

  • Chantelle160
    Great Job leeslim4life. Day 25 on Level 3 is awesome!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member

    The new thread will actually start on Thursday as Wednesday is DAY 10 and should be completed at the current level...

    Sorry about that!
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Just finished L1D9!!!! I can't believe tomorrow will be 10 days!!! And I actually stuck to it for the whole 10 days! During the end of the second circuit today, the back of my leg started hurting. A tendon or my hamstring I don't know but it feels really tight and I tried stretching it extra after the workout. Hopefully with some more stretching and a nice hot shower it will feel better. I'm definitely looking forward to tomorrow being the end of this level, like many of you have said being able to recite the whole thing is getting annoying!

    So are we doing our measurements and weight on thursday in the new thread?
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Just finished L1D9!!!! I can't believe tomorrow will be 10 days!!! And I actually stuck to it for the whole 10 days! During the end of the second circuit today, the back of my leg started hurting. A tendon or my hamstring I don't know but it feels really tight and I tried stretching it extra after the workout. Hopefully with some more stretching and a nice hot shower it will feel better. I'm definitely looking forward to tomorrow being the end of this level, like many of you have said being able to recite the whole thing is getting annoying!

    So are we doing our measurements and weight on thursday in the new thread?

    Yes maam! Try to take measurements at the same time as last time as I noticed mine, like my weight, are different in the morning than those at night!

    Cant wait to see all of your results!
  • apatrick23
    I just finished L1D9! Today I would like to say that kicked Jillian's @$$! I worked it out and it felt great! I can't wait to be done with this level and tomorrow is the last day!

    Great job everybody!
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    This Group is kicking MAJOR Shred *kitten*!!!!

    I'm so proud of you all for sticking with it!!! It's hard but, it's feels so good once you finished!!! I'm looking for ward to my Day 25 Level3. I am almost doing all of the 1st set of the traveling push-ups the regular way and so close to doing all of the Plank arm raise leg raise moves as well!!!

    Someone mentioned Level 2 being easier than level 1......who ever said it is right, Level 2 is hard but, not like Level 1!!!
    Keep on Pushing Ladies!!!!

    GET IT LEESLIM!!!!!!

    Day 25! AMAZING!!!!

    So are you serious about L2 being easier then L1?? WORD?
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    I just finished L1D9! Today I would like to say that kicked Jillian's @$$! I worked it out and it felt great! I can't wait to be done with this level and tomorrow is the last day!

    Great job everybody!

    CONGRAT"S! I look forward to celebrating with you tomorrow!! WOHOOOOOO GET IT!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    D25L3 is done & I did some shoulder, chest & Tricep strength training. I felt good until dinner. I had a nice salad with some cut up chicken breast and then after seeing and smelling the kids eating their tacos I went BALLISTIC. I scarfed 3 tacos down with out a care in the world until now....sitting here feeling full as heck!!!! And to top it off 160 over on my calories.

    I know tomorrow is a new day & I will come hard & not give into bad eating. I did get a great workout though, I'm happy about that!!!
    I am so proud of you all & hope everyone had a great day!

    I am bringing it Tomorrow!!!!
  • crmldlyte
    crmldlyte Posts: 64
    YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAWWWWWWWW! No I'm not from Texas but I just finished L1D9...count 'em 123456789 days straight of Shreddin'! Last day is tomorrow on Level 1 and just might have to treat myself to a lil somethin' somethin'! LOL

    GO HARD OR GO HOME!!! :glasses:
  • crmldlyte
    crmldlyte Posts: 64
    D25L3 is done & I did some shoulder, chest & Tricep strength training. I felt good until dinner. I had a nice salad with some cut up chicken breast and then after seeing and smelling the kids eating their tacos I went BALLISTIC. I scarfed 3 tacos down with out a care in the world until now....sitting here feeling full as heck!!!! And to top it off 160 over on my calories.

    I know tomorrow is a new day & I will come hard & not give into bad eating. I did get a great workout though, I'm happy about that!!!
    I am so proud of you all & hope everyone had a great day!

    I am bringing it Tomorrow!!!!
    That's OK Lee...I had a brownie and ice cream after Shreddin' excuse was I had to use up those extra calories...LOL
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    D25L3 is done & I did some shoulder, chest & Tricep strength training. I felt good until dinner. I had a nice salad with some cut up chicken breast and then after seeing and smelling the kids eating their tacos I went BALLISTIC. I scarfed 3 tacos down with out a care in the world until now....sitting here feeling full as heck!!!! And to top it off 160 over on my calories.

