Family saying I am getting too skinny when I am not?



  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Yes i have the same problem. It really annoys me. From famliy and even some friends. Why do people think they have the right to tell me how much i should weigh? If it were a problem i totally get it but even then, it should be done privately. I think its all jealousy.

    For myself, i was always obese. I weighed 277 before i changed my life. I was mostly in the 250s since college and gained more the past couple years because of kids. I guess my family was just use to me looking like that. Now i'm 178 lbs. Still overweight. But all they say is that im getting too skinny and i need to "stop now". They think im crazy that i want to weigh 145-155. And thats not even that low! I have no advice but wanted you to know you're not alone. I wish my family would mind their business. I just dont talk about it with them anymore.
  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    Im still 80 kilos at 172 centimeters, so still not in the HEALTHY range of weight and I often got told to stop loosing weight. i live with the most unhealthy host family, having to fight temptations and was only finally able to say no when I had gallstones and since then (a year ago now) i learned to say no anytime, and if they say I need to stop loosing I nod and ignore it. Ill stop loosing when I feel Im the right size
  • cheshire29
    Does anyone know why families fail to show support when it comes to fitness/losing weight/health?

    I think it's because they are overweight themselves but because they don't do anything about it they have to put others down for actually taking action...
    that's probably it, the people that see you a lot or what their used too is so different. My family asks me why I want to lose weight and I'm at 180# lol

    My parents are not overweight and said nothing when they saw me after losing 40lbs (240 down to 200). My mom used to say plenty about how I should eat better, now she doesn't know what to say I guess. I think depending on your situation it really depends. I would suggest trying to talk to them. I know after my last encounter I am going to bring it up the next time and see what they have to say.
  • gwicks54
    gwicks54 Posts: 201 Member
    I am 57 years old & I get that. I carry most of my weight in the belly which means I don't have much hips & I have a friend that tells me I need to stop losing because of this. I choose to believe she means well but I know my body and I know that my belly fat is unhealthy so I will lose until I am at a normal BMI.
  • RockandRoseRebel
    RockandRoseRebel Posts: 35 Member
    I don't think they truly understand what being healthy means, they associate being in shape as anorexic or having a eating disorder.
    ^That is my family. I think one of the reasons it's taken me so long to finally get motivated to make my body what I want it to be is because in my family for some reason weight is a taboo subject and if you're fat, you don't actually DO anything about it because you're not fat (even if you are). Also my family has no idea what a healthy diet is. My mother buys lots of grain & dairy products and thinks she's being healthy because it's all whole wheat, brown rice, organic, whathaveyou, nevermind that protein and fruits/veggies are non-existent.

    Personally, I don't like anyone commenting on my body. I don't care if they're commenting favorably on lost weight, telling me I need to lose more, or that I need to stop, I don't want to hear it. It's mine and I'll do what I want with it. Furthermore I'm pretty sure that if I when I get down to the size I want, somebody is going to tell me I'm too skinny. Most likely because for one thing I'm tall so I'll look different than a shorter person wearing the same size, and also because no one has ever actually SEEN me that small because I've had a weight problem for what seems like forever (really only from around 16 on, when I stopped growing but kept eating like I was and then tried to compensate by starving...yeah that doesn't work, but it only took me four years to figure it out /sarcasm).

    But I'm not going to let anybody's opinion get to me. I've done my research, I'm smart. I'm not married to a particular number on the scale, and I'm confident in my ability to be able to find a healthy weight. I know what's a healthy range for BMI and body fat and I know what's going overboard/dipping into eating disorder territory, so nobody's else's perception matters as long as I have science and math on my side.