share you her response I got just a little while ago after I told her this:

    "Its okay. Honestly it doesn't bother me. I just hope you can feel better about things. I am here for you as always."

    I won't be replying to this post anymore. Thanks again for the support.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Don't cry over any woman. They're amazing peeps but not worth crying over imho.

    "Actions are Judged by intentions". You had good intentions. Sometimes we do wrong things thinking its the right thing. Happens to the best of us. If you truly believe in your heart that you were trying to do the right thing, then let it go.

    As for her breaking your heart. This is going to sound harsh. VERY harsh. But being a nice guy isn't a quality. It is a basic feature. I mean if tomorrow you needed surgery, you wouldn't let anyone off the street do surgery on you just because he's a nice guy would you? No, you need Nice guy + somebody who's offering you something you need. Surgeon skills! Same in relationships. You have to offer other things. It doesn't have to be purely monetary or physical but something more. Are you funny? Once again, that doesn't really set you apart. Are you a sharp dresser? Now you're getting somewhere. Are you very confident in approaching stranger women? A quality not many people have, even the good looking, in shape ones.

    Work on yourself. If you feel like crying, well give yourself a day to cry and tomorrow get up and start being awesome. Because every nice guy deserves to be awesome!

    I know where you got this :-D
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Just try not to be like that in the future.


    life is about learning. now that you've learned (hopefully) that it's not cool to control people. you've probably also learned (hopefully) from this that you need accept people the way they are as they ar. if you can't do that and feel you need to change them or manipulate them to do things then you don't accept them and should move on to other people who do have the qualities you are looking for.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Feel like an *kitten* for what? No woman is worth crying over.

    Secondly, for the future, if a woman you're involved with is engaging in behavior you don't approve you better tell her right away. Establish your baselines right away. If they move out of line call them out on it. If they do it again, call them out in social settings. Happens even a 3rd time (which it shouldn't by now), then leave them.

    I've been in all kinds of relationships the past 10 years. And if there is one thing that I have learned, it's that being the uber nice guy and catering too much to a woman will lead to a ****ty relationship and a depressed state of mind (for the guy).

    Wow. If its ok to tell your FRIEND what to do just because she is female, you are not going to have a lot of female friends.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    You didn't want her as a friend.. You wanted to F her. Tried to control her. Thought that would make her want to F you too. That doesn't ever work.. She wants to party you don't. Find someone like you.

    You can't change anyone.

    How dare you.

    Haha. But that's exactly what you said, OP!
  • teryx123
    teryx123 Posts: 57 Member
    OP, here's an idea. It says in your profile that you are a sax player! How damn cool is that?? Try channeling your emotion through your sax and some woman out there in the audience will pass out! Give HER your phone number.

    One more thing. Your willingness to be honest with yourself is admirable. It shows a ton of potential. Some woman will realize that at some point. Trust me. I'm far enough down the trail ahead of you to know. :wink:
  • Richardonline
    Love is Very hard to Define but the best defination I can come up with is this: To accept another unconditionally and then to seek there good. Is that what you did? Be honest!
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Don't cry over any woman. They're amazing peeps but not worth crying over imho.

    "Actions are Judged by intentions". You had good intentions. Sometimes we do wrong things thinking its the right thing. Happens to the best of us. If you truly believe in your heart that you were trying to do the right thing, then let it go.

    As for her breaking your heart. This is going to sound harsh. VERY harsh. But being a nice guy isn't a quality. It is a basic feature. I mean if tomorrow you needed surgery, you wouldn't let anyone off the street do surgery on you just because he's a nice guy would you? No, you need Nice guy + somebody who's offering you something you need. Surgeon skills! Same in relationships. You have to offer other things. It doesn't have to be purely monetary or physical but something more. Are you funny? Once again, that doesn't really set you apart. Are you a sharp dresser? Now you're getting somewhere. Are you very confident in approaching stranger women? A quality not many people have, even the good looking, in shape ones.

    Work on yourself. If you feel like crying, well give yourself a day to cry and tomorrow get up and start being awesome. Because every nice guy deserves to be awesome!

    I know where you got this :-D

    Ha me too, a link would've been easier :P
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    OK Dude, here's a beer >>>>> "BEER". Let's talk. First of all, ask yourself this. Were the things you were doing REALLY for her benefit, or were they really so that you could get closer to her somehow?? Think hard and be honest! I'm betting that some bit of this was a play to keep her corraled and away from other guys. Any chance of that? At one time or another,lot's of us have done that stupid ****. You live and you learn a few things. First off, it's not your job to look after her. She has a right to make her own decisions, even if they are wrong. Secondly, nobody likes being treated like a kid. Put yourself in her shoes.

    You're not an *kitten*. An *kitten* would have no self realization of what happened here. If you keep this up, you will earn the badge though. Sounds like you are on to better things. Be a good friend to her. Be there when she needs you. Use her for practice so that you don't fall back into the same trap with the next lady. Get a grip on your emotions. This is your chance to become a better man. Take it!

    Here's the last part, and it hurts. Just because a women wants to be your friend doesn't mean she will ever want it to go farther. That's life, and yea we have ALL been there too. You just have to grow some stones and deal with it. You absolutely cannot talk anyone into loving you. Love is illogical. Her rejection was not personal, even though I'm sure it felt that way. If she thought you were an ashole she wouldn't even speak to you. The more you try to force love out of somebody, the faster they will run. You have to be confident in who you are and wait for a better match. You need to forget about a love interest in this woman and pull yourself together.

    If you really are a nice guy, you'll find a good match. It may take a while, but you will. In the mean time, if you find a woman that thinks the grass is greener somewhere else, then help her pack and give her a ride. Trying to herd anyone into a pen will end just like this one did.

    Not very loving I guess, but there you go. Now finish your beer and get back out there! :wink:

    Such tender, truthful advice. You're needed on about 100000 forums.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Feel like an *kitten* for what? No woman is worth crying over.

    You've obviously never met the right woman or allowed yourself to feel properly for someone. the right one is worth this and far more.

    And to the op I feel for you, just try to be there for her and let things sort themselves out, if the friendship is strong enough they will.

    my ex split up with me on the 28th Dec last year, and for a long periods this year we have had a strained friendship (I still love her, and she knows it), but just cos one of you has feelings and the other not (or in my case she doesn't any more) it doesn't have to be an end to the friendship. me and my ex have both had a lot to deal with for different reasons recently and finally in the last few months we have really moved forward. she has another bf but we have been there for each other, and the other day she told me i am one of her best friends, which I am truly happy about. yeah i'd like more but its not gonna happen and my wish to be friends with her is not with any conditions or expectations, and is totally genuine. I know there will never be anything more but I will always be there for her without question. if your friendship is strong enough, and more importantly your reasons for wanting to be her friend are genuine (not just cos of falling for her) it will happen.

    it took me and my ex longer than I'd have liked to do it, but the best thing you can do is sit down and have an open honest talk with each other and be completely open. then you'll know where each of you stands and can work forward from there. If she is still happy to be friends then you have to decide whether you have the right motivation for that friendship or if not hard as it is walk away, it wont help either of you in the long run if you don't.

    good luck, hope it all works out in the end.
  • zen82
    zen82 Posts: 81 Member
    OK Dude, here's a beer >>>>> "BEER". Let's talk. First of all, ask yourself this. Were the things you were doing REALLY for her benefit, or were they really so that you could get closer to her somehow?? Think hard and be honest! I'm betting that some bit of this was a play to keep her corraled and away from other guys. Any chance of that? At one time or another,lot's of us have done that stupid ****. You live and you learn a few things. First off, it's not your job to look after her. She has a right to make her own decisions, even if they are wrong. Secondly, nobody likes being treated like a kid. Put yourself in her shoes.

    You're not an *kitten*. An *kitten* would have no self realization of what happened here. If you keep this up, you will earn the badge though. Sounds like you are on to better things. Be a good friend to her. Be there when she needs you. Use her for practice so that you don't fall back into the same trap with the next lady. Get a grip on your emotions. This is your chance to become a better man. Take it!

    Here's the last part, and it hurts. Just because a women wants to be your friend doesn't mean she will ever want it to go farther. That's life, and yea we have ALL been there too. You just have to grow some stones and deal with it. You absolutely cannot talk anyone into loving you. Love is illogical. Her rejection was not personal, even though I'm sure it felt that way. If she thought you were an ashole she wouldn't even speak to you. The more you try to force love out of somebody, the faster they will run. You have to be confident in who you are and wait for a better match. You need to forget about a love interest in this woman and pull yourself together.

    If you really are a nice guy, you'll find a good match. It may take a while, but you will. In the mean time, if you find a woman that thinks the grass is greener somewhere else, then help her pack and give her a ride. Trying to herd anyone into a pen will end just like this one did.