    I know tomorrow is a new day & I will come hard & not give into bad eating. I did get a great workout though, I'm happy about that!!!
    I am so proud of you all & hope everyone had a great day!

    I am bringing it Tomorrow!!!!

    Lee, you know you aint got nothin' ta worry 'bout! LOL

    You're doing great!
  • crmldlyte
    crmldlyte Posts: 64
    I just finished L1D9! Today I would like to say that kicked Jillian's @$$! I worked it out and it felt great! I can't wait to be done with this level and tomorrow is the last day!

    Great job everybody!
  • crmldlyte
    crmldlyte Posts: 64
    Just finished L1D9!!!! I can't believe tomorrow will be 10 days!!! And I actually stuck to it for the whole 10 days! During the end of the second circuit today, the back of my leg started hurting. A tendon or my hamstring I don't know but it feels really tight and I tried stretching it extra after the workout. Hopefully with some more stretching and a nice hot shower it will feel better. I'm definitely looking forward to tomorrow being the end of this level, like many of you have said being able to recite the whole thing is getting annoying!

    So are we doing our measurements and weight on thursday in the new thread?

    GO Jerzee! It's ya birthday (fiddy cent)! LOL
  • crmldlyte
    crmldlyte Posts: 64
    Alright now ladies.. PHEWWWW:bigsmile: I did it! L1D9 (9 Days straight)... I got up this a.m put on my workout gear just to psych myself out, I knew I wanted to do it, but its TOM and really it's kicking my butt!! :explode: BUT, I just told myself if I complete today, it's only one more day in L1.. SO I DID IT! :smooched: I feel better... 1 MORE DAY before Level 2!


    Can't wait to hear how you guys did today!

    Work it mmrose! I should sleep in my workout clothes that way I'll have no excuse...LOL I'm right there with you on the last day of L1!!! Can't wait til it's O-V-E-R!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAWWWWWWWW! No I'm not from Texas but I just finished L1D9...count 'em 123456789 days straight of Shreddin'! Last day is tomorrow on Level 1 and just might have to treat myself to a lil somethin' somethin'! LOL

    GO HARD OR GO HOME!!! :glasses:

    You are on fire!!!!! Burning those calories from the inside out! Keep kickin' *kitten*!!!!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    L1D7 CHECK. Phew...I had a really hard time waking up, and warming up, this morning. I almost quit after the warmup but I'm glad I pushed, it got much better once the blood started flowing. 16 girly pushups, then 18 on the bar. I am giving up on those anterior raises..I mean on doing both arms at a time. Or else I have to get some 3 lb weights...I dunno. I bet it would take me a month even from now to be able to do the whole set properly.

    I guess I have bursitis in my hip, since the x-ray didn't show a fracture or anything. I'm hoping I can get a shot or something when I go back to the doc on Friday..I hear they can give you cortisone to make the pain go away for months. Then I will get back to my C25K dangit! The elliptical machine is great and all but I wanna be a runner...waaaah!

    UGH! I hope you feel better soon, with whatever remedy necessary...and take a break if you need to! I can only imagine what kind of pain I would be in if I didnt! Shoot, I'm still in aweful pain!

    Feel better, darlin!
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    AHHHH dang...Girl Scout cookies are in!!!! I bought them awhile ago and now they are calling my name....ugh!!! I gave a box awaytonight at work...I still have 2 more...dang those girl
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    AHHHH dang...Girl Scout cookies are in!!!! I bought them awhile ago and now they are calling my name....ugh!!! I gave a box awaytonight at work...I still have 2 more...dang those girl

    I saw the Girl Scouts outside of the supermarket yesterday and looked the other way.. sorry Girl Scouts I'm on a mission :wink: .. I used to be a girl scout and HATED when people didn't buy cookies from me :sad: .. But, NOTHING tastes as good as skinny feels! (Although I don't know what "skinny" feels like YET but you catch my drift).
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Alright, ladies! Last day of Round 1!!!!! Kick *kitten*!

    Last Chance Workout!!!!???????

  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    L1D8 CHECK. I really powered through that first set of girly pushups. Did the second set on the counter which is lower than the bar so that's harder, right?

    We're having a customer visit at work this week so I was at the office for 11 hours yesterday and didn't go the gym last night. Instead I did a fittv show that was all stretching...40 minutes of it...felt GREAT. And no gym tonight, instead I'm going out for happy hour/dinner. So there I BETTER keep the Shred going :laugh: