skinny fat?



  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    I know its straightforward. I just like seeing the different answers people may give me so i can find what works for me best

    Your goal is to look toned, right?

    Lift heavy. There are no other answers, just people hemming and hawing over details.

    Check out Stronglifts or Starting Strength. Or both! You will learn boatloads in just a day or two of reading, and then you can apply that knowledge yourself. The great thing with lifting is you will see results pretty quickly. 2 weeks, then a month, then 2 months, then 6 months later you look like a whole different person.
  • lilteeraw
    Okay sweet. Ill have to buy heavier weights
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I know its straightforward. I just like seeing the different answers people may give me so i can find what works for me best

    Your goal is to look toned, right?

    Lift heavy. There are no other answers, just people hemming and hawing over details.

    Check out Stronglifts or Starting Strength. Or both! You will learn boatloads in just a day or two of reading, and then you can apply that knowledge yourself. The great thing with lifting is you will see results pretty quickly. 2 weeks, then a month, then 2 months, then 6 months later you look like a whole different person.

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm not sure if this helps or not to share as a frame of reference for how much more you could be eating. I am 5'2", I weigh 100 pounds. I am naturally small framed, I have always been small, I don't think anyone should try and be smaller than is natural for them, and I would be fine if I gained a little, but I see my doctor regularly and she said I am healthy and not underweight (because I've always been small and so are the people in my family). I eat 1950 to 2300 calories a day, and I am 34 (which would mean that my metabolism should be lower than someone as young as you). I do not do much cardio and any cardio I do is built into my life and very low intensity. I walk to get places, do yoga, and dance (the dancing is similar to yoga, not zumba). I have done strength training for a long time, but usually with machines. Six months ago I started free weights (at the gym because they have such a wide range of weights to be able to increase as needed) and I am so happy with the results. You are getting good advice here from people that know more than I do (I am also still learning). I just wanted to share my experience with you. And I agree that you are slender and not at all "skinny fat". You are beautiful and I hope you will be able to embrace that.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Okay sweet. Ill have to buy heavier weights

    If you have the option, check out a local gym but don't get a contract. Just go for a day. Most gyms let you try them out free for a day or maybe for $10 for the day.

    What you're really doing there is learning what weights you can lift. This way you don't waste money on weights that are too light or too heavy.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
  • lilteeraw
    Aww thanks everyone. I love all this input.
    Ill need as much as possible:)
  • lilteeraw
    I have a gym membership but also like lifting at home:)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I suggest you seek professional help, this is not the first time you have posted such a topic and you will get the same kinds of responses as you did on the other occasion.
  • lilteeraw
    I like getting as much advice as possible
    And as you can see i am asking for help by posting.
    Im well aware that i need to eat more and im working on it
  • roxbox2013
    roxbox2013 Posts: 95 Member
    I understand completely what you mean. I feel like I'm "skinny fat" as well, mostly because I can't even bench the bar. I'm incredibly weak and I have some room to tone up.

    If there's any chance you may have an ED, I do highly suggest seeking professional help. :) You look amazing as is!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    If you're tracking accurately at the moment, you're doing okay on your eating. You could happily eat more; I think especially when you're young the focus should be on moving more rather than eating less, but it's a work in progress. To reduce bodyfat, eat at a very minor deficit and do resistance training. To gain muscle, eat at a small surplus to your maintenance and do resistance training.

    Heavy lifting is the most time-effective method of getting stronger and achieving either of the above, but if you feel you need to build up to it, work on bodyweight exercises or similar.
  • lilteeraw
    Ok... i was just looking at myself in the mirror.and maybe i do have an ED cause i feel fat:( poop
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Ok... i was just looking at myself in the mirror.and maybe i do have an ED cause i feel fat:( poop
    That's Body Dysmorphia rather than an ED, I think. I'm no expert though.

    If you want to lower bodyfat, your info is all here. It's a battle you can win if you eat properly and work hard :)
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    Ok hun if you are looking in the mirror and seeing fat then I would think you may be having a hard time. I am the same height and weight (110) and I am only 14-15% fat.......... so far from fat. If you are looking in the mirror and see fat then I am concerned for you =( Maybe talking to someone is best!!
  • lilteeraw
    Im concerned for myself too:(
    I wanna see myself as skinny
  • lilteeraw
    Idk how to on blogs. Im on my phone
  • roxbox2013
    roxbox2013 Posts: 95 Member
    Ok... i was just looking at myself in the mirror.and maybe i do have an ED cause i feel fat:( poop
    That's Body Dysmorphia rather than an ED, I think. I'm no expert though.

    If you want to lower bodyfat, your info is all here. It's a battle you can win if you eat properly and work hard :)

    You're right, that's BDD. But often people with BDD have an eating disorder and vice versa.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    i am the same way.. tiny but extra fat in belly area...... u need to maybe eat less... i eat 1200 calories or 1300....
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    Everyone keeps on saying she has perception disorder. Maybe she doesn't. Maybe she just thinks when she can grab her skin she's fat. This can happen at any body fat level, maybe she doesn't know this.

    You guys sound like a bunch of psychologist. You go see one and you come out with more disorders than what you originally had.
    YES u go boy lol!!