    Not very loving I guess, but there you go. Now finish your beer and get back out there! :wink:

    ^^ Straight up, this is the best advice on this subject I have seen. It exactly fits experiences I've had of a guy-friend in the past, only he didn't pull himself together and now I don't speak to him or see him because he became scary with it. Be the unscary grown up kind of bloke and it will be good: you'll be able to live with yourself, and when you do find the right woman she'll be able to live with you!
  • teryx123
    teryx123 Posts: 57 Member
    OK Dude, here's a beer >>>>> "BEER". Let's talk. First of all, ask yourself this. Were the things you were doing REALLY for her benefit, or were they really so that you could get closer to her somehow?? Think hard and be honest! I'm betting that some bit of this was a play to keep her corraled and away from other guys. Any chance of that? At one time or another,lot's of us have done that stupid ****. You live and you learn a few things. First off, it's not your job to look after her. She has a right to make her own decisions, even if they are wrong. Secondly, nobody likes being treated like a kid. Put yourself in her shoes.

    You're not an *kitten*. An *kitten* would have no self realization of what happened here. If you keep this up, you will earn the badge though. Sounds like you are on to better things. Be a good friend to her. Be there when she needs you. Use her for practice so that you don't fall back into the same trap with the next lady. Get a grip on your emotions. This is your chance to become a better man. Take it!

    Here's the last part, and it hurts. Just because a women wants to be your friend doesn't mean she will ever want it to go farther. That's life, and yea we have ALL been there too. You just have to grow some stones and deal with it. You absolutely cannot talk anyone into loving you. Love is illogical. Her rejection was not personal, even though I'm sure it felt that way. If she thought you were an ashole she wouldn't even speak to you. The more you try to force love out of somebody, the faster they will run. You have to be confident in who you are and wait for a better match. You need to forget about a love interest in this woman and pull yourself together.

    If you really are a nice guy, you'll find a good match. It may take a while, but you will. In the mean time, if you find a woman that thinks the grass is greener somewhere else, then help her pack and give her a ride. Trying to herd anyone into a pen will end just like this one did.

    Not very loving I guess, but there you go. Now finish your beer and get back out there! :wink:

    ^^ Straight up, this is the best advice on this subject I have seen. It exactly fits experiences I've had of a guy-friend in the past, only he didn't pull himself together and now I don't speak to him or see him because he became scary with it. Be the unscary grown up kind of bloke and it will be good: you'll be able to live with yourself, and when you do find the right woman she'll be able to live with you!

    Thank you Zen, and everyone who has complimented me. I guess what I wrote struck a chord with many people. Hopefully it has helped. You are right Zen, nobody likes to feel crowded. Crowded = scary. Chasing a fish with a worm never works. Nothing creates attraction like a little distance. It allows both sides to feel like willing participants, and that works wonders :smile:
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    You are not alone - NO one knows about relationships...they are all different, they all change...they are can be GREAT or they can hurt...be strong - things will get better - (((hugs)))
  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member
    I have tequila, want some? And I like the guy's advice better than mine. :happy:

    ill take a shot omg tequila sounds amazing!!!
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    OK Dude, here's a beer >>>>> "BEER". Let's talk. First of all, ask yourself this. Were the things you were doing REALLY for her benefit, or were they really so that you could get closer to her somehow?? Think hard and be honest! I'm betting that some bit of this was a play to keep her corraled and away from other guys. Any chance of that? At one time or another,lot's of us have done that stupid ****. You live and you learn a few things. First off, it's not your job to look after her. She has a right to make her own decisions, even if they are wrong. Secondly, nobody likes being treated like a kid. Put yourself in her shoes.

    You're not an *kitten*. An *kitten* would have no self realization of what happened here. If you keep this up, you will earn the badge though. Sounds like you are on to better things. Be a good friend to her. Be there when she needs you. Use her for practice so that you don't fall back into the same trap with the next lady. Get a grip on your emotions. This is your chance to become a better man. Take it!

    Here's the last part, and it hurts. Just because a women wants to be your friend doesn't mean she will ever want it to go farther. That's life, and yea we have ALL been there too. You just have to grow some stones and deal with it. You absolutely cannot talk anyone into loving you. Love is illogical. Her rejection was not personal, even though I'm sure it felt that way. If she thought you were an ashole she wouldn't even speak to you. The more you try to force love out of somebody, the faster they will run. You have to be confident in who you are and wait for a better match. You need to forget about a love interest in this woman and pull yourself together.

    If you really are a nice guy, you'll find a good match. It may take a while, but you will. In the mean time, if you find a woman that thinks the grass is greener somewhere else, then help her pack and give her a ride. Trying to herd anyone into a pen will end just like this one did.

    Not very loving I guess, but there you go. Now finish your beer and get back out there! :wink:

    Yes ^ I had a "friend" like this about 2 years ago who I thought really just wanted to be friends. <---Notice I said had. But OP don't worry you'll get through this. Here is some love for you <3